You never know who you'll meet in a place like this

Anna Lisa.

I watched as cars passed by through my barred window; as I sat in my room alone. The doctors don't want me near the other screw ups and the screw ups don't want me near them; Everyone is scared of me. When I walk down that hallway in my assigned sweats and torn up Chuck Taylor's all eyes are suddenly interested in the floor then whispers begin to follow me, like I can't hear everything they say about me.

'She's suicidal, that's why she's here. Why do you think she's always locked in her room?'

'I hear that she sleeps with Lafferdy, you know the therapist, so that he gives her drugs.'

'This girl Jenny sleeps in the room next to her says that she hears her scratching on the walls at night like some kind of animal.'

I roll my eyes as I tucked my black hair behind my ear; No one knows why I'm here besides the doctors. I don't think it really matters really. Everyone is here for the same reason: To get help. Why not just leave it at that? So what if I'm quiet? Does that automatically make me a bad person? I'm not a slut. I'm a virgin to tell you the truth. No, that was a lie. A soft knock came from my door, "Anna Lisa," Nurse Kelly said poking her head in. "It's lunch time honey. You hungry?" I simply nodded slowing making my way off the stiff bed.

She gave me a warm smile, "There are two new girls here if you want to meet them. They seem pretty close to Gerard." Shaking my head I slipped on my Chuck's following her down the hallway with my right hand clasping my left wrist behind my back; Just like the doctors tell me to do. I know that they have close to Gee, they sit at our table. He's really the only one who knows my whole story. Vise versa. He came in a little bit after I did, total mess. Once we reached the cafeteria the room fell silent. All eyes on me. Frankly, I have no idea why I 'intimidate' them. All my piercing were removed so that I couldn't give myself anymore lacerations. The only thing visible were my tattoos, but you could only see those in the showers since I wear long sleeve 24/7.

I picked up an apple from the tray, examining it. "It's not going to turn into a snake and kill you sugar." I heard Gerard's voice from behind me. Rolling my eyes I turned to face him, "You haven't talked to me in a while Lisa." I shrugged trying to make my way back to my vacant table. "Why not?" I starred at him trying to come up with a good reason. Honestly, I had no reason other then I felt betrayed, abandoned. It's been a week since those girls arrived and not once has he asked if I wanted to join them. Just ignored me. "Is little Anna Lisa jealous?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hey Gerard, who's your friend?" A girl with jet black hair asked, "This is Anna Lisa, Lisa this is Riley." The girl smiled holding out her hand. I looked at it before letting my eyes trail up her arms; scars. I could see every single tear, emotion, story just by taking a glance at it. She dropped her hand, shuffling her feet. Gee gave me a look saying 'Be nice.'

"Do you want to join us for lunch? You seem kinda lonely over there by yourself." She said avoiding eye contact with me. I shook my head, not saying a word. I don't ever talk unless if it's needed; like with Gerard. But thats different, he's like my big brother. I began scratching my arm where my track marks are. The with drawl is getting easier and easier each day. "Nice meeting you." Gerard sighed, "It takes time for her to open up." I heard him say as I headed back to my table in the dark corner, just staring at the apple getting lost in my own thoughts.
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Comments are love.

So Long Gorgeous...