Broken Hearts And Last Goodbyes

Where's Your Gavel? Your Jury?

I woke up, yawning. I looked at the clock. 11:13 A.M. I need to get ready for breakfast, it starts at 11:45, I told myself. I got up from bed, seeing Krista, Fear, and Melanie crossing their arms smirking at me.

“Uhmm, hi?” I said and Krista lifted an eyebrow.

“Where were you last night? I woke up at like three and you weren't in your bed,” Krista stated and I stared at her.

“I went to the bathroom,” I lied and Melanie giggled, then Fear did.

“For five hours?! We found you in your bed at nine, but we fell asleep so we didn't see how you came in,” Fear announced and I rolled my eyes.

“I fell asleep in there, so are we gonna get ready or not?” I asked and they all left to get ready. Phew.

I got ready and took out my phone from its charger and read the text messages:

Two New Messages

Dad – Hey how's camp so far?
Me – Well..its pretty funnn ! (: I miss youuu )':

One New Message: Luke

Luke – Hey..when you fell asleep I fell asleep too, so when I woke up I brought you back to your cabin. And yes, I carried you. It wasn't that hard though. Cya at lunch.
Me – Krista, Fear, and Melanie are on to us :0.

We started to leave for lunch when my message ring-tone started going off. Krista, Fear, and Melanie looked at me and smiled.

“Who's the text from?” Krista asked getting excited. I looked at the screen.

One New Message: Luke.

“Uhmm..its from my dad,” I lied and they nodded, and we continued going to Mess Hall. Phew, again!

When they weren't looking, I looked at my text message.

Luke – haha. Really? I thought they wouldn't really mind it.
Me – Well they do :P next timeee I fall asleeeep take me to my cabin right when youuu notice it ! PLEASSEEE ! ;D
Luke – Haha. Ok. See you at Mess Hall.

We went to the Mess Hall, and I saw Luke sitting at a table waiting for us. I suddenly felt butterflies and nervous, but in a good way!

We sat next to him and Luke and I were both quiet while Fear, Krista, and Melanie were yapping away.

“So did you hear about the movie the Jonas Brothers are going to be in? Its going to be a big comeback!” Melanie yelled and I stared at her. No one knew I was related to them, but now I think its a good idea to tell them.

“What?!” I shrieked. I noticed Melanie was holding a magazine and I read it. A Love Story? Well that's lame.

“I can't wait to see it! How about you, Nat?” I didn't hear Krista, I was reading everything. The only person that new who my dad really was, was shocked also.

“Joe Jonas has the lead role?!” Luke asked also reading. “Wow..Nat did you know about this?” I shook my head.

“Why would she know about this..? The magazine came out a few days ago,” Melanie stated.

“Guys, Joe Jonas is my dad.”

“HE IS?! DO YOU KNOW HOW POPULAR YOU'RE GOING TO BE BECAUSE OF THAT?! THEY'RE LIKE STILL FAMOUS NOW!” Melanie and Krista shrieked but Fear yawned. I can tell she didn't like them.

“Maybe that's the reason I kept that a secret?” I snapped back.

“Why didn't you tell us?” Krista asked and I sighed.

“I was waiting for the perfect moment to tell you..” I said and Krista rolled her eyes.

“Yeah and I bet you told Luke,” Krista assumed and glared at Luke. Luke went white and I slammed my hands on the table not knowing what I was doing.

“Okay listen, I was seriously gonna tell you guys. Can we please drop it?” I asked and they all nodded, and I sat back down.

“People are staring at us..” Fear announced and I looked around and everyone was, like Fear said, staring at us. I groaned to myself and stood up.

“I was gonna tell them I had skittles, but I forgot,” I told everyone and they all started to eat again.

“Wow..” Luke mumbled and then we all started laughing.

“That was weird,” Melanie giggled, then we went to get our food. When we started walking back I saw two girls sitting at our table, talking to Luke. Lilah and Delilah, of course. They've had a crush on him ever since he started coming here and we always hated them and I think Fear will too because they're girlie girls. BIG TIME.

“What are you blondes doing here?” Krista asked rolling her eyes, I giggled at the comment and they turned around glaring at us.

“What do you mean? We've been here,” Lilah said in her I'm-too-cool-for-you voice, I always hated that too!

“Uhmm no, I believe you were in that corner over there, where the unwanted people are,” I snapped pointing at a corner. Lilah rolled her eyes and Delilah stepped in.

“We were never there,” Delilah stated and Krista and I groaned. She was really REALLY dumb, SHE WAS DUMBER THAN MELANIE! Wow..

“Wow you must have bad memory too other than being retarded,” Melanie said and I gave her a high-five. GO MELANIE!

I looked at Luke and he was just texting. Oh wow, nice help Luke.

“At least I'm rich,” Delilah said going up to Melanie. Melanie wasn't rich but she wasn't poor. She was regular.

Melanie rolled her eyes, ready to fight her. Lilah smiled and started to leave to get breakfast, Delilah following her.

“Don't eat too much, it looks like you're ready to blow up any second now!” Fear yelled and all of us started laughing.

“I hate them!” I shrieked and Krista laughed.

“You think I don't? Those girls are so...GAH. UGLY! THEY BLIND ME WHEN I LOOK AT THEM!” Krista yelled. “What do you think of them Luke?”

“Uhmm.. I think they're pretty cute..” Luke mumbled. Oh my gosh..DID HE JUST SAY WHAT I THINK HE JUST SAID?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh em geeeee. :0
ahahahaaa anywayssss !
I used Ignorance by Paramore
Idk if it relates to this chapter though..
ahahaaaaa (:
nataah ! :D