We Can Settle This Affair

A vamp.

The dinner was almost over, and besides being pissed at the adult of this table, a new feeling was added to my collection- boredom.
Mikey didn't speak, instead he focused his whole attention on the food and ignoring both me and Geetard. Our parents carried on discussing the economy, which aside from wondering if it means a raise in my allowance almost positively won't keep me up at nights.
I concentrated on staring at Geetard, all through dinner I tried to catch his attention but aside from saving my butt from going to hell, he didn't really respond to my sensual eating style, or licking of the lips, or my tracing of the lace bra that was peeking occasionally. His face was turned away from me, he was staring at a spot above his dad's head and a blank expression claimed his face.
I found it weird, it didn't take much to turn him on but tonight? It's like his dick was carved in stone all of the sudden...An evil smirk formed on my lips, why won't we examine that...
I slided down a little in my chair and outstretched my leg, feeling around until I found his leg, he moved it out of the way, probably thinking it was an accident, I outstretched my legs more and clasped his ankle between mine, to send the accident theory out of the window.
He jerked his head to look at me, frowning.
I bit my lip and looked away, moving my heel up his calf slowly, I noticed how he tried to shift away from my grasp, but his leg was pinned between mine too tightly for him to move without making a fuss.
Licking my lips, I stroked his leg up and down, first gently with my heel, then pressing it harder against his leg, he relaxed and tensed accordingly to my motions.
Once I got the hang of this without shifting too much in my chair, I decided to push my new found talent further and trailed my heel higher on his leg, circling his knee and resting it against his thigh.
He gulped and sent his hand through his hair, looking nervously around the table, but no one gave us a second thought, they were talking and laughing loudly.
I smiled suggestively, not looking at him and went for the kill, sending the vamp to caress the inside of his thighs and around the crouch.

"Gerard, would you like some more desert?," his mom motioned at the desert cart a very good looking waiter wheeled to her.

He nodded, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"What would you like?"

"A cake," a crooked, high pitched voice escaped his lips.

Mikey snorted receiving a glare from his brother, "I thought you hit puberty a long time ago"

He tugged on my ankle a little.

"I think I'm gonna up," Mikey licked the last of his pudding from his spoon and stood up.

"Yeah me too," I yawned, yanking my foot from his hold and rose as well, pushing the chair back, "Good night everyone"

"OK baby," mom reached for me.

I made a face, kissing her was the worst part, I avoided her touch like the plague, "Bye"
I followed Mikey who didn't have to kiss his cheating parents out of the restaurant, glancing back at Geerard as I swayed my hips a little, it'll take him a while till he can stand up without drawing any attention to his groin.
"Oh come on Mikey, stop pouting," I punched the button to our floor.

"Yeah well I don't want to screw any more of your secret plots," he said childishly, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Fuck," I rolled my eyes at him, "I ditched and ran into my dad so I had to tell him I was auditioning for a play so that's why they let us out early"

"Oh," he softened up a little, dropping his arms to the sides, "And why did Gee help you out? Since when are you buddies?"

"We're not," I shrugged, "He saw me ditching so he knew what I was talking about"

"This makes no sense what so ever," he frowned.

"Well he saw me and asked what am I doing so I told him I was ditching," I said light hearted, it became so easy to lie, it must be genetic, "And you know your brother, always butting in everybody's business," Mikey agreed, nodding, "So he wanted to know what I'll do if I get caught so I made up that play thing"

The elevator pinged, opening it's doors to the human version to a Washington Zeus, "Hi"

His eyes rounded, scanning me entirely and stopping at my chest, "Hello nurse", he whistled.

"Are you coming?," Mikey stepped into the empty elevator with his hand frozen over the button of our floor.

"Go ahead," I dismissed him with a wave of my hand, "I'll be right there"

He shrugged and pushed the button.

"Enjoying your stay?," Arthur smiled at me.

"I am now," I said, flirtatiously.

"Me too"

"So where are you going?," I tucked the hair behind my ear.

He made a face, "Business dinner"


"Yeah," he shrugged like he rather be somewhere else, "But you got to stop by sometime"

"I will," I nodded. I so will he has no idea.

"Promise?," he inquired.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," I placed my hand over my heart.

"I'll be waiting," he squeezed my bare shoulder and walked off.
I watched him walk into the restaurant with a smile on face and pressed the button for the second time.

I went to my room but was too restless to sleep and standing by the window lost it's charm, I popped a pill and headed to the Way's suite.
Mikey answered my knock, holding a bowl of popcorn closely at his side.

"God didn't you have enough?", i casted a look at the bowl and slipped past him.
Looking around the room, it was identical to mine only cream colored instead of annoyingly peachy, Geetard was absent, I giggled mentally, still not 'down'.
"What are you doing? I'm so fucking bored," I dumped myself on the sofa next to him.

"Wanna watch a movie?," he flipped through the channels, "We could order one"

I sighed, I wanted some more action then staring at the square box all night but I'm not gonna jump him so I guess that's the best I can expect, "Sure. Any good porn?"

"No but I saw an old Dracula movie here somewhere," he pressed a few buttons.

"So you and Geetard are sleeping together?,"I stared at their bed, clothes scattered all over it, you could hardly see what color the cover was if it wasn't for the hotel's cliche theme of having everything in the room the same color.

He looked up from the remote, with a disgusted look on his face, "If only that was legal,", he smirked, "But no we're taking turns between the bed and the sofa"

"Oh," I laughed.

"Who was that guy?," he frowned but I wasn't sure if it was at me or the TV, cause he shook the remote pretty powerfully.

"what guy?"

"the one from the elevator," he gave me a look.

"A friend," I smiled with all the innocence I possessed.

"There!," he exclaimed, "Found it!"

The screen flickered as black and white old credits of the beginning of the movie came up, I took off my boots and cuddled with the creamy pillow in my lap, keeping the popcorn bowl greedily close.

Laying in bed, I felt someone approach, but it wasn't my bed or the hotel bed, it was a big four poster unfamiliar bed, I laid on my back and felt a shadow fall on me. Helplessly trying to pry my eyes open yet failing miserably.
Creepy tone echoed in the room, the kind of music they play during a suspense moment in the movies, panic and fear consumed me and I found it hard to breathe. Finally I managed to gasp when the teeth that belonged to the shadow hovering above me sunk into my delicate neck crook.
I fluttered my eyes open, back in the Way's suite, the movie playing on the TV sending off a bright glow and Mikey dozed off next to me, but still the sensation of fear and panic didn't let go, mainly cause I still felt the teeth grazing my skin and a hand was clasped on my mouth.
I tried to crane my neck to take a glimpse of the owner but they twisted my head sharply and sucked on my neck.

It felt so good I moaned only to have the hand tighten around my lips, "Not a sound"

I nodded, I'd do anything if only he keeps his mouth on my neck forever.
I closed my eyes with pleasure, he knew exactly how to make me feel weak in my stomach, tracing his tongue up to my earlobe and nipping at it, then sucking his way down again.
A little moan built up in my throat as he kissed every inch of my neck, sending his hand under my top and tracing my ribs on his way to my breasts. I arched my back, moaning again when he gripped my swollen nipple.

"Not a fucking sound!," Mr. Way ordered.