Let the Walls Break Down

Numero Uno

Audi's POV

"AUDRIANNA HOPE GARCIA!!" He screamed at me for disagreeing.
"JACK DON'T EFFIN' YELL AT ME!!" I yelled back.
"YOU JUST YELLED AT-" I showed him my hand to quiet down.
"Jack I'm not going." He cut me off.
"And why not miss audi?" he cocked an eyebrow.
"Well because i don't want to Jack ." He looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Jack you know i can't stand it when you do that." i said somewhat guilty. "Fine Jack i'll go i'll go geez man." i said caving in.
"YAY!!! I LOVE YOU AUDI!!" If only he meant that.
"Ughhh yeah i know anyways at what time do i have to pick up you, alex, rian, and zack?" I said knowing that they needed a ride.
"Ummm you don't have to if you don't want too?" he said.
"Okay sure so when does it start?" I asked
"8:30." he said. i nodded and walked off to class.

*Later That Night*

She just kept staring at me like if something was or is annoying her. I just ignored her as we were getting ready to go out with the guys... like every other friday through sunday.

"Audi do you ever feel like if Jack uses you for your car and such?" Allie asked.
"Not again... Allie, look I've known Jack since like what at the age of seven? He wouldn't i know him trust me allie." I said trying to convince Allie. "Why must you always say that about Jack anyway?" I asked confused.
"Cause Audi you love him and he invites you to places expecting you to pick him up." she said.
"Incase you didn't know this Allie Jack is younger than me hence i go my license earlier than him. " i said getting pissed. "You ready?" i said just grabbing my keys. she nodded.


I felt my phone vibrate. i grabbed it out, and laughed at it, text back and a quick made a u turn.

Jack's POV

"Hey dude is Audi gonna pick us up?" Alex asked.
"Yeah let me text her." i said grabbing out my phone.

Me:Hey Last minute can u pick us up at alex's? :)
Audi: I guess...:P hahhhahh. (: be there in two or three mins be outside.
Me: Thanks Audi. :)

"Soooo what she say dude?" Zack asked.
"Umm be outside in about two or three minutes and she'll be here." i said smiling.
"Okay we'll come on let's not leave Jack's girlfriend waiting." Alex said laughing.
"She's not my girlfriend just my friend who is a girl." I said punching him on his shoulder.
"Hahhh sure then why you blushing?" Rian asked. Was I blushing? I walked off and saw her car coming by.

"Hello Audi-o" we all said.
"Oh shut up hahhahh you guys need a ca- wait alex don't you have a car?" she said driving off.
"Yeah but no gas and oil needs a change." he said.
"Oh okay well Jack you know Allie, guys this is Allie, Allie these are the guys. " Audi said. We all waved hi and she did the same.

Okay quick little note Allie never has and never will like me why? well idk Audi usually tells me that doesn't and i can feel it to be honest.

"Hey Audi I always wondered... why do we call you audi instead of Audri?" Zack asked.
"Well that's a funny story ahahha." she said. I knew where she was going on this. "Well Jack over here, when he first met me he could never pronounce Audrianna cause he thought it was too long for a name, so one day Jack and i were writing down names for valentine cards and Jack gave me my and he spelled it like 'Audi' so i looked at him saying 'who's Audi?' and he was like 'You' and i was like 'No I'm Audri.' and he said 'Really?Audri oh well i've been spelling it and calling you like that ever since we met.' i slapped him and he still kept calling me 'Audi' and i gave up and so now everyone calls me 'Audi' thanks to Jack." she finished.

The guys and Allie looked at me weird then began to laugh at me. I dont see how it's that funny that i mispelled her name and giving her a nickname.

"Hahhha dude how the fuck can you not tell that her name is "AUDRI-anna" not "AUDI-anna" " Alex laughed at me.
"I don't know leave me alone." i said looking out the window.
"Hey hey HEY!! leave Jack alone it's not his fault besides i think "Audi" is way better than "Audri" besides my cousins name is Audri." she said defending and parking in front of the house where the party is at.
"Hahhahhha whatever." Alexx said while getting off.

I got off feeling all stupid because of the way how i call her Audi. I felt a hand on me i turned to see Audi. I smiled at her she looked at me serious.

"What?" I questioned her.
"Jack i'm sorry i didn't know they'll be that rude." she said feeling bad.
"Audi no worries okay, besides you call me George don't cha?" I said laughing.
"Hahhhah yes i do George." she said laughing also.
"Well come on lets get fucked up Audi." I said jumpy up and down.
"Hahha okay let's go." she said and we skipped off into the party scene.
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Okay new story hope you like it.
comment/ subscribe please
also i do call Jack George in real life.
comment me asking why and i'll tell ya. :D