Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Furhter Notice .

Green Is The Colour Of Jealousy

Meeting Charlie Annabelle Baker

Fantastic, another day of school; my most hated thing in the world, apart from all those sluts who think that they are all the best thing God ever created.

I don't class myself anywhere near those sluts; I have my own catagory. In my catagory I am normal, well as normal as a person can look. In my class there is the Jocks, the Sluts, the Geeks and then there is me. Plus there is only one of me, which everyone seems to think that they are allowed to hang shit on me. Well they can't; and I fight back.

I'm not really the tallest girl out there, so there is another reason for people to hang it on me; and I'm pretty skinny. But I do eat, I never turn down a meal; I just have a fast metabolism. It runs in the family.

My name is Charlie Annabelle Baker, I'm seventeen, and I have been making mistakes for about 15 of those years. Music and family are a big part of my life, I wouldn't be here without either of them. Music helps me deal with things when I can't talk about them. My family? Well lets just say that my little brother Nate, still gets on my nerves.

Alot of people like to call me emo, or goth or any other sterotype that they can think of. I'm not any of those, I am my own person and I am happy with that. I do wear skinny jeans, band shirts and converse all the time, but thats just what I like. I listen to Metal, Screamo and Hardcore, but sometimes, I listen to softer stuff, it just depends on the mood I am In.
I just think of people as being jealous, because I was the one born with jet black hair that is always styled the way I want it. That my parents don't really care if I have snakebites, my toungue pierced and 16mm stretchers in each ear. Nor that I have three tattoo's.

I really don't give a shit what people say about me. But if I did, I probly wouldn't be here right now.
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I re-wrote this, I didn't like the description