You never know who you'll meet in a place like this


Riley's POV

Rehab really wasn't helping I still had the urge to slash the flesh on my wrists.The drugs they gave me made me constantly tired.Plus I lost five pounds already because the food wasn't really vegetarian friendly.I had to wear ugly scrubs now because the bitchy nurse was getting on my nerves so I put them on so she'd shut up.

I often watched Anna Lisa eating her lunch while I sat with Gerard and Taylor.I wanted to invite her to sit with us again but the last time we meet she noticed my cuts and gave me a strange look.The last few days I thought of Frank.Gerard refused to tell me what he had asked.

I was now sitting on my talking to Taylorwhen one of the nurses came in."Riley,Kat called and said she couldn't come this week something about work."The nurse which I could never remember name informed me.Great no Kat for another week.My lip was in a pout when Gerard came into our room.
"Aww..whats wrong Ry?"he asked.
"Kat can't come this Saturday"I whinned.
"You can come talk to Frank and Mikey with me?"He offered.
"Thanks Gee I think I will"I said thinking of Frank.
"Hmm..okay I have to get a shower"Gerard said turning to leave.
"DON'T DROP THE SOAP!"I yelled as he exited.
"Funny"I heard him mutter.
Taylor and I burst into a fit of giggles.

Some while Gerard was back at the door.
"Are you two coming to dinner?"he asked.
"yep"we both said following Gerard into the cafeteria.

Me being my normal self bumpped into someone while not paying attention.I look up from my feet to meet the face of Anna Lisa."I'm sorry"I said.
"It's okay"she mummbled and turned to leave.
"Wait do you want to sit with us?"I asked quickly.
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xOxOXX - xoilymcrxo