
Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty

- The True King Takes the Crown -

Liam knelt as the crown was placed upon his head. The crowded chapel vibrated from the roar of cheers that were shouted in glee. The deafening volume of happy cries carried on out into the courtyard and beyond. King Nicolas Haydon the Second was now ruler over the land.

The eventful day was not yet at an end as the king still knelt on the alter. Sanja came up to him and knelt beside him as the priest recited the wedding ceremony. They pledged their undying love to each other then turned towards the spectators that viewed the happy event. The loud cheers sprang forth again as the happy couple kissed as man and wife. They ran down the aisle as flowers were thrown above their heads.


“Make love to me again dear husband,” Sanja said as she lay naked beside Liam.

“Do you think you have to urge me on?” Liam responded with a grin spread from ear to ear.

“Perhaps you cannot rise to the occasion so soon,” Sanja teased.

“Then you shall have to do your best to make it so,” Liam returned.

“So I shall and do so gladly,” Sanja said as she put her head beneath the blanket and licked her way down Liam's body.

Liam stretched his legs out and let his wife move down to his increasing staff. A deep sigh erupted from him.

“What is it my lord?” Sanja said as she proceeded to play with Liam’s testicles.

“I’m just extremely happy my love.”

Sanja pulled herself up to Liam’s face and kissed him. “I am most happy too my beloved.”

“There is only two things that brings sadness to my heart.”

“I know my love. Were I had the power to bring them back, I would.”

“I wish I could do so myself. But if Jo had lived I would have had to divorce her and risk being excommunicated, though I would have given anything up to have you. I still feel responsible about her death.”

“Tis true. I feel guilt myself.”

“Roland would tell me to let go of such guilt. He’d be extremely happy that we are finally wed. He knew how much I love you.”

“I still cannot believe he gave his life to save me.”

“Tis Roland’s way.”

“Yes. He was a true friend, but Haydon has become a close friend to you as well, has he not?

“Yes. He’s a good man. He has proven his worth to me a dozen times over. I am proud to call him a good friend. I deeply regret that his father was killed before Farind’s men fell to their deaths. I sorrow for all who died that night. There was no need for them to come to such an end. Most of Kydo’s knights only pledged themselves to him to save their families.”

“You cannot hold yourself responsible for what happened that night. Not guilt over their deaths, nor Joanna’s.”

“Can’t I? I could have saved Jo, but I let her die. Perhaps I wanted it.”

“Do not say such a thing. I know you did not want her to die.”

“No. I did not want that.”

“There is nothing you could have done to save her husband; nor anyone else who died that night. You must rid yourself of this guilt or it will destroy you. At least Haydon still lives. That’s something to be grateful for.”

“Liam sighed. “Yes. You’re right.”

“And Alec adores him. He’s very good with my son. I should think he shall become an adopted uncle by all our children, but I think I shall name our first child after Roland.”

“Are you with child?” Liam asked with eyebrows raised. He couldn’t think of anything that would please him more.

“Perchance I might be. I’ve been feeling ill of late. Especially in the early morn.”

“When will you know for sure?”

“By next month I should think.”

“Then I hope this month passes swiftly. I greatly desire to have a child with you Sanja.”

“But what of my son? Does not our marriage make him the heir? Will my birthing your child end that?”

“Yes. The child we have together will be the rightful king. This might lead to problems in the future. I must ponder over this. I shall not have my children fight over lust of lands. Perhaps I shall make a new law. They shall rule the kingdom together. That way all will be satisfied.”

“Perhaps. But let us not worry of such things now. This is a happy moment and I do not want to think of anything to spoil my mood.”

“I quite agree. Now where were we wife?”

Sanja smiled and moved down beneath the blanket again. “I believe this is where we were sire,” she said as she kissed Liam’s fully erect staff.

“Ah yes,” Liam smiled.


Liam’s experience under Kydo's dominance matured him greatly and he ruled the land as a fair and honest man. He’d searched the realms Kydo conquered for family members who were the true heirs and returned the lands taken. The new monarchs could not believe Liam would do such and peace grew from this gesture. The populace of Liam’s realm prospered greatly as new trade routes opened because of the bond these sovereigns now shared.

Sanja had indeed been pregnant and bore Liam a son. They named the boy Roland Nicolas Haydon. She later had three more daughters and named them Ethel, Ione and Natalie. The youngest to honor the serving girl who gave her life trying to free Sanja.

All was well in the kingdom as the happy king and queen looked upon their children at play in the garden. All ran up to their parents in a rush and asked to play hide and seek in the great maze. Having walked the children through dozens of times, Liam and Sanja did not fear they would get lost and they quickly agreed. Smiles brightened their faces as they joined the children in their game and closed their eyes to start the count.

Alec followed closely behind Roland as he ran into the maze, though the boy was not aware of it. He was almost to the center when a cry was heard. Sanja and Liam swiftly ran through the maze to young Roland's side. “What happened my son? Did you fall and cut your knee?” Liam asked as he noticed blood running from a small gash.

“I don’t know father. It almost felt as if someone pushed me.”

Liam looked around, but could see no one about. “You must be mistaken my son.”

“It seems so father. Perhaps I just felt a branch to my back as I stumbled.”

Liam smiled. “You have inherited that trait from me I’m afraid. I was unsure of foot when a child.”

“Yes father.”

The other children ran up to them having heard the boy’s cry as well. “Is Roland alright?” Alec asked being the first to arrive on the scene.

“He is quite well,” Sanja replied as she looked at her son. Was that an evil glint she saw in his eyes? No. It couldn’t be. It was just from the bright sunlight that reflected from them. Alec would never harm his brother, she thought as she saw a smile come to her son’s face.

“That is very good mother. After all, my brother is to be king some day. Would be disastrous if something terrible befell him,” Alec stated. He then yelled out, “Come on you lot. Let’s back to the game.”

Sanja looked to Liam as a chill ran down her spine. What did Alec mean by that statement? Perhaps she should get after the king to put that law he once mentioned whilst she carried Roland within her belly. The sooner Liam made the realm equally shared between his children, the better.

Liam looked to Sanja and smiled. “Well. You heard Alec. No harm has come from my son’s fall. Let’s continue with the game. Off with you children. Find a place to hide. We shall be after you in a second. Hurry now.”

Sanja joined her husband and searched for her children through the great maze. Laughter abounded and she soon forgot all about her unsubstantiated fears.