Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Furhter Notice .

Green Is The Colour Of Jealousy

Say What?

I walked through the school gates, on another dreadful rainy day, as people were running everywhere trying to get out of the rain so that their hair and make-up wouldn't get messed up. I just strolled along at my own pace with not a care if my hair was going to go curly. It was all going so well, like any other day of my school life, I walked in and no one would talk to me. It was the way I liked it. It wasn't until I reached the corridor, when this really slutty girl, (well I think she was trying to be preppy, or something) came up to me and asked me something, that really shocked me.

"Hey Charlie." she said as she approached me.

"Um... Yeah?" I said, dumbfounded that someone was talking to me. Someone like her.

"I was wondering..." she started to say before I cut her off.

"Ugh.. Alyssia, that is your name isn't it?" she nodded and I continued. "Why the fuck are you talking to me?

"I am actually going to ask you a question." Alyssia replied.

"Oh, well get on with it." I said rolling my eyes, and tapping my foot.

"Okay, are you a lesbian?" Oh my god, she did not, no way. Oh my god, SHE DID!

"What the fuck! Why would you ask such a question?" I asked her, raising my voice and shifting my weight from leg to leg.

"Well are you?" Alyssia asked again.

"Fuck no, why would you ask such a question. I don't get it." still wondering why she had even thought it. It's not like i have a problem with people like that, its just i like guys, all muscly and tough...

"I was asking, because I haven't seen you with any guys." Alyssia commented, pushing the subject.

"So just cause you haven't seen me making out with a guy, you assume I'm gay. Well here's a question for you, have you ever seen me kiss a girl?" I said making my point well and truly clear.

"Um no. I don't think I have." Alyssia said quietly.

"Well may I suggest, you keep your thoughts to yourself, because I sure as hell don't want to hear them." I said, turning on my heel and walking in the other direction towards my locker.

I opened my locker and placed my bag on the shelf. (My locker consisted of all my text books, paper, pens, and a few other things, you know the basics.)
As I got my History books out for first period, I noticed people were starting to make their way towards their homerooms, and they didn't even have their books, actually I don't even think that they even went to their lockers. I was always organized, well so were the geeks, but that's to be expected.
I walked quietly over to my usual seat in the corner of the room, with the question that Alyssia had asked me, running through my head. I dazed off into my own world, as the teacher was marking the role. My world seemed perfect, no sluts at all, completely slut free, just the people that I wanted in my world.
I was just getting to a good part when I was rudely interrupted, by someone throwing a scrunched up piece of paper at me. If they were trying to get my attention, they had it.

"Charlie!" the teacher yelled from her desk.

"Yes Miss?" I answered automatically.

"Charlie, if you do not answer when your name is called, I will mark you absent." she said, staring deep into my eyes.

"Sorry Miss, I was daydreaming." I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is short, I know..
but hopefully my chapters will get longer...

Comments please...
