Barely Holding On

This might be the push.

I laid in bed while remembering yesterday's events.
I couldn't get it out of my head, possibly because I'm falling for her, even though the same thing usually happens over and over again every time Emily broke up with a guy.

"Jeremy," Emily called out to me as she came in my house with a tear stained face and clearly wanting a shoulder a to cry on. "Again," I asked, though I knew the answer. She nodded and came over to the couch and leaned against me. After five minutes, she began kissing me and we soon ended up in the bedroom for half the night. She had to leave early, so I watched her as she walked out of my room and next door to her house.

The thoughts finally protruded my mind and I got up and went to go get coffee downstairs, I had to fix the house up in under an hour because my parents were coming over today. After I had two cups, I started to sweep the kitchen.

"Need any help?"

I turned my head to the kitchen's door frame to see Emily leaning against it.
"It would be nice," I told her.
She went and grabbed a dishrag to clean the kitchen's counters with and began scrubbing them.


"Goddamn, we make a good team. This place is clean and we have two minutes to spare," I laughed.

"Yeah, well, I should be going. I have a date I need to get ready for. See you sometime soon," she yelled as she walked out of the house.

A second later, my parents came into the house and I asked them if they saw Emily as they came in.

"We didn't see anyone, dear."


A week after the parentals came over, Emily had just broken up with yet another guy and spent the night once more. I didn't remember any of this until I woke up the next morning, again.

I was rubbing circles into her side when I decided to bring up the fact that I thought that we should be together.

"Jeremy, I don't want you like that. You're just good to have around once in a while.
I'm sorry if you thought that I wanted something more from you."

"So what? I'm just here for your enjoyment? Use me and then walk away to be with someone else," I shouted back at her.

"Pretty much," was her reply as she sat up.

"Get out."

"I never said I didn't want to be your friend. I just don't want you to hold me down," she said whilst rubbing my arm.

"I said, 'get out.'"

She grabbed her things and shot me a look of hate as she headed out of my room.

I was so pissed at her, I couldn't help it.
She had just pushed me over the edge today.
If I couldn't have her, no one could, and I was going to follow through with this.
I grabbed the things I needed before heading to her house.


I broke into her house and was waiting in her closet for her for a little over five minutes now.
I could wait here all day for her, I thought.
After another a minute, I heard a door shut and laughter fill the house.
Slowly, a pair of footsteps made it up into her room and I readied myself.
My fingers gripped around the gun so much that it almost started to hurt.
I heard the two hit the bed and that's when I jumped out.
I aimed the gun and pulled the trigger all in two seconds.
Emily's body lay lifeless on the bed as her on again, off again beau screamed in horror.
He knew her as much as I did and so when he stared at me and asked me, "why would you kill someone you didn't even know," his words rang in my head and I started to think things through as I dropped to my knees.
The reason why I never went to her house, why I only remembered doing things with her after I wake up, why my parents said they didn't see anyone leave as they came to visit me: it was all in my head. I dreamed all of it up.
I never hung out with her, I never even knew her. She just lived next door to me.
I just killed an innocent person.
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Hope you enjoyed it!