Status: Slowly updating.

What Your Best Friend Knows

You stand a little to tall, Say a little to much

Gonna bite that know-it-all tongue.

I beamed up from the couch as my hand connected to a cup of warm, delicious coffee. “Here you go you beautiful, wonderful, coffee junkie you.” Alex said cheerfully. I scowled, knowing there was no way he’d be that nice for no reason.

“What the fuck do you want?” I croaked loudly as he winced. He plopped down next to me and I let my head fall on his shoulder as I sipped my coffee.

He sighed. “Well, for starts you can quiet down a little,” He whined, rubbing his forehead. I cackled and kicked my feet out. I was in a pretty good mood, considering the fact that we all got trashed last night.

I snorted. “You’d think you’d be used to it by now, Mr. heavy drinker,” I teased. He laughed pretty loudly.

“You couldn’t even hold your shit last night,” I was quiet for a minute. Damn, he was right.

“Touché,” I admitted, adjusting my head so I could see his face from my position on his arm. “Hey, Willie!” I cooed with a smile on my face. I saw him inwardly groan and roll his eyes at me.

“Are we still doing this?” He complained. I jabbed my elbow in his side. He winced. “Yes, Stella?” He cooed back staring into my eyes. For a moment I could feel all the history we had together, seeping between us like from a bowl full of memories just waiting to be though of. It was so familiar; I couldn’t help but smile and remember our past.

Alex and I had this thing, ever since we were little, about how we were going to be the next Bonnie and Clyde. Only Cassie and Alex didn’t sound as amazing as Bonnie and Clyde, so we changed it to Willie and Stella, our middle names being William and Estelle. I know that for some reason, Alex doesn’t like it when I bring this up, even though I think it’s adorable. That and I like to piss him off. Especially when he was hung over.

“You’ve got a little snot stuck to your forehead, sweetie,” I smiled. He looked like he wanted to hit me. I just laughed. “C’mon, we have to get ready for work.” I sighed like it was a big deal.

“You mean tour. We have to get ready for tour!” He said jumping up excitedly. I pulled him back down on the couch, not ready to start the day yet.

This was the first time since the summer we graduated that I’d be going on tour with All Time Low. I just got out of Cosmetology School last May and I was looking for work when Alex realized they needed a Hair and Makeup Artist, and I would be perfect for the job.

I was glad they were able to find something for me to do on tour. Previously, they had more then enough help with everything, not needing anymore merch sellers or roadies. Every so often, there would be need for me, but other then those special days, I felt useless and bored.

The boredness was why, on the past few tours All Time Low did, I skipped out and went to school. Although the apartment Alex, Rian and I shared in downtown Baltimore was lonely at night, being there all by myself, I felt like I was doing something. And that was all the matter.

I liked living in Baltimore. When I was little I lived in Rockville, a sorta big cityish place right out side of D.C. the club scene was pretty much at a zero and all the people there were annoyingly in your face about practically everything. But what do you expect from a city so close to D.C.?

Anyway Rockville… for such a tiny place they jam packed thousands of people in it. Reminded me of a can of Sardines or something. And in our lovely city we managed to fit 3 High schools, 5 middle schools, and 10 thousand elementary schools. Ok, maybe not ten, but still. That’s a fucking lot of people.

And the sad thing was, in the 3 different house I lived in, I was surrounded by old people. How did they fill those schools with all the old people?! Damn.

When I was four my mom died in childbirth. It was one of those freak accidents that like only happens on ER or Grey’s Anatomy. Accept it was real. After a couple months of settling in to taking care of the baby and I without my mom, my dad couldn’t take living in the house anymore and moved us across the state, where he swore the schools were ten times better. Not that we cared.

After my mom died, my aunt became my makeshift mom, and I would spend tons of time with her. So that pretty much meant I was stuck with Jack and his best friend Alex, who lived down the street. It was safe to say we became friends as well.

Things got a little strained when I started school, and we didn’t get to see each other as often, but when I got my car, I woukd drive down every Friday and spend the weekend at my Aunt’s, just like old times.

When I graduated from Richard Montgomery High School, I jumped at the chance to move in with Jack and Alex. I loved being in Baltimore, not having to make that hour drive to see shows, and my favorite people was always nice. Plus we lived in walking distance from the harbor.

I loved the Harbor. It was Alex and I’s tradition to go to the Baltimore Aquarium and see the dolphin show together, have dinner at the hard rock café, and then walk around and enjoy the fresh air and the Bay. And how beautiful the city looked from there. But what I couldn’t stand was being forced to Raven’s games. For some reason, I never really figured out why, I just didn’t like the Raven’s. That usually wasn’t a good thing when it came it the guys, who were die hard fans.

“What are you think about?” Alex finally asked. I glanced at him. I had almost forgotten he was there.

“Oh, I was just reminiscing about when The Steelers won the super bowl,” I replied with a grin.

“They cheated,” was his automatic reply. I rolled my eyes. He couldn’t handle the fact that the raven’s didn’t win. I laughed and pushed him a little.

“Whatever,” I said stretching. “What are we doing today?” he yawned.

“Packing.” He complained. I groaned. We always waited until the last minute to do it and nearly forgot something everytime. Usually, I would mail it to them, but considering I’d be joining them this time, we didn’t have that luxury.

“Where’s Jack?” I asked, sitting up. Alex pulled himself up as well and ran his fingers through his hair a few times.

“I think he went home with that girl,” He cocked his head to the side, trying to remember her name.

“The Blonde one?” I asked, trying to remember as well. He shook his head.

“No the red head with big boobs,” he recalled.

“Ah,” I nodded. “Betty.” He laughed.

“How do you always remember their names?” he asked, standing up and offering his hands to help me up. I took them with a smile.

“Talent and years of experience,” I smirked. “Now be my bitch and make me pancakes while I finish the laundry.” He groaned, but headed towards the kitchen
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So, how exciting is this? my first all time low story! hope you like it. I'm really nervous lol.
