Eden, the Dreamers Last Remnant

Chapter One

“Up, up sleepy head!”
I grumbled and threw the pillow over my head. I heard my mothers giggle as she took the pillow away. “Come on silly, you’ll be late for school!” She shook me gently and then stood up straight. “Five minutes sweet heart, you’d better hurry before your breakfast gets cold.” I let out an aggravated sigh and stumbled to the bathroom.
Throwing on some jeans and a band tee (Blink 182) I splashed some water on my face and looked into the mirror, pulling the skin on my face down so I looked like a zombie.
I’m a pretty average seventeen year-old. Average height, average weight, average grades. I come from an average family, who enjoys their Irish heritage. So, naturally like any average Irish descendant, I have average red hair, and light freckles that make me look too young. The only thing that sticks out on average little me are my purple eyes, which I’m extremely fond of I might add, because out of all my six older siblings, I’m the only one with them. I stretched, grabbed my back pack and headed downstairs.
My mother has a thing for Irish folklore and it definitely shows in our house. There are faerie trinkets and figures everywhere. On the coffee table, there’s a little carved lake where a Kelpie pokes its head up from the lilies, spying on two figures getting water. We have gnome statues on either side of the t.v. along with little elf figurines that dance on top of the television.
“How are Alex and Rory mom?” I always ask about my older siblings in the morning, being the seventh and youngest isn’t easy you know.
“They’re fine Lilla, same with James, Rob, Mary, and Tabby. Now come get some breakfast before I feet it to the goblins outside!” I rolled my eyes and wondered over to the kitchen. If there’s one thing mom can do, its cook. Just looking at my plate made my mouth water. “So, dad make it to work alright?” I managed to slur out between mouthfuls.
“Yes sweetie, now slow down before you choke on something.” I swallowed my eggs and stuck my tongue at her. She smiled and took my now empty plate. “You better head out darling, don’t want to be late do you?” I nodded and walked to the door. I grabbed my Chucks and laced them up, waving to my mom as I shoved open the door.
I let out a sigh as I breathed in the morning air. See, I walk to school, because I’m only a few blocks from it so I don’t see the point in driving there. I straightened my messenger bag and headed out, whistling tunelessly.

“What a beautiful day.” I smiled to myself as I padded softly along the gravel road. We live out a way from town, so I get to see a lot of greenery, which is fine by me, wouldn’t you rather see colorful flowers instead of boring, repetitive houses? I looked at my watch. Seven fifteen. “Good, right on schedule.” I usually arrive at school around seven fifty, so I was making good time. I can always tell when I’m half way there, because I pass the entrance to a forest. A forest I nicknamed Eden when I was about seven. I’d spent a lot of time in there as a kid. My whole family used to go for picnics and stuff there, and my siblings and I would play off in the trees, like we were of the Fey. That place always had a feeling of mystery and magic, which always made me extremely attached to it.
I smiled as I walked past the little fork in the road that led down into the trees. That was another plus to it, nothing man-made was ever used to mark the path in the forest. I’ve never seen such a free patch of land. I turned back to the road and kept strolling, thinking of all the fun games I’d played in the dense covering of those trees. I turned my head and smiled again. I jerked my body around, slightly uneasy. For just a moment, I thought I saw a silhouette moving between the trees. I stood there for a few more seconds trying to calm my racing heart. Then I whirled around and picked up my pace. “It was probably just a deer.” I mentally slapped myself and began to jog.

I felt the relief wash over my as I stomped onto the concrete front of my high school. It’s actually the first thing you see when you come into town. Just this big building that says Thorne High.
“Lilla! Over here!” I heard Rose shouting and waving her hand. Rein and April stood next to her. My best friends in the entire universe. I threw a smile on and scuttled over to them.
“we were wondering if you were ever going to show up.” April smiled and patted my shoulder. She had long brown hair, the same as her sister, Rein, except that where Rein had blue streaks, Aprils were green. Rein smiled and started walking to the school, her way of saying good morning. The tree of us followed after her.
“Isn’t it nice that all four of us have creative writing together in the morning?” Rosie looped her arm through mine and Aprils. She has short copper hair and glasses, and she may not act it, but she’s actually a senior like Rein, while April and I are juniors. So we were all ecstatic when we ended up having a class together. And to make it even better, it was a class about something we all enjoyed, writing.
Rein turned around a corner, the ever vigilant leader, taking us to class. Rose was still grinning and pulling us along. I looked over at April, who returned my sympathetic look. Rosie always has enough energy for all of us.
Rein finally stopped in front of our destination and held the door open for us.
“Thanks big sis!” April said teasingly as we filed inside, which made Rein roll her eyes as she followed us inside the classroom. We all took desks next to each other and waited for the bell to sound, signaling class to start. As it did, the teacher went to the front of the room and cleared his throat.
“Alright, today I’m giving you all free range. No limits, no prompt, write until you feel you’ve reached an end. Anything that comes to mind. Okay, pencils on paper, now.” He smiled at us all and sat back down. Everyone looked around then started writing. I smiled to myself as I began to put words on paper.
“Today is gonna be good.”

