You never know who you'll meet in a place like this

Anna Lisa.

I stared at the girl, I could feel Gerard's eyes burning into my head. I let out a sigh, "Maybe some other time." Turning on my heel I began to make my way to my table in the corner. "We are going to go see visitors after and Mikey's been asking about it." I stopped dead in my tracks, "Mikey?" I asked turning back around blinking. Gerard had this smirk on his face, "Yes sugar, Mikey." Biting my lip, I fought with myself. "What about Mikey?" One of the girls asked, "They fancy each other." Gerard said smiling at me. "If you sit with us you can go see him. You both haven't talked in a while, he misses you.. Candy." Rolling my eyes, a small smile spread across my face. "I guess I'm just going to have to sit with you guy's then." All three of them smiled leading to the table.

We talked all lunch break laughing telling each other stories until our faces turned blue, I forgot what it was like having fun. I glanced at the clock only a couple more minutes until they would be here. I gulped, tugging at my shirt. "Nervous?" I looked up to see Taylor smiling at me. I nodded my head, "I don't exactly have the best social skills." She nodded, "I've noticed." I placed my hand over my heart. "What gave it away?" Taylor giggled, her eyes flickered to Gerard who was throwing away everyones trash with Riley. "He's a really great guy, I'm sure he likes you too."

She looked startled at my comment, cheeks turning red. "What? No I don't. No." I cocked an eyebrow at her, "I may not have the best social skills, but I do know people. You like him, and by the way he looks at you when you aren't looking - He likes you too." Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "I also know that you felt threatened by me when you first saw me talking to him; I could just feel you staring," Her cheeks got darker. "It's okay, I mean if I was in your shoes and you were in mine I'd feel threatened too." Taylor bit her lip hesitant to ask, "You, you don't like him do you?" Gerard walked over to us, "What I miss?" I shook my head, "Nothing." I winked at Taylor.

"Ready?" Gee asked me, I nodded. "No, what if I say something stupid like last time?" I bit my lip hard. "You'll do fine! He's crazy about you and remember what he said last time?" I let out a sigh, "He said it was cute." Gerard nodded. "Now come on, it's not big deal. Just Mikey, dorky Mikey who wears star wars pj's, reads comics, and a coffee addict." I let out a dreamy sigh, "I know. That Mikey." See, I met Mikey through Ray - My cousin. Yes, I'm related to Ray. Anyways, he introduced us six months before I came into rehab, I had known Gerard for a month or so before he came in here too. I always make a fool out of myself in front of him, Mikey I mean. I'm a love struck stuttering fool. Mikey's no better though, "Go get em tiger." Gerard said, pushing me towards the table. "Anna Lisa?" Mikey asked, pushing his glasses up. Just as gorgeous as last time, "H-h-hey Mikey." I bit my lip mentally slapping myself.

"I missed you Lisa," Mikey whispered giving me a tight hug over the table. I gulped as we pulled away, Oh no. I covered my mouth as I felt the vile rise up in my throat. I held up my hand to excuse myself before running past Gerard, Taylor, and Riley who were coming in. I dropped to my knees in the bathroom; my hands shaking, skin pale. I held back my hair with my right hand as I emptied out the contents of my stomach. Flushing the toilet I pulled my knees to my chest. "God I'm pathetic." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. 'Can't you do anything right?' I asked myself. 'Seriously, I couldn't even hold it until after he left? I haven't seen him in weeks and I freak out cause he missed me!' I got up pulling my hair back again washing my hands and mouth out before looking at myself in the mirror. I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Mikey's never going to want me now."
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Comments are love. <3

So Long Gorgeous...