The Shadow

The Dreams

Then when the shadow grabbed me, I couldn't breath.

Then I tried to get away and I barely managed too.

I ran to the village and I yelled out loud.

" Is anyone here?"

No one answered and I continue running to the Larretta Bridge and it was already 9:00.

Then I fell asleep and I drempt of a little boy and behind him was his shadow.

When I tried to see his face, but when I got closer to him I suddenly woke up.

And I saw the shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I then ran away again.

"Oh come on in the morning OH GREAT"

I hate this morning it's the worst.

Then I ran across the Larretta Bridge and when I was about to be at the end of the bridge the rope broke.

Oh great. Not again the worst thing that can happen to me.

Then I fell down to the river.

Then I got caught in the riptide.

And at the end of the river was a waterfall.

When it was over I was all wet and I caught a cold.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa cccccccchhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Where am I , is it a dream? I don't know where I am

I think I'm at the Little Woods.

Then I saw the shadow standing on the waterfall.

I ran as fast as I could again.

The shadow jumped up and flew to me.

I managed to get on a rusted motorcycle and I rode away.

The shadow was following me to fast.

Then the motorcyle ran out of gas.

But when I looked behind me the shadow wasn't there.

and when I looked behind me I saw.....................