Knee Deep



"Look David, I'm done. I can't do this shit anymore. I can't be with you anymore. Enough is enough," A tall, dark haired woman said in an exasperated tone. This was probably the tenth time today she had to explain their terminated relationship.

"But Nika, please. I can change. Please." He started to beg, his eyes unnaturally darting around the grungy club.

"Nyet." She answered him swiftly, before turning on her very high heel, stomping away, leaving behind her very confused, and very high boyfriend (ex now) of eight years behind her.

"How'd it go?" A short, heavily tattooed man, leaning in the corner asked her.

"Like it always goes. He doesn't understand. He's too fucking high to get it." Veronika Vsevolod was growing very agitated with her ex boyfriends newly acquired clingy attitude. Her twin, Alexei let out a short chuckle.

"Sorry Nika." He shook his head. She glared at him for a second.

"Huesos." Veronika spat at him, before shoving him. "Shut up Alexei."

"Don't swear at me suka." He rolled his eyes, but patted his sister's shoulder. His dark eyes surveyed the little club, The Note. It was only ten minutes from their house. Rather, their parents home. Besides the youngest, Viktoriya, him and Nika were the only ones still living at home.

Veronika rolled her eyes at her brother, and turned away. She could feel David's eyes on her, but she looked away. She wouldn't feed into his bullshit. This was her last straw.

"I still can't believe I got the job so easily though." Alexei continued to talk, gesturing down to his new Security shirt.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything?" She asked him, rolling her eyes. She loved her brother to death, but he wouldn't stop rambling about his job.

"Jack Daniels. Water for you ma'am." He gave his sister a hard look.

"I know. Shut up." Veronika rolled her eyes, and walked away, leaving him in the dark corner, scoping out future trouble makers. She moved to the bar, pushing past various people, trying to get to the counter.

"Get the fuck out of my way." She muttered, elbowing and shoving people out of her way. This wasn't her first time at the local bar, but it was normally not as crowded. But as Nika got closer to the bar, she saw why. The famous owner, Bam Margera, and his merry group of faggots were collected around the counter, and people were grouping around them, trying to get as much attention as possible.

"Excuse me." She said, to a blonde guy, with aviators, and facial hair. "Can I have a shot of Jack and a water please?" Nika asked the bartender. "Take your time." She added, noticing the young girl's distressed face.

"I've never seen you around here." The blonde guy said, moving his shades to the top of his head, beer in hand.

"I've only been here a couple times." Nika explained, smiling at him.

"Well nice to meet you. Ryan Dunn." He extended his tattooed arm.

"I know who you are." She grinned but shook his hand none the less. "Veronika Vsevolod."

"Woah, mouthful." He chuckled. "You foreign or some shit?"

"Nika, works." She said, taking the water bottle from the waitresses hand. "And yeah. Russian."

"I must say Nika, you are probably the best looking girl in this club. I suggest you get away from here before any of those douche bags try to fuck you." Ryan laughed again.

"Nah, I can hold my own. I have five brothers, and my brother is part of security." Nika pointed over to her brother who was breaking up a fight.

"Oh! I met him earlier, Alex? Or something weird. Bam hired him on the spot once he said he was a cage fighter." He looked impressed.

"Yeah, Alexei." She was proud of her brother, and often spoke of him like he was her child. The bartender gave Nika the rest of her order, with an apologetic look on her face. "Nice meeting you Ryan, but I know someone who's gonna get testy unless they get their drink." She smiled at him again, before turning on a heel and walking over to her brother, who resumed his station in the darkened corner.

Ryan watched the girl walk away, and shook his head. It was a woman like that who made it hard to stay faithful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nyet- No
Huesos-Cock sucker

New story : D

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