

Who does that? I'm serious, who does that? By that I mean, who says, "I swear, I can make you talk. You'll see." Who in the world would want to play that game?

I shook my head and headed out of class, and was once again late for the next one. The day dragged on, naturally, and before I knew it, it was after school. I sighed of relief when I found out that I didn't have him for any other classes. Other than him though, everyone else pretty much treated me the same; invisible. So, I was pleased, you could say. Anyways, I was walking home now, and let me tell you, it was hot. Others might be wondering, why in the world is that girl wearing a sweater during summer. There's really no reason, really. I just find that being surrounded by people who try so hard to expose themselves is sickening, so, I find my way to be different; to be out of the inner circle. A lot of girls around here always try to be so sexy and hot, or whatever. But I, on the other hand, don't try to get attention. I probably get more of it then I want, actually, but I guess I'm to blame on that.

So, here I was walking from school to my house - which is by the way two miles away from the school. I was about to take my jacket off half way through my way, but, suddenly I heard footsteps following me. I didn't want to jump into all that "someones stalking me" jazz. So, I acted like no one was there, but when I turned and the footsteps followed behind me, I started getting a little insecure. I didn't run yet, but I did walk faster. I was around the corner and was about to reach my house but purposely kept going. Once I passed my house a silence fell; no one was following me anymore.

I grinned like an idiot. Gosh, why was I getting all paranoid about? No one would want to stalk me, of all people. I chuckled to myself and turned, just about to get out but stumbled slightly as I came to a sudden stop in front of a man. I looked up slowly noticing, guess who?

"Hey! I didn't know you lived this far!" Jason smiled. I just stared at him." Okay, now, you probably think I'm a stalker," he chuckled, "But, seriously, this is my house. Right here."
He pointed to the house I was standing next to. I glanced at the house beside me; it was one of those very typical American houses with the white fenced thing. It was two story high, and the walls were painted a light blue. A swing chair was on the side of the lawn that were covered with a leaf pattern.

I slightly nodded and was headed back to the direction on my own home when he stepped in front of me. I just stood there staring at the front of his plain navy blue shirt, just waiting for him to talk. Or to do something, instead we just stood there. I finally looked up after a minute and he smiled.

"You know, you're sot of cute! Where do you live? I'll walk you!" I just looked at him and shook my head slowly, no thanks. "Oh don't be silly, come on!"

He put his arms around me and started talking. Of course. "You know, I'm in a band. It's so cool, you should watch us sometimes!"

We turned and I tried brushing his arm off of my shoulders, but he didn't notice that. Finally, I shrugged him off and slammed the gate on his face. He looked at me and put his arm out smiling, "Okay, this is your house! Well, see ya!"

Then I realized something just as I walked into my house. Something horrible. So horrible that it made me stop and almost scream, which just came as a very load groan.

"Car? Are you home?" My dads voice came from the livingroom. Ignoring this, I just went up the stairs hearing him murmur, "Yep, she's home." In case you didn't notice, he calls me Car for short. I found it sort of weird, but, I got use to it.

I went inside my room and looked out of my window, and, oh god. . .Oh, my gosh...
I saw Jason at his window playing with a huge husky. I blinked. I swear, someone out there is out to get me. Jason lived beside me. And what could be worse? He was right across my room.

The house next door was on sale for a while now, but it didn't look like anything like what it is now. It use to be a light brown, with a huge tree in the middle. I didn't even know someone else lived in it. The Denver family use to live there, but they moved because of some job promotion. My best friend use to live there, he use to be the only person I talked to, even after my parents divorce. Collin Denver. I met him in first grade and he was always there for me, as I for him. My parents use to call us twins because he had the same shade of brown hair as I did, and we would always be wearing blue and red. When he wasn't wearing blue, I was, and vice versa. I chuckled at the memory.

"And she smiles!" I heard suddenly from outside. I looked around just remembering that I was still looking out of my bedroom window. Then I glanced across my window and saw Jason smiling with his hand up, like he just won with a touchdown on football. He was also looking out his window, more specifically at me.

I glanced at him and closed my window, shaking my head. And went to bed.
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I'm so sorry /:
comment please? I'm sorry for the loong wait
D: Getting comments really make me smiiille. :3

- Jessica