The Dream That Changed Everything

The Dream That Changed Everything

I have dressed for bed and turn out my lights. My parents are still downstairs watching TV and talking. My little sister Ally is in her room with her music on quietly and my older brother Alex is in his room on his computer.
No one is as excited I am about me going to be a sophomore this year. I’m so happy I could jump out of my skin but I have a feeling that would be very painful. Dakota already called me and said he wasn’t as happy or excited about being a sophomore. But that’s only because he barely passed in all of his classes as a freshman except art and drama.
Agh!!!! Abby stop thinking and go to sleep. You have to get some sleep for tomorrow; you have soccer to sign up for. My eyes start to flutter shut but a knock on my door quickly wakes me up. I look at the door in irruption. “What? I’m trying to sleep.” I moan out as Alex walks in and sits at the bottom of my bed.
Alex is a senior in the same school as me and he’s on the football team. “Abby, do you need a ride to school tomorrow?”
Really? He was bothering me about a ride to school. “No, Dakota is coming over and we’re walking to school together.”
Alex nods and stands up. “Ok, good.”
“Why?” I ask, looking at him as he starts for the door.
“I was just wondering, night sis.”
“Sure, night.” I turn over and close my eyes, trying to find that place that I was at and had rest. I find it and I stay there until the morning.

I’m running down the school halls. There’s no one here and all of the doors to every class is closed. I think I’m looking for someone, but I don’t know who. I think I’ve found them. It’s a boy with black hair covering his eyes; I can’t see any of his features on his face though.
I step forward and so does he, his hands are on his stomach over his white button up shirt. Once I’m six feet away from him, I can see that he has blood slipping through his fingers. I lift my hand and cover my mouth as I try not to gasp. His body starts to sway and I run the rest of the way and catch him. His body sends both of us to the ground but I soften his fall. I move his hair off his eyes and they shine the brightest blue ever.
“Help me.” He whispers but there sounds like there are other voices behind his as he speaks.
“What do I do?” I ask as a huge lump builds inside of my throat.
His eyes are pleading for me to help but I don’t know what to do. His skin is turning white and his lips are turning blue, he’s losing too much blood. I look around, looking for something to cover his wound with. He is wearing a scarf around his neck, so I lay him on the ground and take the scarf off of his neck and put it on the wound. I look at his lips as they continue to turn blue; he has snakebites and an eyebrow ring over his right eye.
I’m putting pressure on his wound but his breathing is ragged and his eyes are starting to shut. I lift his head up and make him look up at me. “No come on stay awake!! You can’t give up!!” I scream, feeling my tears fall down my face and onto his shirt.
He lifts his hand and touches my cheek; it’s ice cold. “Thank you,” he whispers and closes his eyes.
“No!! Wait!!! I can save you!!! Wait!!!!” I shake his body, but give up and lat my head on his chest. I sob on him until I look up and see him looking down at me. I stare up in shock, then look down but he’s still laying there. The twin of him standing over me. “Who are you?”
He points a gun at me and shakes his head. I gasp and look back down at the boy. I hear the trigger get pulled and the BOOM of the gun going off and my body falls on his.
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Tell me if I should continue or if you like it.