Status: Currently On Hiatus Until Furhter Notice .

Green Is The Colour Of Jealousy

Blushing Twice In One Day, Is That Bad?

As time went on the school day came to an end. We all met up at the front of the school; where Gerard, Bob and Ray were already waiting. They were talking in a low volume, as if they didn't want anyone to hear them; but when they saw us they soon stopped.

"You guy's ready to go?" Gerard asked. We all nodded and began our walk towards Mikey and Gerard's house. It had been about forty minutes since we left the school, when I was just about to say that I give up when Mikey called out "Home! I see home!" I giggled and Frank turned towards me and smiled the most heartbreaking smile. That just made me blush.

Ray, Bob, and Gerard were walking a few meter's in front of Mikey, Frank and I. It was then that I happened to slip out another giggle, which caught the attention of the whole group. "What?" I asked as they all turned to look at me.

"What are you laughing about this time?" Gerard asked. "Nothing" I lied, with a huge grin on my face.

"That is so a lie" Bob smirked. "Come on, what's so funny?" Frank added.

"Fine, I will tell you then. I was laughing because when ever Ray takes a step, his hair starts bouncing up and down" I said quietly. Everyone turned to look at Ray, who looked absolutely clueless as to what was going on. It took a minute for it to click into everyone's head, but when it did, we were all laughing. Including Ray.

"When I first met Ray, I laughed at the same thing" Frank told me, which made me feel better; it made me feel like I wasn't such a weirdo.

"I wasn't being mean Ray, I just thought that it was; you know..." I smiled innocently. "Don't worry about it, after all it is quite the time filler" Ray laughed, patting his hair down.

After we all had our little laugh about Ray's hair, we continued to walk to Mikey and Gerard's place. Gerard led the way across the road and into their house. When we walked inside, Mikey, Frank and I walked off in one direction, while the other guys went another way. About half an hour later we all began heading down to the basement. as we got to the door, I could already hear Bob on his drums. Mikey opened the door and we walked in.

The basement was like nothing I had ever seen before, it was amazing. Guitar's and some bass' lined the side wall, while the drum kit took pride of place in the center at the back of the room, so it was the first thing that you saw when you walked in. Scattered around were some amps, mics and two couches. "Wait" I yelled, as I ran back up the stairs and into Mikey's room; to get my camera out of my bag. "I found it" I said, as I walked back though the door.

"What did you forget?" Gerard asked.

"I forgot to get my camera, now everyone in for a photo" I directed, they all moved into what I think was meant to be a line; which didn't work out too well. "Smile" I asked as I took the photo. When the flash went off, they all started complaining; but being me I just stuck my tongue out at them.

"Let me see the photo" Frank said, as he walked over to me and took the camera out of my hands. As he did so, his skin brushed up against mine; and sent a shiver down my spine. I looked up instantly with a smile on my face. God he was gorgeous. Those hazel eyes were just breathtaking. "That's a really good photo Charlie" Frank said, breaking me out of my trance.

"Uh, thanks" I replied. "Smile" "What?" but before I could blink, Frank had taken A photo of me.

"Ooh, hand it over Frankie" I said, holding out my hand. "Nah, I don't think I will" he replied playfully. I decided to dive for it, I almost had it too. Instead I just ended being tangled in his arms.

"Please can I have my camera back?" I asked innocently."Of course Charlie, why didn't you just ask?" Frank smirked, handing back my camera.

"But, oh never mind" I gave up on the argumentative side of me, something told me that I wouldn't have won that one. "Frank! Get your ass over here" Gerard ordered. Frank ran over to his place and picked up his guitar, which had 'Pansy' written on it.

Ray and Frank started to tune their guitar's. The subtle sound of them and the beat of the drums, was so peaceful to me. Soon after everyone was ready Gerard called out, "Okay everyone. Let's play 'Early Sunsets Over Monroeville'" I clapped my hands as they began to play.

"Late dawn's and early sunsets, just like my favorite scenes. Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen..." Gerard sung. He had a wonderful voice, not like I had herd before. They were so good, I couldn't keep still so I got up and started taking photo's of them while they were playing. Just as I took my final picture, the music started to die down and came to an end.

