Boys and Girls. Love and Heartbreak. You're In The Game.

Frank Iero's Point of View. Part Two.

“We’ve got her breathing, we just need to stabilise her now” Announced one of the paramedics. I sort of went into my own world then, it was just staring at phoebe and hoping that she’d be okay. Suddenly the ambulance stopped and the doors opened and they rushed Phoebe out. I followed feebly behind them, trying to figure out what to-do with myself. “I’m sorry you cant go with her at the moment, she’s lost a lot of blood and we need to stabilise her right now sir, I promise you when we’ve done all we can do I will come and find you.” said one of the paramedics.

I stood there alone in the hospital, possibly loosing my best friend. My hearts broken into a million pieces, my whole world has fallen around me. The only thing I have in my mind right now is you’ve lost her, you’ll never ever going to get her back, she’s gone, you’ve lost her. To be quite honest, I’m starting to believe that voice in my head now, even though I really don’t want to, I think it’s right.

“You alright sir? do you want to sit down somewhere? Sir are you okay?” Asked a rather short, rather round little lady, her name was Linda, as I read of her name tag, I guess she worked here. She seemed a nice enough person to care if I was okay.

“Umm.. I’m not too sure.. Um.. Yeah.. Can I wait here until they tell me if she’s okay?” I asked stammering at ever word. I looked dazed at Linda, she smiled at me and took me over to the waiting rooms.

“Do you want a drink love? looks like you could do with one” She asked kindly

“Um.. Yes please, that would be lovely, can I have a cup of tea please?” I asked still not really knowing what to-do with myself, I think she could tell I didn’t’ really know what to-do with myself, so she nodded and smiled and waddled away for a few minutes.

I sat there on my own for a few moments with a plain expression on my face, not moving, not even thinking properly. My mind just went blank and like I wasn’t sat in a hospital like I was somewhere else. Then I left someone shaking my arm, I snapped out of my day dreaming trance and saw Gerard next to me, along with Mikey, Bob and Ray. Gerard gave me a weak smile and I smiled weakly back.

“Come on Frankie, lets get out of here, yeah? Go home and get changed all nice and clean for when Phee wakes up, yeah?” Gee said smiling weakly and trying to be as nice as possible. I look down at my arms and torso and remember that I’m covered in blood. Out of the corner of my eye I see Linda walking back with a cup of tea for me.

“I see your friends found you then my lovely, well here’s you cuppa, now I suggest you just go and tell the people at reception that if anything happens to your girlfriend to call you alright?” Linda said smiling and walked off to help some more random people, such a lovely little lady.

“She’s not his girlfriend” Mikey said just as she was walking away

“If I had my way she would be..” I whispered to myself, but making sure no-one heard me, especially Gerard. I walked over to the reception desk and did what Linda suggested. I turned back round to face the guys, with a weak smile and sign of well, I’m not too sure.

“Come on Frankie, off home to get some nice clothes and get washed up yeah?” I nodded weakly. I felt like I shouldn’t go encase she needed me, I didn’t want to go actually. I felt a link to her like I had to stay there. Like if I left she’d know and think.. Well I don’t know. It just felt odd leaving her in the way she is. I guess there’s nothing I can do for her at the moment though..