Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Furhter Notice .

Green Is The Colour Of Jealousy

New Friends

We approached the doors of the cafeteria, and Mikey started to scan the area looking for his friends. "Ooh, there they are!" Mikey exclaimed, pointing to a table at the back of the room, while pulling on my arm like a five year old, who couldn't wait to go on the Ferris wheel at the carnival.

"Okay, okay Mikes" I said trying to free my arm of his grip, luckily he noticed and let go straight away. I began rubbing my arm when he dramatically kept saying that he was sorry.

We started to walk over to the table that four guys were sitting at. There was a guy with really short blond hair, one with the most awesome looking fro that I had ever seen. Another had shoulder length messy black hair and the last guy had hair like Mikey's but a bit longer with a side fringe and it was black.

"Mikey!" All the guys yelled out as we got closer to them.

"Hey guys" Mikey replied taking one of the empty seat, and motioned for me to take one as well. I did as I was told.

"Hey, who's this?" The guy with the long black hair asked, pointing in my direction.

"This is Charlie, she is in my class and she is awesome. I invited her to have lunch with us, so please be nice" Mikey said with a warning.

"Well nice to meet you Charlie, I'm Frank" The guy with the short black hair said, extending his hand.

"Nice, to meet you Frank" I smiled as I shook his hand. He had the most beautiful eyes, I had ever seen, it was like those hazel orbs were staring into my soul.

"I'm Gerard, Mikey's brother" The one with the long black hair said. I shook Gerard's hand.

"Mikey, you never told me that you had a brother" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh, I must have forgot" Mikey said, getting out of his chair to avoid an oncoming slap across the arm from Gerard.

"That's a real nice way to treat your brother, you ass" Gerard grumbled, getting back into his seat.

"Yes, but you love me, dearest brother" Mikey laughed rejoining the group.

"Well I don't know about you, but I would love to know who these two guys are in the back" I said changing the subject.

"I'm Bob" said the one with the blond hair, "I'm Ray, it's nice to meet you Charlie" The one with the awesome fro said.

"Nice to meet you all too, okay so it's Mikey, Gerard, Ray, Bob and Frank" I confirmed looking at Frank who nodded with a smile. "Sweet, so where did you all move from, if you don't mind me asking" I said scanning their faces.

"Well.." started Mikey "We all moved from New Jersey"

"Wow, New Jersey, what's it like there?" I asked more excitedly than I should have.

"Well lets see, unless you want to get shot, I suggest you stag away" Gerard replied harshly.

"Shit Gerard, you didn't have to be so mean about it" Mikey retaliated.

"Well you and I both know it's the truth, remember what happened when we were little?" Gerard replied.

"Guys, shut up!" Frank interjected. "Just leave it alone"

"Is that why you guys moved away?" I asked quietly, looking away from Gerard who was just staring at me, which started to freak me out.

"Yes and no. Mainly for a change of scenery" Ray spoke up. Okay so I gathered that this was a subject that should be avoided. I nodded back at Ray who shot me a small smile, as I thought up something else to change the subject.

"So what do you guys like to do on the weekend's?" I asked looking back over to Mikey, who seemed a bit more chipper than earlier.

"We actually all play in a band" Bob commented.

"Nice, so who plays what?" I asked eagerly, with a grin on my face.

"Gerard sings, Frank and Ray play guitar, Bob is the drummer and I play bass" Mikey said informally.

"I will have to come and watch you guys practice one day" I said quite straight forwardly, with a smile.

"We are practicing tonight, if you wanted to come over?" Mikey asked.

"Hold on o will just text my mum to ask" I replied pulling out my phone. "Sweet as phone Charlie" Frank said as I began typing to my mum. "Thanks" I mumbled looking up, to see Franks eye's staring at mine. I smiled, and he returned the gesture. I crossed my fingers after I had sent the message, and waited for a reply. I looked down at my phone just as the message came through, I opened it and I looked up with a huge grin on my face.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" Frank asked looking directly into my eyes again. I got lost in those hazel orbs of his when I almost forgot to reply. "Yeah it is" I smiled.

"Sweet" all of them replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update in two days, I'm impressed with myself...
comments please!
