The Betrayed

Peace does not exsist, Without War.

The Pentagon 09:00 hours December 10th 2014

"at-ease colonel" said the general "permission to speak freely sir?" i said

"permission granted" he approved. "Sir, I came as soon as i could, Whats going on down

there god dammit?" I said. " It has came to my attention that the nuclear warhead, launched

by the enemy was not just any warhead, it was our prototype." he announced, anger filling

his voice. "General, you know i've had my suspisions of a spy ever since the war began, and

for some reason, Timber comes to mind" i said with difficulty. Gunnery Srgt. Jack Timber,

Commander of the 1st Marine Tank Battalion. Decaorated war veteran from operation Iraqi

Freedom. Earned the Bronze star for outstanding service to our country for identifying and

eliminating all insurgeons. Finally enabling america to aid in setting up the Democracy in

Iraq. Although, when he came home, he wasn;t the same. "You mean to tell me, that Gnry

Sgt. Jack Timber is somehow behind this, this sabotauge"? The General Raved. "Sir,

Father, somehow, someway, we'll figure this out, But in the mean time, lets lay low and

pretend we know nothing, so that no one gets to jumping the gun, literally". I

pleaded. "alright, good call Colonel, carry on" he agreed.

Oklahoma City December 24th, Christmas eve, 21:00 hours

"Hey Brad, wanna hook up"? said angel.

"Hey, Angel! Long time no see, But i see now, and trust me, i like what i see you beautiful

peace of ass". I teased. She replied " Mmm, now that your a big, bad, marine colonel, i didnt

think you would have time for lil' ole' me". she said winking. " aw, come on now sweet heart,

you know ill ALWAYS have time for you" He said with a childish smile. "why dont you come

back to my place so we can catch up on old times" "I have Jack" he said holding up a full

bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey. "whatever you like sweet thang" She said, batting her eye

lashes with a big country girl smile. Angel Carlisle, My former bosses daughter, trust me,

although she is nine-teen she has alot of spunk. She could mop the floor with my ass

before i was combat trained, now she's afraid to play around. Like that at least. We were

wrestling around one night, and i had a flash-back of the war, and before i knew it, she was

passed out on the floor with a bloody nose, a broken hand, and four chipped teeth,i looked

at my knuckles and all i saw, to my horror, were scars and blood, from her and me. "Brad

honey, are you ok"? " yeah, im fine" i lied. We went into my house and began kissing, which

lead to more, quick fast and in a hurry.We went to my room, shut the door, turned out the

lights, and began....struggling! As i turned to look i caught a glimpse of angel getting shot,

right between the eyes, blood splattering everywhere, her eyes rolled right out of socket. I

looked in horror. I looked up and i saw masks, weapons and the mexican flag. Thats all i

needed. I kicked the guy holding me and rolled right over angels slaughtered body and hit

the floor. I grabbed the M9 Beretta hiden beside my king size bed and shot one after the

other, the cracking of bones, the gushing of blood, and the silence, The silence of war. As i

looked over, i noticed i'd been shot, right in my arm. I was PISSEDI ran to every single body

and executed them, one after the other to make sure they were dead.

Then i heard it. "Is that a fucking bomb?!" " Holy Shit, I never get a mother fucking break"

i complained. I ran as fast as i could out of my house, tripping and smacking my head right

on the counter, i got up, blurry eyed and bleeding, and made it out if my house. Without a

moment to spare. "the bomb wasnt meant to kill me" i said "it was meant to destroy the
