Status: Slowly updating.

What Your Best Friend Knows

The song for a long goodbye,

I'm coming back to my girl by July.

Two days. That’s all that was left until we embarked on this god awful tour. I sound so excited, don’t I? I shoved the plate of Alex’s amazing pancakes away from me and groaned. The only good thing about this tour… Well at this point, I couldn’t find something good in this 3 months with nothing but guys. Well, other then my sex drive.

But I’m not a whore. Really. I just happen to like having sex. A lot. Ok, who am I kidding. I might have slight whoreish tendencies. But at least I’m not fake about it. I started laughing aloud and Alex glanced at me wryly.

“What did you just get the punchline from the joke Jack told last night?” He asked snottily. I smacked the back of his head.

“You are such a douche bag,” I growled. “I am NOT a dumb blonde if that’s what you are insinuating.” My hair, a strawberry blonde blend, was not real. Well the hair is. The color, however, isn’t. My natural color, true to my Barakat genes, is a dark brown mane. Luckily, the curse pretty much stopped there. Like my mother, I did not inherit the honker or the six-foot-tall gene. From my dad I got my green eyes and my more conservative features.

“Of course not, darling,” He replied sweetly. I rolled my eyes at his obviously fake chipper attitude. I then pushed my chair away and stretched, preparing myself for the inevitable task of getting my lazy ass out of this god-awful chair.

“Shuddup and help me!” I whined. When he ignored me and kept laughing, I growled and wriggled myself up.

“Why do you even need to get up?” Alex whined back, following me out of the room. “I thought you’d spend the day with me!” I sighed and turned to face him.

“You know I’d love to spend the day with Alex, but I already promised Pookie.” I patted his cheek. “Besides, you’ll have Dawson.”

“No I won’t,” he argued. “Rian is staying with Kara until we leave. And besides, you always ditch me for Pookie.” I rolled my eyes. Pookie was the only one of my Rockville friends that regularly saw my Baltimore friends And that was only because she absolutely obsessed with Jack. And the feelings were obviously mutual, but they were always really casual and open with their relationship. I don't get it. But then again, I don't get a lot of things.

“I do not,” I shook my head and walked into my room, calling over my shoulder, “Actually, I always ditch Pookie for you. So don’t lie. I’m not going on a tour with HER band am I?” He was quiet for a second.

“Pookie has a band?” I resisted the urge to smack him.

* * *

I rushed into the café about five minutes late, nearly breathless. I saw the familiar redhead sitting in our usual corner seat. My quickly shrugged out of my thin leather jacket, hanging it on the hook and slid into the chair.

“Hey,” I smiled. I had taken the time to curl my strawberry hair, the loose curls pulling together the simple look of my blue tank top paired with dark-wash skinny jeans, my stiletto boots, and my favorite leather jacket. I slipped off my sunglasses and threw them in my purse, before carelessly tossing that aside as well.

“Hey chica,” Pookie smiled, running a perfectly manicured hand through her silky fire red hair. “I thought you forgot about me. Lover boy keep you up late?” I shuddered at the thought.

“Don’t even go there,” I replied, making eye contact with our favorite barista Liz. She winked and began preparing my large iced 4 shot soy White Mocha with caramel and whip on top. “Alex was just throwing a fit. ‘You always ditch me for Pookie!’” I attempted to mock his whiney voice as well as I could while Pookie snorted.

“Ditch him for me my ass,” Pookie replied, absentmindedly sipping her simple vanilla latte. “You know,” She smiled. “It’s not to late. You can still invite me on tour.” I shook my head, smirking.

“What, so you and Jack can fuck the whole time? No thanks.” I smiled up at Liz and slipped her a ten as she placed the coffee on the table. “Keep the fucking change.” She laughed but thanked me.

“That’s not all we do,” She griped. I laughed. “No really,” She scoffed. “We do stuff like… Parties. And… uno. And beer pong.”

“Two of which led you to the bedroom,” I replied. She growled. As much as I loved Pookie, I wasn’t letting her win this one.

“Whatever,” She sighed. “What are we doing today?” I frowned thinking about it as I gather my stuff and put on my jacket.

“I need some new clothes for tour.” I decided. “And for our going away party tomorrow night.” She beamed.

“And Jack’s going to be there right?” She asked eagerly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her wrist with one hand, and my coffee with the other.

“Let’s go,”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, I know. But HEY! I finally fucking updated! I'm starting to get back into my grove, imagining shit for this an everything. I am just SO excited about this. I hope you love it as much as I do.

I can't make any promises, but considering how excited i am for the next chapter, I think it's safe to say it won't be another 5 months before you see it. I might be a week or two though, because time is something I don't have a lot of. Between work, school, and my volunteering, all my spare time I have I use to sleep.

-becca :)