Status: Updated every Monday AND Tuesday OR Thursday

Witness Protection Program

Chapter 1: School

I entered the school forced to dress as nice as mom could afford (which was completely over the top). I had a button down long sleeved shirt, and hair that had been styled by my mom’s hired assistant and smooth unwrinkled khakis. It was sweltering hot in August so as soon as I was in the school I decided to modify my outfit. I rolled up my crisp sleeves and pant legs and I gathered my long blond and brown hair into a ponytail. I felt like I was in a movie while wandering the halls. People would stop and stare but then continue on. It was a small school of roughly 300 students. They all seemed to know each other. I smiled and tried to be friendly but I just received stares. I shrugged it off and made my way to the office. I already had my schedule but I wanted to do it like the movies and go get a real one from the office like on TV. I crumpled mine into a ball and stuffed it into my pocket. I opened the office door and walked in. There was a lady at the desk who looked like she was dressed as a student but as old as my mom.
“Why hello, dear. How can I help you?” She asked her double chin wagging as she talked. It was almost too exciting to bear. I had to hold in a giggle and stop myself from saying how much she reminded me of a movie. I cleared my throat and said in my best student-voice, “I am new here and I need a schedule.”
“Are you new? Let me take a look at you.” She said, “I know every student in this school.” She looked me over, “well I’ll be, and you are new aren’t you? Well what is your name?”
“Reb- er- I mean Erin. Erin Frost.”
“Oh you’re the one they were talking about earlier- they demanded we send a few schedules to your house…did you not receive them?”
“I-er- left mine at home.” I felt so cunning.
“Alright then- I will print you another one.” She pressed some buttons on her computer and the printer whirred and ejected my schedule. It was still warm when she handed it to me. Just then the bell rang. I scurried off to my first ever non-tutor class. I ended up going down the wrong hallway twice before realizing it was actually the right hallway. Then I discovered it really was wrong after entering the classroom and having the disgruntled teacher direct me correctly. The kids in the class all stared at me and I waved smiling at them. They all seemed so nice. I left and went to the correct hallway this time finding my classroom just like instructed. Ten minutes of my precious first class had already rushed by when I entered the class. The teacher stopped teaching and looked up at me. This class was history.
“Ah, there you are.” He said in a friendly voice, “I wondered if you were coming today.” He turned to the class as they stared. “I know we just started school a couple weeks ago but we already have a new student. This is Erin Frost.” He introduced me. The class just stared. One boy winked at me. I smiled and winked back. They laughed.
“Hey there. I am Erin, and I blew up two buildings before I was seven.” I figured that would be a good enough introduction for them. I hoped it would make me sound interesting. The class was silent at first and the teacher seemed at a loss for words. I then bowed to show I was finished speaking and went to take an empty seat. For the rest of the class the kids stared at me and the teacher would stop teaching every once in a while to look at me as if to make sure was real and not some strange creature that his mind made up. Every time he did I waved at him. The rest of the day went smoothly

I only got lost three more times during the day. In the movies they made it look so much easier to find their classrooms.