Status: Going to try to get this rolling again. Stay Tuned!

Running With the Light


“DID ‘E TELL YEH ‘OW THEY GOT IN EACH OTHEH’S PANTS!? DID ‘E!” Nicholl’s shouted, his face getting redder as he pointed between Tom and Peyton.

“Come on mate, it happened a month ago, yeh lot weren’ even datin’ back then!” Tom sat up from his position on the couch, defending himself.

“We were in the star’ o’ talkin’ Tom!” he shouted in disbelief.

“Oh yeh? Is tha’ why yeh were still knocking off wif SJ’s cousin?” He sneered.

“Yeh made Peyton go through yeh ‘avin teh choose between ‘em, even though yeh shouldn’ve even ‘ad much brains teh choose the better one between the two.”

“But yeh were s’posed to be one of meh best mates Tom! ‘ow could yeh?,” he then turned to Peyton.

“So wha’, yeh lot still ‘ave feelins fo’ eachotheh?”

Nicholl’s voice cracked, and sure enough his eyes were red, and it looked as if tears threatened to spill over. Peyton looked up and met Tom’s eyes, Tom smiled warmly at her. I could feel my blood start to boil.

“Answeh the question Peyton!” Nicholl’s yelled with hurt.

A fresh pair of tears fell from Peyton's eyes as she looked up to Nicholls. I walked from the door with the outfit in the shopping bag, and stood in the middle of the lounge area, between Tom and Peyton. Facing toward Peyton first.

“After you practically harass me for not going for him, and then you still have feelings for him? Fuck. You.” She let out a small sob, I turned to Tom, he looked up and met my eyes, and I opened my mouth.

“And you, forget your stupid date tomorrow, just flat out fuck you too asshole.” My voice elevated slightly, and threw the bag toward him harshly.

As I walked toward my bunk, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pain in my chest. I opened my bunk curtain, moving the blankets back, and climbed in, quickly drawing back the curtain closed. I had no intention of adding to that drama, but I couldn’t help but feel affected by it, and as much as it didn’t pertain to me, it kind of did, in a different way. While they kept on a secret relationship, had they kept persisting on each other dating other people? If so why not cut it off completely, instead of fucking leading people on, and hurting them. And they made me fucking feel like a horrible person for kissing Oli, while Tom was being a butt-hurt little boy. I needed to be beyond this, and quick.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to thank those of you who have subscribed, read and commented this story, it means a lot to me, and I really appreciate it.
Here's a bit short, I'll post the next chapter as soon as I have it done.
Also you guys should listen to Dead Hearts by Stars.

Read my new story on Brendon Urie, called In A Proverbial Tree.