Four class periods later, I was dropping my lunch on the table. I plopped down in between Rein, who was reading and April who was stuffing her face, and miraculously keeping her phone clean while texting her new toy, Ravin or from Rein, Rosie, and I the “girl-boy”. Rosie came whistling over and sat next to Rein. I let out a long sigh. After creative writing, I had math, science then history. A real good schedule to tire you out.
“You seniors have it so easy, both of you only have like three classes!” Rosie smiled as April nodded in agreement with me. Rein let her reading glasses slide down her nose.
“Yes kiddies, but why complain, you’ll be just like us next year.” She raised her eyebrows, challenging me to an argument, but she had a point, and I was too tired to think of anything. She smiled and went back to her book. I sank back in my chair and ate my lunch.
April perked up.
“well, at least summer vacation starts today.” Rose grinned again and violently nodded, sending a tad bit of her yogurt flying. Rein smiled and shook her head while April and I laughed.
“Yeah, and only three classes left for the day.” I replied somehow finding energy deep down.

I smiled and shut my locker, repositioning my messenger bag. “Thank god today is over!” I stretched as Rein, April, and Rosie came around the corner. I instantly perked up and ran to them.
“Well some one’s in a better mood.” Rein smiled and patted my head. I looked up at her and smiled. “Who isn’t excited about break?” I replied as we strolled out of school and into the brightly burning sun. “I can give you a life home.” Rein said as she walked towards her car, April tailing.
“Uhm…” I stopped for a moment and thought about that shadow. “Yeah, that’d be great!” I raced after her and threw myself in the back seat.

I waved as Rein pulled out of the drive way. I trotted up the stairs to the porch and threw the door open. “Mom! I’m home!” I shouted as I unlaced my shoes and put them by the door.
“In the living room sweetie!” I laughed to myself, knowing her she was probably cleaning something. I wondered in and sure enough…
She was dusting her figurines.
“You’re home early.” She said with a warm motherly smile.
“Yeah, Rein gave me a ride.” I threw my bag on the chair. “That was nice of her.” She replied. I nodded, and she went back to her work. I decided to leave her alone and raid the kitchen.
I found some pizza and decided to call it good when I heard the door open. “Welcome back dad!” I shouted from the kitchen.
“Do you really need to shout?” He replied walking into the kitchen and giving me a hug. He was breaching the late forties, three years older than my mom. They both were almost completely Irish, and it showed, even though his scruff was turning gray, he still had a full head of fiery hair.
“I’m gonna head upstairs, okay? Call me when dinners done.” I ducked under dads arm and flew up the stairs, grabbing my bag from the chair.
I dumped its contents onto the bed groaning as the math book hit. “Seriously, who assigns summer homework?” I pulled it onto my lap and grumbled as I flipped to the page number on my notebook. “Guess its good to get it done now, so I have my entire vacation to have fun!” I threw myself back on my pillows and yawned, staring at the numbers.

“Sweet heart! Dinners done!” I heard my mom at the bottom of the stairs. I finished the paragraph I was reading and put my bookmark in, setting it down on my night stand. I jumped off the bed and stretched. It was already eight. I let out a yawn and tripped over my pile of completed homework, catching myself on the computer desk.
“That could have been ugly.” I laughed and headed downstairs.
“Smells good. What did you make?” I sniffed the air.
“Corn beef and cabbage.” My mom replied, setting my bowl at the table. “Man, I love being Irish.” I said, my mouth watering. My parents laughed.
“Just don’t choke on yours.” My mom said with a smile. “I’ll see what I can do.” I replied, shoving my spoon into my steaming bowl.
My father and I both let out a content sigh and patted our stomachs.
“Glad to see you’re both finally done.” Mom said with a laugh.
“You know your cooking is my only weakness.” Dad said as he stood to head to bed. “Night Lilla.” He whispered, kissing my head. “Night pops.” I replied, helping mom pick up dishes. I stifled a yawn as I put them in the dish washer. “Why don’t you head upstairs too. You look pretty tired.” Mom smiled and patted my shoulder. I smiled back at her and hugged her good night.
I threw my pajamas on and shuffled into bed, snuggling down under my giant comforter. I yawned again and curled up, glad that my stomach was full and I didn’t have to get up for school in the morning.

“Brrrr…” I felt myself drifting away from sleep and I knew my feet were freezing. I pulled them under the comforter and sat up, my hair sticking up at odd angles. I scratched my head and watched my curtains flow from the breeze coming in from outside. I groaned as I climbed out of bed to shut it. As it slide down I stared at the latch. It was still in the locked position.
“Don’t remember leaving the window open.” I grumbled and turned around. I groaned again and decided to head downstairs for a drink. I started to shuffle towards the hallway when I heard a thump behind me. I started to turn slowly, my heart in my throat. I finally got around, and it was just my book laying a few inches from the night stand. I went to pick it up, rolling my eyes at my idiocy. “Stupid.” I breathed out as I set the book back down. I smiled and brushed the cover with my fingers.
“Do not be alarmed.” I heard whispered from behind me. A bone white hand flew over mine, and before I could scream, or even let out a gasp another hand clasped over my mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew, sorry for all the jumping around so much, but I just wanted to get her home so I can really start the story! ^^