Room 412

Room 412

"Maria" blasted from my radio from a CD my friend got from who-knows-what-band. I was going into my senior year. Jill and Ariel were my best friends and had been since 4th grade. I dressed and went downstairs. Soon the bus came, and I almost missed it as usual. I hated riding the bus, but my mom said that if I want to drive my car, then I have to pay for gas and parking, and with gas, hardly anyone could afford it.

I hopped onto the bus and sat next to a friend. When I got to school, I grabbed my books and went to class. I waved when I saw Ariel in my first class. I took a seat next to her and starting talking about each other's summer. All while the teacher was talking.

Ariel had her own fashion. She had a black dog collar and studded bracelet. She also had an Adline hoodie with her short red hair.

"KELSEY!" the teacher yelled. "Would you please share with us your conversation."

"I'd rather not," I said, hoping not to get into too much trouble because; after all, it was the first day.

"I'm sorry Kelsey, but I'm going to have to give you a detention to make an example out of you. This is not a very good way to start the year, and I don't want to start any habits."

I took the detention and rolled my eyes after the teacher turned her back. Ariel mouthed "Sorry," and I said, "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault, it's Mrs. Bitch's fault."

Later we had found out that her name was Mrs. Beeitch. I laughed. I found that I had a few classes with Jill and Ariel. We all had study hall together. After study hall, we started walking to our lockers. I groaned when I remembered the detention. What I really wanted to do was go home and relax.

"Don't worry about it, it can't be that bad," Jill said when she noticed the slip in my hand.

She had long blonde hair and wore a handcuff bracelet and necklace. She wore black and white shoes, checkered sort of. I looked down at my own shoes: they were lime green converses. I walked into room 412.

I sat down next to a boy with dark, spiked hair. He was really cute. When he turned to me, and the first thing I noticed was he dark green eyes that made me melt.

"What are you in for?" he asked.

For a moment I didn't answer. His eyes were like magnets; I couldn't look away. "Talking," I said.

"That's it," he replied, looking surprised.

"Well, if it helps, I have Mrs. Beetich. And you?" I said.

"For slammin' some kid into a locker," he explained. I recognized his voice but I couldn't seem to place it.

I had no homework, so I slid back into my chair and tried to think of where I heard his voice from.

"Hey you wanna get out of here?"

"Sure, but how," I said, wondering what he was up to.

"We sneak," he answered with a smile.

"I don't even know your name; why would I want to sneak out with you?" I said.

"My name is Billie Joe, now let's go while the teacher is busy."

I look over to the teacher; she is humming some tune I have heard on the radio and looking at a People magazine. I look back at Billie and say, "Ok, let's do this with a big grin on my face."

His face shows the same grin I had a few moments ago. We get up from our seats and look around the class room. There is only a one other classmate. He has a baseball cap on backward and is wearing a football jersey. He is sleeping, and Billie and I don't plan on waking him up. We tiptoe out of the room, our footsteps covered by the teacher's humming...