"I love it!" I yelled, as all the guys started putting their gear down. "Do you seriously know how fucking good you guys are!?" I said so fast, that I don't think they even caught a word that I said.

"Yeah we got that impression" Gerard replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, when you are all famous and shit; I will buy your album and jump around and go 'I went to school with these guys'" Everyone started to laugh now.

"Hey charlie?" Frank asked, stepping away from the noise.

"Yeah?" I replied, concentrating on my shoelace that had come undone in my fit of craziness.

"Were you taking photo's of us while we were playing?" "Um.. Yeah I was, I hope you don't mind" I answered.

"Not at all" Mikey interjected. "I just want to see them, is all" Frank said.

"No" I said. frank looked disappointed. "Not until I have printed them off" I added getting a smile from him.

"When will that be?" Ray asked. "Soon enough" I smiled, and walked back up the stairs to Mikey's room.


About an hour later, Frank and I were in Mikeys room chatting to him when a woman walked through the door.

"Boys, oh hello dear" She said politely. "Hi" I replied quietly.

"Mom, this is Charlie, she goes to school with us" Mikey spoke.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Seeing as your here, would you like to stay for dinner?" she asked.

"Um, yes please, if it's okay?" I answered.

"Of course it is, and please call me Donna, seeing as my son is to rude to introduce me" Donna smiled and tapped Mikey on the head.

"Thanks Donna" I smiled.

We walked out of Mikey's room and Frank led the way down the stairs. When we got to the dining room I noticed the three other guys were already at the table, and there was an older man at the head of the table. "Well hello there, and who might you be?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm Charlie; I go to school with the guys" I replied, giving him a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Charlie, I'm Donald. Mikey and Gerard's father" Donald said as he held out his hand. I Shook it responding the same.

10 minutes later we were all stuffing our faces full of the delicious food that Donna had made. Once we had all finished eating, all the boys and I went into the family room and turned on the T.V. Bob was flicking through the channels, when he suddenly stopped on Mr. Bean.

"Yay! Mr. Bean" I smiled. "I have another Mr. Bean fan!" Bob screamed excitedly, whist engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

"Bob! Can't breathe!" I managed to say. "Shit! Sorry" Bob replied.

"Don't worry about it" I replied; looking over at the clock. "Far out! Look at the time, I should be getting home"

"Would you like a lift Charlie?" Donna asked walking into the room. "Yes please, if you don't mind" I smiled.

"No problem, I will just get my keys" Donna said, walking back into the kitchen.

"Well I guess I will see you all at school tomorrow" I sighed, getting up from the couch.

"Yeah, looking forward to it" Frank smiled at me. I went around hugging everyone, leaving Mikey till last. "Bye Charlie!" Mikey said giving me a big hug. "Bye Mikes" I said waving at everyone walking out side to Donna's car.

We headed out of the driveway, listening to some shitty pop song, until we arrived at my house.

"Thanks so much Donna. Dinner was amazing" I said, as I got out of her car.

"Anytime dear" Donna replied, putting the car in reverse and backed out of my driveway.
I walked to my front door and opened it, ttrying as hard as possible not to make any noise.

"Charlie, is that you?" I herd my mom call from the lounge. "Yeah" I replied walking to the room.

"Did you have dinner?" Mom asked turning in her chair to look at me. "Yes, Donna made a lovely meal. I'm off to bed now, see you in the morning" I said heading to the stairs. "Love you" Mom called out. "Love you too" I replied.

I walked into my room and headed straight over to my stereo. I hit the power button and Pantera started blasting through the speakers. Lucky my parents decided to sound-proof my room, otherwise the whole house would be up by now. I left the stereo going and walked over to my bathroom; I needed a shower.

***20 minutes later***

I walked back out of my bathroom, to hear HIM playing. I dressed in my boxers and green tank, then piled into my bed. Settling in to what I hoped would be a good night's sleep.
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Updated On 'love of vengeance's request!!
