Let the Walls Break Down

Numero Cuatro

Audi's POV

*Remember this is like two days after Jack and Audi stopped talking*

"I don't know dude.. i- i- i guess i'll tell her no matter what." i said knowing how my mom would react. "Well i'll call you and tell you how things are dude. Bye" I said to Allie and left her house.

While driving to my house all I thought was I couldn't believe that I was pregnant, and it was from JACK! I just; oh my gosh i have nothing against Jack being the dad i just thought i'd be older when i would start a family. I just wonder how my mom is gonna take it; for a fact she'll ask who the father is and to confront him.

I drove up to the drive way of my house, my stomach started to do flip flops as i got off my car. I walked up to my front door stood there for a while and took a deep breath. I turned the knob and entered my house to see my mother sitting on the kitchen table. 'Did she already knew?' I walked up to my mom and took a seat next to her.

I opened my mouth and those three words that every mom or parent is afraid of. She stared at me not shock nor mad just nodding. "Mom, are you okay with it or-" she cut me off.
"Of course I'm not okay with it but Audrianna I'm here to support you. I knew you were pregnant from the minute you started craving weird things out of nowhere. Just tell me who is the dad." she asked concerned.
"ummm.. it's Jack, mom." i said embarrassed.
"Oh okay, well tomorrow I'll take you to the doctor I already made an appointment." she said. I just nod and went to my room.

*Two months Later*

I'm five months pregnant with Jack's child, in a couple of days I'll find out the gender of the baby. I moved out of Dulaney High and transferred to some other school which is way further from my house. I avoid Jack and the guys a lot; not once have i seen them nor heard from them. I try to stay in my house as much as i can. I do hang out with Allie but not in so much public places that i know where the guys would hang. My mom knows that Jack doesn't know, she says it's best for the baby. but i disagree with her I know for a fact Jack would be a great Dad. I just don't want him to know at all.

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride.

I heard my phone rang as I was watching "Wife Swap". I looked at the caller I.D "Allie".

"Hello?" i said.
"Hey dude movies tonight pleasee?" she pleaded. It was friday, and it's 7 p.m.
"Which one?" i asked agreeing with her.
"For reals you're coming? Yay!!! Well I was thinking of some horror flim?" she said.
"Hmmm fer sure i'll go pick you up right now 'kay?" i said.
"Okay bye."she said with joy and hung up.

I picked out my outfit and got dressed quickly. I walked out to my car and drove off to Allie's Place.

*2 hours later.*

"Okay dude, umm that movie pretty much sucked nuts." i said in disappointment at how bad The Amityville Horror was.
"Well it was somewhat good." Allie said in defense.
"Sure, I'm hungry lets go eat." i said dragging Allie across the parking lot.

I drove up to the nearest diner; I saw a car looked familiar but didn't care I'm too damn hungry to care.

We took a booth, and ordered up.

"So dude, what are you gonna name it?" Allie asked sipping up some of her drink.
"Ummm i was thinking if it's a girl ummm Jocelyn or Kelsey; now if it's a boy i'll name him Oliver or Scott." i said smiling at the end.
"Hahahh." she snorted out a laugh.
"What's so funny?" I asked her.
"Dude Oliver? Are you serious?" she asked.
"It's cute i like it so shut up cause the food is coming." i said, thinking Oliver is not a bad name... is it?
"Whose last name are you gonna put?" she said with a mouthful.
"Ummm Garcia of course." i replied. she shot me a look.
"What? I can't put Barakat dude it's just i don't know but not Barakat." I said.
"Okay i guess." she said somewhat disappointed at my choice. WHAT THE HELL?! why does she choose now to be nice to Jack instead of before? I got fed up and dropped my fork on my plate.
"Allie why do you choose now to care and treat Jack nice hmm? Why? Before you were like 'I don't like him. He uses you. He's so stupid. blah blah blah blah BLAH!" i sorta yelled.
"Well i don't know. I'm sorry geez Audi." she said frustrated.
"Ughhh... I'm sorry Allie i didn't mean to yell honestly." i told her.
"Mmmm it's okay you're pregnant and i forgive you." she laughed.
"Hahhahha bitch." i threw a fry at her.
"Hahahha whatever." she replied and ate her food.

we finished, we went to the cashier to pay.

"Oh my gosh." i heard a whisper. I didn't care yeah i'm pregnant so what.
"Dude it can't be her." wait! i know that voice. oh shit!!
"Allie you pay here's forty imma start the car okay." i gave her the money and walked off quickly.
"Excuse me." i said through the crowd, keeping my head down knowing that i just bumped into him. I got out of the crowd and headed towards the exit; i got out and headed towards my car.
"AUDI!!! HOLD UP!!" he yelled. I walked even faster not bothering to turn.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh shieet. her momma knows. :O
buuuuttt Jack doesn't.
Who is calling her is
it Alex, is it Jack or is it her dad she's never
seen since she was five?
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