I Know It's Not Your Time

Scarlett Garcia has been by Jimmy Sullivans side since the age of 8. They were best friends ever since. It was your tipical she fell down, he helps her up story. As the years went on Scarlett and Jimmy became more than friends. So when Jimmy and Scarletts's friends start the avenged gang they stick by them and become apart of it all. So when Avenged become a litle bit more sucessfull and one of the most feared gangs in Califorina there's no backing out.

So when the Avenged boy's get themselfs into trouble the girls are hell bent on helping out and making sure that the boys do the thing right and clean. It doesn't stop there for Jimmy and Scarlett and Jimmy get's himself into more trouble than you can Imagine and when Scarlett finds out she takes matters into her own hands.

Does it help?
Does she just expose herself and Jimmy to more trouble?
Or will avenged have to step in and take controll?

I do NOT own avenged Sevenfold or Val or Gena or Lacey. I do however own the Hollywood gang, Scarlett and Tara and anyother non-famous characters.
  1. Chapter 1