Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Furhter Notice .

Green Is The Colour Of Jealousy

Nice Shoes

As time rolled by I found myself scribbling all over my history book, most words were "Such Is Life." and "No One Cares." and just a bunch of random lines. I continued to do this until the end of class, because we had a substitute teacher and he wasn't really paying much attention. We were supposed to be watching a documentary on WWI, but no one really cared, I found it interesting, but I couldn't really hear the T.V. due to the amount of people who were either talking on their phones, or listening to music. There were people making out in the damn corner. Seriously how could you not notice two people sucking face in the fucking corner.

It made me wonder if school was even worth attending, even though I passed all my subjects, but I always passed English. I think I passed it because I love to write stories and read novels, and that's all that we did really, apart from the odd essay or two.

**bell sound**

Finally the bell rung for the end of class, lucky it was first break now, and man did I need it. Break was something I enjoyed, because no one sat near me and it was peaceful. I sat in the corner of the cafeteria, where no one else sat, I was just about comfortable when I noticed a large amount of people gathering around a particular part of the room. Curious as I am, I got out of my seat to see what all the commotion was about.

"You fucking stole my girl, you asshole!" I herd one guy yell. "I did not, you dickhead! She was hitting on me!" said another. Once I realized that they were only fighting over a chick, I started to walk back to my table, and continued with my lunch. The fight was soon over, with each of the guys going in separate ways, followed by their groups. As the crowd started to clear away, I noticed a girl sitting in a chair who was being comforted by some of her friends. She had tears rolling down her cheeks, and I knew that she was the one that the guys were fighting over.

Soon enough lunch was over, and I started to make my way back to my locker to get my science books. I really don't get why I have to study science when it has noting to do with what I want to do in the future. I carefully winded my way through the cramped corridor, trying not to be trampled. I saw a guy not much older than myself, picking up his scattered books off the floor. As I got closer I could see that he was a new student. So I decided to help him out.

"Here you go" I said handing over the last of his books as we both stood up.

"Uh, thanks" He said quietly.

"I'm guessing your kinda new?" I asked politely.

"Yeah I am, and I have no clue where the hell I'm supposed to be going" He continued.

"Well maybe I can give you a hand. I'm Charlie by the way" I smiled as I introduced myself.

"I..I'm Mikey, nice to meet you" He smiled back, holding out his hand. I shook it replying "Nice to meet you Mikes" We both laughed as I grabbed his timetable out of his hand and scanning over his classes.

"You have science now" I said with a smile on my face. Mikey looked at me with a confused look.

"I really hate science" Mikey replied looking into my eyes.

"Well you're with me, so it will be awesome!" I said louder than I maybe should have. Mikey's eyes lit up and a huge grin formed on his face.

"Well that just made my day" He added. "Okay, well I just need to get my books and we can go to class" I informed Mikey, as I started to walk off towards my locker.
As I had guessed Mikey was tagging along closely, trying not to get lost. As I was getting my books from my bag, I was thinking about how Mikey looked. How his short hair was styled to perfection with his side fringe covering his left eye. Those thick black glasses that suited him down to the bone. Mikey was a lot taller than me, and he was about the same size as well. Mikey was wearing black skinny jeans and an Anthrax shirt, along with green Converse. I really wanted to steal his shoes right now, but I have to restrain myself.

Mikey and I walked down to our science class, and we both sat in the back corner where I usually sat. The rest of the class started to turn up and I could instantly see that they were all looking at the figure next to me. Then and there I knew that I was going to cop a lot of shit from everyone, and Mikey would too.

I looked around the room and as I did, I could see everyone glaring in my direction. I decided that I didn't want to put up with them staring anymore, so I went to put my head down on my books, when I noticed that I had a note in front of me.

"Charlie I think that everyone is staring at us, it's freaking me out" I laughed on the inside to what Mikey had written then began to write my reply.

"I know, it's cause your new, dude" I smiled as I handed the note back to him.

"I hate being the new kid, it always feels weird" Mikey replied with a smile.

"Well, we can fell weirded out together, cause I get treated like that everyday" I laughed, handing him back the note.

"Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're my friend. I really appreciate it" Mikey replied.

"Hey Mikes" I said, giving up on the note.

"Yeah?" Mikey replied, looking over at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your middle and last name?" I asked, with a smile on my face.

"Nah, I don't mind you asking. It's Micheal James Way, but everyone calls me Mikey" Mikey smiled. I was just about to answer when the bell rang, and a huge amount of noise erupted as everyone started to leave. We packed up our stuff and began walking to our lockers, for lunch. We walked to my locker first and them I followed Mikey to his. "Hey Mikes, I have to say, I love your name" I laughed, as Mikey was attempting to unlock his locker, with no success. On his third try, when he stopped on the last number, I reached out and slammed my hand against the lock, and it popped open.

"Thank you, for the comment on my name, and getting my locker open" Mikey smiled.

"No problem, these lockers are always temperamental, you just have to hit them in the right spot and they will open" I said helpfully.

"May I ask what your name is dear Charlie?" Mikey asked in a posh voice, which made me just double over in laughter.

"Sure, it's Charlie Annabelle Baker" I replied, in between laughs. "What a lovely name, I do approve' Mikey said in a way that was like he was inspecting me, to see if I was good enough, but that just made me laugh again.

"Do you have any other friends that go to this school Mikes?" I asked as Mikey was shutting his locker.

"Sure do, I was going to meet them now actually" He replied, which made me look down at my feet.

"Well I guess I will see you later then" I mumbled, as I started to walk away, only to feel Mikey place a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Wait Charlie, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me to meet them?" Mikey asked with a face that not even a mother could say no to.

"Okay, if you want me to" I said in a reassuring tone.

"I would love you to. Now I said that I would meet them in the cafeteria. Do you know what direction that is in?" Mikey asked with the most clueless face ever, I just laughed and grabbed his hand, and lead the way to the cafeteria.
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Sorry it took me a while to update, but I'm going to do it more often hopefully!