Who will carry on for me now that your gone?

So long and good night little brother

"I'll race you guys to the corner!" Frank yelled out running out ahead. Ray and Bob snapped to attention and ran out as well almost catching Frank off guard.

"Oh no you don't!" Ray yelled overtaking Frank. I laughed and ran as well overtaking Frank and Bob to try and catch Ray. Damn that guy can run fast. I looked behind me to see Mikey racing forwards as well. I smiled at him.

"Gerard watch out for the pole!" I heard Ray yell. I looked forward and collided with a metal pole. I fell backwards holding my nose. Ray knelt down and examined my face grimacing. He then reached forward and tweaked my nose a bit and smiled.

"It's not broken," he said. I sighed with relief as the others all showed up.

"Ouch that was a nasty crash there Gee better watch where your going next time!" Frank said. I scowled at him and everyone laughed. Mikey shook his head and continued ahead to cross the street in front of us. At the same time I noticed a car going to fast on the street beside us just about to turn the corner where Mikey was walking. I struggled to get up.

"Hey Mikey watch out!" I yelled but it was no use. He turned only to be blinded by headlights as the car plowed right into him sending him flying ten feet away and landing with a sickening thud. The car screeched to a halt but decided to just keep going. Frank ran out to try and stop the car.

"Get the hell back here you coward!" Frank yelled. But it was to late the car roared down the street and was out of sight in a matter of seconds. I was shocked I stood in place barely conscious of what happened. Finally I came to my senses and ran towards the very limp form of my baby brother.

"Mikey! Mikey! Please answer me!" I screamed. I reached him to see him barely breathing his arm was twisted at a strange angle no doubt broken. There was blood coming from his mouth and some on his forehead. He whimpered gently as I pulled him up onto my lap and held him close. The others stood around in silence no doubt as shocked as I was.

"Guys could you go get help and let me have some time alone with my brother?" I asked. I knew they were hesitating but soon they quickly dispersed. Ray knelt and rubbed my back sympathetically. I smiled as I watched them all leave. I then looked down at Mikey as he lay helplessly in my arms.I felt tears rush to my eyes. This should not be happening he can't die before me! I felt my tears fall from my face. I squeezed my eyes tight and sobbed on his shoulder. I heard him mumbling something.
"Whats that Mikes?" I asked him. He looked into my eyes tears in his eyes which made me cry harder.

"Gerard please don't cry I can't feel any more pain," he whispered. That only made me uncontrollable now.

"Please M-Mikey don't s-say that I-I can't lose you y-y-y-you m-mean everything t-to me!" I sobbed into his shoulder. His good arm struggled upwards to push a fringe of my hair out of my face. I felt his breathing become ragged and I knew he was almost gone.

"So long and good night I guess baby brother," I said laughing gently at the fact I just used a line from our song.He smiled weakly.

"Your such a nerd Gerard but that's why I love you and I always will you have always been my best friend Gerard and I will miss you greatly," he said . I felt so helpless he should not be saying this to me not now but here we were in the middle of the road all alone and saying our final goodbyes.

"I love you too Mikey as much as a big brother can love their baby brother," I said tears falling on Mikey's face. With his last bit of strength he reached up and brushed the tears away.

"Goodbye Gee," he said. His hand fell beside him and he took one final breath in and one out.

"Goodbye Mikes," I whispered. And then he was gone. I cried so hard and the guys came back with paramedics on heel but they were to late nothing could bring him back to me now. The guys all stopped when they saw me hugging Mikey's limp form in my arms and sobbing.

"Oh my god Mikey no!" I heard Frank yell his voice sounding like he was awfully close to tears. Then I heard him break down into tears sobbing. I looked up and saw Ray holding him and comforting him. I sighed as I watched the paramedics take Mikey away and I felt Bob put his hand on my shoulder. I turned and smiled and then completely broke down again and started sobbing in his shoulder.

~3 days later~

The funeral was huge. It was attended by our family and Friends as well as a legion of faithful fans. I could barely stand being there. I still did not wanna believe that this was happening. I hung my head low and tried to block out what I was hearing because I did not want to believe he was gone. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder I looked up to see Ray nodding his head to the front signaling me to go up and say something. I sighed heavily and hoisted myself from my seat and dragged myself to the front where the podium was set up in front of Mikey's casket. I first went to see him and force myself to realize that he was indeed gone. I looked in on him lying in his casket. He looked so peaceful almost like he was just resting and at any moment he would wake up and make everything alright again. But he wouldn't. Not anymore. No more would he be there to comfort me when I was sad no more would he mess my hair because he knew it made me mad no more would he smile. I reached in the casket and grasped his hand and shuddered at the cold clammy feeling of his hand. I quickly withdrew my hand. Then I removed my necklace I was wearing and placed it in the casket.

"Remember me always wherever you are bro," I whispered. Then I turned around to see the whole audience watching me. I gulped and stepped up to the microphone and opened my mouth but no words would come out. I closed it again and my eyes filled up with tears. I looked down and put my head in my hand. I looked back up but still no words.

"I'm sorry I can't do this," I said instead and ran off away from everyone. I did not want to be there right now not with everyone watching. I love you Mikey I really do but it needs to be just me and you even if it means I have to wait till they bury you. So I waited it was getting later now and I could see everyone leave but to be sure it's just him and me I have to wait for tomorrow. So I wandered around until the early hours of the morning when the sun was just threatening to peek over the edge and spread light on the world. So I made my way back to the cemetery and walked along the rows till I found yours. I dropped to my knees in front of it. The marble stone read: "Michael 'Mikey' James Way,September 10 1980-August 8 2007 Forever gone but never missed." I ran my fingers along the grooves the inscription made. I gulped as I felt tears filling up my eyes again.

"Hey Mikes how is the world beyond the living I bet it's awfully lonely over there," I kidded. The suns rays suddenly peeked over the horizon sending a bloody glow through the cemetery.

"Mikes I really am gonna miss you this should have never happened and as your big brother I should have watched out I should have stopped you," I said half yelling half sobbing. The wind blew sending shivers down my back I looked up at the tombstone and felt the wind cool the fresh tears falling down my face.

"But no matter I know your safe in heaven now with grandma watching over me like you guys always did," I whispered.

"Well I guess it's goodbye for now but not forever," I said pulling a bouquet of various roses of different color's and laying them on the ground. The sun now was fully risen above the horizon and shining its light across the stones smooth surface. I smiled and lent forward and kissed the stone.

"I love you Mikey."