Status: Complete

I Love You So Much More Than That...


"EMMETT!" I squealed as I ran away from an angry Jake.

"Get back here you leech!" Jake yelled at me.

"That's Miss leech to you!" I yelled back as I ran into Emmett's room.

Oh I should probably tell you what I'm doing or who I am. Haha, yeah... anyway, I'm Sage. I'm half vampire, half human. 'Hybrid' if you must. I have no idea who my parent's are. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad never stuck around.

Anyway, Sage Elizabeth Hale is the name and I have long dirty blonde hair, olive green eyes, pale skin and I'm about five foot seven inches tall. Oh and I have a power. I can see people's past when I touch their skin. I see everything, even if you don't want me too.

When I was younger, Carlisle and his family found me and took me in. I consider him my father, Esme as my mother, and everyone else as my brothers and sisters, well except Emmett. When they found me, Emmett wasn't around. Something about losing his so called mate. I have no idea really. So I never met Emmett until I was almost 16 in human years. And well we hit off right away, but we only stayed as well, friends. Now I’m 19 in human years and I pulled a harmless joke on Jake. So I’m running to my savior. Anyway back to the story.

I jumped on Emmett's lap and he just chuckled.

"Whatcha do this time, Sage?" He asked shaking his head. I gave him an angelic smile and then fake pouted.

"Absolutely nothing. Jake's just mad cause he can't take a joke." I said as I hugged his neck even tighter. Jake ran into the room and glared at me as Emmett gave him a warning look.

"Emmett, you have no idea what she did, so don't defend her." Jake growled. Emmett laughed.

"What'd she do this time... put dog food on your plate?" He asked. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He was right, but it wasn't a plate... it was a bowl and I bent it into a dog dish and scratched 'Jakey' on it. Oh I'm horrible.

"Whatever… Sage?" I stopped laughing and looked at Jake. "I'd watch your back. I know secrets." My eyes got big and I was instantly mad. Stupid Edward for getting into my head and telling everyone BUT Emmett that I loved him.

"Whatever Jake." With that he left. Emmett looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I smiled like a six year old but Emmett just rolled his eyes, set me on my feet and went over to his door. I figured he'd walk out, but instead he shut it and walked back over to me.

"Sage Elizabeth." He said in a stern voice. I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach and my heart accelerate as he said it.

"Yes?" I said slowly.

"What is he talking about? I thought I knew all your secrets?" He asked, making me feel bad. Emmett was my best friend, beside Nessie, and me loving him is the only thing I haven't told him.

"Emmett, it's nothing. Just... stuff." I mumbled, hanging my head, knowing he'd hear me clearly. He didn't buy it. Emmett lifted up my chin with his thumb and index finger, making me look at him.

"Sage, you can tell me." He said in a sweet voice. I felt his breath on my face and the scent was intoxicating. I shook my head no.

"Emmett, you can't know this one. I-I don't think you'll like it one bit." I said softly as he leaned closer to me.

"I can handle it." Emmett said in a reassured voice. I let out a shaky breath as I looked into Emmett's golden eyes.

"The big secret is -" Just then Alice came waltzing through the door. Emmett let his hand fall and took a step back.

"Sage, Carlisle needs you downstairs." She said sweetly as she danced gracefully over to her brother.

"Okay." I gulped, knowing he'd probably be mad about the Jake thing. I took the stairs two at a time and walked down to the living room.

"He's in the Kitchen, Sage." Edward said as I was about to talk.

"Thanks." I said before turning on my heel. I walked into the kitchen to find Carlisle and Esme quietly talking.


"Sage, what's this I hear about you giving Jake dog food?" He asked in a stern, fatherly voice. I held back a snicker and took a couple deep breathes to calm down.

"I- uh, I was just joking. I promise. I won't do it again, even though it's not my fault he's so gullible." I mumbled the last part and got a look from both Mom and Dad. "Sorry, I'll go apologize." I gave them a small smile and walked back into the living room.

"Jake, I'm sorry." He looked up from the TV and smiled wide. I raised an eyebrow and thought to myself, 'wtf?' Edward chuckled.

"It's okay." Jake exclaimed.

"Emmett wants you" Edward was pushy, even if it was coming from someone else.

"Yessa massa." I rolled my eyes and ran up the stairs into Emmett's room. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, waiting for me to come up. I closed the door and Emmett was next to me in a flash. I smiled a small smile as I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent.

"Sage, so what is this big secret?" He asked again. I gulped, should I tell him?

"Emmett, I- forget it. You don't want to know." I shook my head and grabbed for the handle again. Emmett's hand came down on mine and he pulled it off the handle, and intertwined our fingers. I looked up at Emmett skeptically.

"Sage, I want to know. I don't care how bad it is, or how horrible it is. I'll always love you." He cooed.

"But you only love me as a sister right?" I said under my breath. Tears were stinging my eyes; I didn't want to know if he loved me too. Okay I totally did, but I knew deep down he didn't.

"No." My head shot up and I searched Emmett's face, my gaze landing on his lips. He inched his face closer to mine and before I knew it his lips brushed against mine. I kissed him back softly, my heart accelerating with every millisecond that past. Emmett wrapped his arms around my waist and my arms found his neck. He broke away from the kiss first and laid his forehead on mine.

"I love you, so much more than that Sage." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine as I felt his cool breathe on my face.

"I-I love you too." Emmett smirked and kissed me sweetly on the lips again. I smiled widely and just stared into Emmett's eyes. He leaned his head down and put his lips next to my ear.

"I already knew your secret." I was speechless. He knew, and never said anything? I'm gonna hit Edward next time I see him. "Don't hit Edward; you can thank Alice for the visions." I rolled my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Emmett."

"I love you too, Sagey."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwe.. this is the first oneshot I've written in awhile. I've been off the oneshot wagon for's sad. lol
Hope you like it. =]
Sage & Emmett outfit