A First Time for Everything.


i can hardly remember what happened at school. only the bit when Luke punched me square in the face and knocked me out. i think i gave him a reason...
mum picks me up from hospital, and takes me home.
"Nathan, what were you thinking? you never get into fights."
"i don't know," i say. "i can't remember."
the journey home is awful. my head is spinning. my vision is hazy. when we stop, i throw up.
Mum nurses me upstairs. the juice stain from this morning has gone. she puts me in bed, and i fall to sleep almost instantly.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. i slept for the rest of the night, and woke up the next morning. i roll to my side and get out of bed. rubbing my eyes, i wander over to my wardrobe, to find my clothes are all laid out neatly. "well, this is different." i murmur.
Getting dressed is a piece of cake. no pain, no falling flat on my face. i trundle downstairs.
"morning sweetheart," mum says. "you look better."

and i feel better to.

i eat breakfast with the family, and pack my new bag. i peck mum on the cheek, and head off for school. i meet up with friends, and the walk is brilliant. we chat and laugh together. school goes well to. i think to myself, "i could do with a punch in the face again."

Not a thing went wrong today.

Well, there is a first time for everything.