Her Lipstick


His fingers ran along the neck of the guitar, playing the solo for Scream, "Fuck!" He yelled and she stopped the recording.
"It was fine," She mumbled, getting ready to record again.
"Baby," He breathed, "Just stay out of this. Let me just record it again...Jesus Christ," He muttered and began to play again.

The solo was almost done, but the again, "God Dammit!" He yelled and she stopped the recording. She sighed and the room became tense as Brian threw his guitar down and left the room in a rush.

"Zacky, you wanna try it?" She asked and he shook his head.
"I don't mess with Syn's solos. That's all I need is him getting all egotistical on me for the whole tour," He explained and she sighed.
"Well, Matt why don't we just run the finishing vocals and then we'll call it a day," She suggested.

Matt walked into the booth and put the headphones on before Anna played the track. He sang the last part of the song a few times before he was satisfied, "Alright, let's get outta here," Jimmy said, standing up and stretching.

Anna shut everything off and everyone left, except Zacky, "Are you okay?" He asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Zacky..." She sighed.
"I know when you're hurting, Anna...I've known you for six years," He stated matter-of-factly, "He doesn't make you happy, does he?" He asked.
"He makes me the happiest girl in the world, Zacky," She replied and he sighed.
"I just want to make sure you're okay," He said.
"I know," She smiled and he gave her a small hug.

Zacky got into his car and drove off with a wave to Anna. She locked the door and got into her own car to drive home. She felt a twinge of excitement in her heart, knowing that Brian would stay with her for the night.

She pulled into the driveway and and walked into the house, "Bri?" She called, throwing her keys on the table. She started looking through the mail when Brian walked in, "Hey, Baby," He said briskly, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

She looked up at him and watched him button up a shirt and buckle his belt. She watched him look in the mirror and make sure his hair was placed perfectly with gel. He rolled up his sleeves and put a large watch on and he turned to her, "Oh, don't give me that look," He said and started to look for his phone.
"You said you were going to stay with me," She complained.
"Baby, I couldn't reschedule. I'm sorry," He apologized.
"So is this person more important than me?" She challenged. He turned to her and kissed her forehead.
"Never," He gave a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"What time will you be home?" She called down the hall as he opened the front door.
"Don't wait up for me!" He called back before shutting the door and getting into his car.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stared at the closed door. She looked down at herself, "What's wrong with me?" She asked. She walked upstairs to the master bedroom and looked in the full length mirror.

She hadn't gained or lost any weight since she met Brian, so it couldn't be that. Her hair was always the same blond and she had the same light brown eyes. She had the same tattoos that she's had since she was sixteen.

She sighed and sat down on the floor and brought her knees to her chest and cried.

Brian walked into the restaurant and sat down at the table and glanced wickedly at the girl sitting across from him. She was younger than him by a few years, only being twenty-one, "Hey, Baby," He smiled and grabbed her hand across the table.
"Hey," She smiled.

She was wearing a little black dress, her deep red hair flowing over her shoulders. She had straight white teeth and blue eyes and heavily make-upped skin. Her fingers were long and bony like her shoulders and her legs looked like twigs. She was an up coming model that was looking for a big break in California.

"You look gorgeous," He complimented.
"You don't look too bad yourself," She smirked.

They barely talked as they ate dinner and drank expensive wine. They just gave each other lust filled glances. The waiter brought the check and Brian pulled out his credit card and paid, "Let's get out of here," He smirked.
"Your place?" She asked and he shook his head.
"How about yours?"
"We always go to mine," She pouted.
"Not tonight. I have friends staying with me for a while," He said and she nodded.
"My place then," She smiled.

Brian drove and the girl got into the passenger seat. He quickly removed the picture of Anna he kept on the dash before she could see it and threw it in the backseat, "Nice car," She smiled.
"Aston Martin," He grinned and revved the engine.

It didn't take long to get back to her place. But once they were there it was a chaos. Sloppy kisses were shared and clothing was thrown across the house. They didn't manage to make it to the bedroom, but they settled for the living room.

Anna sat up, staring at the clock. She knew that dinner never went as late as two in the morning. She signed and brushed the tears off her cheek and lay back in the bed. She turned so she was facing Brian's empty side of the bed.

Brian sat in his boxers and glanced at the sleeping model next to him. He stood up and put his pants on and buttoned up his shirt, not caring if he missed a few. He walked to the kitchen and helped himself to the alcohol in her cabinet. He poured himself some vodka and walked out to the patio.

He stood by the pool and watched the stars above his head and sipped his drink as he lit a cigarette. With a sigh he finished his drag before downing the rest of the vodka before walking back into the house.

She was awake now, putting her bra back on and slipping her boy shorts back up her thighs. She turned to him in her lingerie and smiled, "Leaving so soon?" She pouted.
"I have work tomorrow," He said, searching for his keys.
"You're a rock star. You have to work?" She laughed.
"It's not as easy as it seems," He said, still searching.
"What, go in and play a few notes then leave?" She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his jawbone.

He found his keys and put his arms on her shoulders before kissing her lips and walked out of the house.

He strolled into the bedroom as usual and undressed before falling into the bed with a sigh. In no time at all he was asleep and Anna was looking down at him. She tried not to cry, but the bright red lipstick on his jawline could have killed her.

She growled and grabbed her pillow and the blanket before rushing to the guest bedroom and falling asleep, not being able to see Brian's lipstick caressed skin.