Only a kiss will tell

A kiss and I will surrender

The party may have been small but was still pretty cool. I was dancing along to the music with my new friends Ray Toro and Bob Bryar from the band My Chemical Romance. I was twirling and just moving like a mad man! I noticed that Ray was often watching me so at times I would shake my hips and dance rather promiscuously just to catch his attention. But he still made no move which disappointed me. After the song playing ended I asked if he wanted to get drinks. He nodded and we made our way into the house. The drinks were set up in a back sun room. We got there and the place was empty. I shrugged and walked around the bar taking out two glasses and filling them with wine. Ray snickered at my choice in beverage. I gave him a dirty look and stuck out my tongue.

"It just so happens I prefer wine to beer it is much more classy," I said throwing a chip from the snack table at him. He caught it and stuffed it into his mouth. I finished filling the glasses and turned putting the bottle back in its place. I turned back to grab a glass but grabbed for the same one Ray did. His warm fingers grasped mine and his eyes locked with mine. I felt him pull me around the bar and crash his lips on mine. I slipped my tongue in his mouth and gently massaged his tongue. He fell back on a couch in the room and pulled me on top of him not once stopping the kiss. I then rolled over so that he was now over me. He pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my hands behind his neck and pulled him closer as well. But then there was people coming so he quickly pushed himself off and grabbed his drink leaving me on the couch hurt and alone. I sat there a little while longer then got up grabbed my drink and exited the room to see Ray and Bob talking with their heads so close you swore they were kissing. Bob was running his finger along Ray's cheek. I was shocked as Ray returned this gesture by running his hand along Bob's waist. I was hurt I felt my eyes well up. How could he do this was he not about to get intimate with me not 2 minutes ago! I sniffed quietly but loud enough for Ray to look out the corner of his eye. I saw the smile fall from his face. I glared at him the tears gently falling from my face and I turned and ran back into the bar room and stood at the bar sobbing quietly. I then sat at the end of the couch and pulled my legs up and rested my face on it. But then I snapped to attention I heard Ray and Bob getting closer to the room. I quickly wiped the tears away and looked as I saw Bob enter pulling Ray by his hand into the room. I smiled at Bob as he waved merrily at me and waved back. Ray tried to smile at me but I glared angrily at him which made him look down at his feet. Bob looked between me and Ray with confusion and hurt for some reason.

"Ray whats going on?" he asked. Ray opened his mouth and closed it shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair. I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Yes Ray what is going on?" I ask in a fake questioning voice. He looked scared. He looked from Bob to me and back down to the ground.

"Nothing is going on," he mumbled. I shook my head and fresh tears sprung to my eyes.

"Nothing huh so our kiss meant fuck all to you huh?" I said the tears now spilling over and falling gently to the floor. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Save it its obvious you don't care about how I may feel for you," I said. Bob looked at Ray with hurt and a tinge of anger. Ray seemed to be thinking.

"Well you see its kinda hard but I'm thinking I have feelings for both of you for different reasons but I think I have a way of figuring out who I want to be with," he said finally.
"And that would be how?" I asked. He looked at both me and Bob.

"Kissing," he said. I was confused and it seemed Bob was too.

"Come again?" I asked.

"Kissing its very simple I kiss you and then Bob," he said. I still did not get it.

"And that will help how?" I questioned.

"Well when someone has feelings for another they generally put a lot of passion into their kiss so if I kiss both of you I can tell which kiss has the most passion in it," he said. I understood now slightly. He gulped.

"So what do you think?" he asked. Bob nodded nervously. I sighed and nodded as well.

"I guess," I said. He smiled weakly and stepped up to me and looked down into my eyes and I gazed back. He ran his fingers down my arm sending shivers through my body. He then lifted my head up and kissed my lips I allowed his tongue in my mouth and I kissed back with as much passion as I could muster. I really wanted to be with him so I let my feelings for him be transfered into the kiss. I felt passion in the kiss and smiled as I placed my hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. He then pulled away looking deep in my eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Now kiss Bob," he said. I was shocked.

"What why?" I asked Bob also seemed confused.

"Whoever I choose I still plan on being friends with the other so I just wanna make sure there is no passion between you two so there is no worry about cheating," he said. I never would cheat on Ray but I understand his concern. So I walked over to Bob and kissed him and let his tongue enter my mouth. We kissed but I definitely felt no passion in our kiss. We pulled apart and shrugged at each other. He nodded and walked over to Bob and kissing him. I watched and felt unhappy. From what I see there was a lot of passion radiating from the kiss. I sighed miserably he was for sure gonna choose Bob.

"It's OK I give up Bob you can have him it's obvious you guys are right for each other that's cool," I said. Ray and Bob pulled apart and looked at me with shocked looks on their faces. I smiled weakly.

"You guys just look so good and I can feel the passion from here I wish it was me I really do feel for you Ray but it would not work if you did not feel the same for me," I said and turned and exited the room tears falling down my face.I then felt a hand grab mine I turned to see Ray looking at me. He pulled me into a hug and I cried on his chest. He soothingly rubbed my back and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Sasha I figured something out after kissing both of you and that's if I can't have one then I won't have either so that led me to the conclusion I must be Bi-sexual," he whispered in my ear. I looked up at him.

"So now you can have both of us eh?" I asked smiling. He smiled and winked at me. He pulled away and held out his hand for me too take.

"Shall we then?" he said playfully. I took his hand and smiled cheekily.

"I thought you'd never ask."