We Can Settle This Affair


I shut the door behind me just as Geetard pulled from the curb, I placed my books on the shelf and stripped of my coat, hanging in on the rack next to my dad's, noticing that my mom's coat was missing and ignored the back flip my stomach did, it was just out of hunger.
Jordan wagged his tail like crazy and after making sure I'm safe, he sniffled my palm and went back to lie in his favorite place in the living room in front of the fire place.
The house was warm and lit, the warmth snuck under my sweater and spread through my organs, there was no smell of dinner and my stomach flipped again, damn hunger.
I followed the noises bursting from the TV set in the living room.
My dad was sprawled on the couch with the remote in his hand and his one arm behind his head, "Back so soon, velvet?"

I smiled at the nickname, it was after the blankie I refused to part with when I was a baby, I still had it under my pillow. I loved it so much I named it after me, trouble was that similar to 18 years old Geetard, I couldn't pronounce my own name so I called it veleve...I was a narsict baby.

he dropped his feet to the floor for me to sit, "Where's mom?," I stared at the baseball game my dad was watching.
He loved baseball, he lived for baseball. If he wasn't at work he was the the baseball pitch and he wasn't there he was watching baseball on TV, he knew all the players and all the teams, he wanted to be a baseball player but my mom got pregnant with my older brother and he had to hang the baseball uniform in favor of managing a factory. Catching balls can't support a family, he used to say jokingly, I don't think it's so funny, how he had to give up his dreams like that.

"She's picking a takeaway on her way from work", he scrunched his face at one of the players who missed a shot.

My stomach flipped again, "I'm really hungry"

"I know velvet, she won't be long," he ruffled my hair, his eyes still glued to the screen, "I can make you a sandwich if you want"
I shook my head, but it wasn't just a way to let him know I don't wanna a sandwich, it was also a way to shake out the image of my mom and Mr. Way. i mean i don't know why the fuck i'm so stressed out about it, it made total sense, they just walked back from work together, nothing unusual about it and perhaps one of them made a funny joke so they laughed so hard that their heads almost crashed, it happens, I mean when you laugh really hard you can't really control your limbs which also explained the hand holding, maybe my mom laughed really hard, which she always does and lost her balance and Mr. Way was holding her up so she won't stumble.
And being so far from home...Well maybe they had a meeting with a client there, I breathed out with relief...I'm so stupid, always jumping to conclusion without thinking.
I don't even know what I was thinking, my mom and Mr. Way having an affair?! Oh please! That's just too stupid! Geetars's idiotism starts to rub on me.

"Babies I'm home!," my mom voice sang out from the corridor and soon she was giving kisses to me and dad.

"Dinner will be up as fast as the microwave can cook it," she giggled and almost danced to the kitchen, dad smiled and turned off the TV.
By the time we crawled upstairs to wash our hands and then slided downstairs, mom had the table set and warm meal was served.
You couldn't even tell it was a takeaway, it was set really nicely and arranged like only my mom could.

We sat each at our respectable chair and loaded our plates, "So how was school, velvet?," mom loaded my plate with even more food.

"The usual," I nibbled on my bread stick.

"You didn't get expelled yet?," she beamed like me getting expelled would be the best thing ever happened to her, it was a constant joke in our house hold that because I get so much detentions they should be always on a lookout for a new school for me when I finally get expelled.

"Nope," I lowered my eyes to the plate, "How was work?"

"Oh we had this stupid client who wouldn't sign the contract," she giggled, waving her fork around.
It was always we...We did that...We said that...We laughed...God stop it! Them walking together was perfectly normal!

"Oh and Donald told me you and Gerard are working on a project together," she cooed.

"Yeah the teacher set me and Geetard together," I chuckled.

"Viola!," mom exclaimed, "He's a nice boy"

I snickered but said nothing. Nice my ass, he tried to run me over and then make me jump from a moving car and then suffocate me all in the same night! My blood boiled just at the thought of him and I lost my appetite.
I poked my food around my plate, some of it went in my stomach, some of it got stabbed cruelly, I was listening to their conversation...They talked about about their day, about their jobs, about their employees...I strained to hear something unusual but found nothing, I don't know what I expected to hear, maybe have her jump on the table and announce she had wild sex with Donald?
I'm just getting worked up for nothing, it's the damn sleep deprivation, I worked on my homework into the tiniest hours of the night and then got up after 4 hours of sleep to walk Jordan.

"You're awfully quiet today, is something wrong?," my dad squeezed my wrist on the table.

"Just tired," I smiled and excused myself from the table, "Geetard wears me out"

"Viola", mom pouted a little, "You be nice to Gerard"
Why so you could screw his dad... I was shocked for the thought to even pop up in my head, how could I even think that?!
I climbed up the stairs and pushed the annoying nagging voice in my head away. Sleep is all I really need, nice relaxing sleep and everything will be OK, lack of sleep makes you hallucinate, it's not healthy.
I didn't even bother to change and just crawled into bed in my clothes and tried my best to fall asleep.