Broken Hearts And Last Goodbyes

We Don't Have To Fight Tonight

“I can reach my tomorrow! I can hold my head up high!” I sang as my uncle Nick, Kevin, and Frankie were cheering me on. “And it’s all because you’re by my side. When you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you love me, everything‘s alright, when you‘re right here by my side..”

My dad always wanted me to be a singer like he used to be, and I’m starting to like it too. My dad said I’m really good but I don’t think so, I’m not good as Demi Lovato or Miley Cyrus. Those were Joe’s friends, and also my uncle’s. My dad told me that they were really famous singers, but I never heard of them until he bought them up. I listened to their songs and admitted that they were pretty amazing, different than what everyone listens to now.

“Wow Nat, you were really good!” My daddy said getting me a bottled water.

“Not as good as you were before, you guys were awesome,” I said smiling at him.

“Hmm, you’re right,” he said smiling back and I rolled my eyes. “We always used to sell out shows, I remember when we had our world tour, Chicago was our first venue sold out, and we had many more.”

“Wow. You guys were lucky,” I stated thinking about how it would be like to be famous.

“Not really, being chased by crazed fans wasn’t fun,” Kevin said walking behind me.

“Ugh that was terrible,” Nick groaned next to me. “At least its HALF way over with. We still get chased though, but only sometimes.”

“Well bud, are you ready for camp?” My dad asked getting my luggage.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” I said taking my bag and leaving my dad to carry my luggage.

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold up girl, I’m not your slave.” he put it down and I sighed.

“You aren’t my slave until you pick up my luggage’s.” he started laughing and I turned around and smirked at him.

“Fine fine, I’ll carry them,” he mumbled and I smiled leaving the backyard. My dad was following me mumbling things whenever he tripped on a rock or a plant.

“Daddy, can you hold my bag too?” I asked him and he glared at me. “Sowwy.” I gave him my bag which had my iPhone, my makeup, jewelry, and my Twilight book. My dad gave me Twilight one day and told me to read it, he said it was about a human falling in love with someone you would never guess. So I just read it, and it sounds really good so far.

We finally made it to the front of my white mansion.

I gasped as I saw his private jet on the grass.

“Whoa, hold up. I am soo not going in that jet. I’m not gonna land on camp on that,” I spat as I crossed my arms.

“C’mon, this is better than a public plane. Please?” My dad said and I glared at him.

“If I’m landing at camp I won’t, but if I’m not I’ll go in there.”

“Fine. We’ll land you a block away.” he sighed and gave me my luggage and my bag.

“Thankies.” I kissed him goodbye and he left the yard. I got in and got settled in my seat.

“Ready to leave Miss Jonas?” The pilot asked and I nodded.

“Yes, and call me Nat, not Miss Jonas.”

“Okay. Sit back relax, and enjoy the ride to Texas,” he said about to fly the jet.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOO! Finally a chapter!! :D
Have you guys noticed that in myy descriptions I use lyrics from songs?
I used Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato for the prologue :D
And now it's Tonight by The Jonas Brothers! :D
Oh em g the concert was amazing! :D Itt was soo muchh funnn. :D:D:D:D:D
Jordan Sparks iss soo good live. And I thought Miley was gonna be there >.>
But she wasn't! !@#$%^&*
Thankies! :D