Somebody Different


It was a dark and cold night on top of the green hill. There, a boy stood, looking out into the moonlight. He wasn’t crazy, he wasn’t insane, he was just alone. His black hair was entwined with blue and red and his skin looked pale beneath it. He had dark rings round his eyes, from sleepless nights. He was skinny and tall, not lanky, just mysterious. Not many people in the town below knew about him. His name had been passed about, but no one really cared. He was;


That was his only name, as for everything else, nothing. People were left in darkness. They didn’t know where he came from, who his family was or what he was. He brought no one with him and he was living with the Funeral Directors. He said they were his Aunt and Uncle, but not many people believed him. Nobody knew his age, he looked like a teenager, but that was it. It was like, he had stopped aging.

Every night, he’d come to this hill. He’d come to think. He’d never sleep, so he just sat and thought, never knowing what to do. His life was a mess; his parents had died 3 months earlier, the circumstances unknown. He had no brothers or sisters, so he was alone, apart from his Aunt and Uncle. He went to school, but he never paid attention, he saw no point in it. He already knew what he needed to know.

After all, he had a deep dark secret growing inside of him, which would change everything. He wouldn’t need an education, he wouldn’t need to be smart, and all he needed was himself. He was half-vampire. He’d live forever, and nothing could change that. He’d hardly need to eat, just blood. He already outsmarted all his teachers and got the highest IQ in the schools he’d been to. All he wanted, at this point in time before everything changed at 16 was a normal life.

He wanted friends, that didn’t hate him, people that respected him, and maybe even a girlfriend. But he knew that if he got all that something in the end would ruin it all. Something would turn it all upside down. But he’d try his best. It was the first day of school on Monday, and he would try as hard as he could to fit in, and have a normal life, just for a little while.
He looked up and into the stars. How beautiful they looked in the dark sky, how they twinkled and shimmered. How peaceful it was, being the only one there and not a sound could be heard. Not a soul was out but him. Not a sound could be heard, but his breathing. It was one of those nights. It was perfect.

Picture Perfect.
If time froze at that second, it would have been beautiful.

But everything always has to have a finish, someone stumbled up the hill, but he couldn’t hear them. It was a girl known as Skye. She was the same age, with long blue black hair. She was just as pale as Phoenix and just as mysterious. She had snakebites, and a very strange tattoo on her wrist, with looked like a star and a heart formed together, a heartagram some people called it. She stood next to Phoenix, in her skinny jeans and purple top. Her hair blowing in the slight breeze. He never realized she was there. He felt a breeze against his hair, sweeping his fringe across his eyes and he turned to face her. He gasped. He thought, how had she done that?! She was silent! But she just smiled at him, as if nothing was wrong at all. She giggled and looked deep into his eyes.

“I’m Skye. Why you here?” she said, barley louder than a whisper.

“Why should I tell you, I don’t even know you. And you don’t know me!” he kinda snapped, half shouted at her.

But, she didn’t take offense, not at all. She just smiled.

“I knew you’d be like this, you’re all the same.”

And with that she walked swiftly down the hill, her footsteps unheard, even by him. He just looked at her, as she walked away, what was she? And how did she know? She was something else, not a human. He has that look about her, the strange coloured aura, she was something outta this world. And he had to find out what.

After sitting there for a while, he decided to go back home. After all he might as well. If he wanted to find this Skye again, he’ need the strength to do it and he’d have to get some sleep. So he made his way back to the big blue house down Billet Lane.

11am-The Next Morning.
Phoenix’s POV.

I climbed out of bed, pulled on my skinnies jeans and slid a green and black tee-shirt over my head. Today i was going to try and find her, even if i had to search night and day. I rushed down the stairs and into the bathroom. For the next 20 minutes i did my hair and make up to perfection, cleaned my teeth and i set out on my road of discovery. I thought i may as well go to all the places for a girl to hang out.

Such as the Mall, The Park, The Pit or The Skatepark.

And my first stop was at the Mall. But it was massive; it was filled with about 500 shops, all different. With 8 floors and bendy corridors, i could tell this was going to take a while. So is started off in all the music stores, after wandering around for a while with no luck, i decided to look in the Blue Banana and Hot Topic clothes stores. Once or twice i thought i saw a blacky blue head wandering around, but it was late before i got a good look.

By this time it was 2pm, and i was starving. I grabbed something to eat and i made my way to the cafe. I sat down and put my feet up. This girl was hard to find i thought. Normally she’d be here, but, i thought i might as well try The Skatepark next; she might be a skateboarder for all i know. So i threw my trash in the bin, and set off to the park.

I soon neared the park, i could see the skateboarders at their tricks and people crowding round to watch, after all it was pretty cool. Some of the tricks were really fantastic! I got into the park and scanned the area for her. But with no luck i went and sat down on the bench, watching the tricks, my eyes wide from the entertainment in front of me. I was slowly transfixed on this one skater. They had their hood up and you couldn’t see their face, but they sure did know what they were doing!

Leaping about in the bowl, and throwing themselves from the half pipe and grinding rails. Truly amazing. They stopped their tricks and everyone began to clap, including me. People then began to scatter, the show being over and all. I just sat there, not bothering to move, purely because i couldn’t be arsed. And because i wanted to see who this skateboarder was, and they started to walk my way.

“So you found me did you?” They said.

I looked in amazement at them, i recognised that voice, where had a heard it before. It familiar! They just stood there, not taking the hood down, or speaking again. They were waiting for me, waiting for me to talk or to move. I took in this persons figure, it was small, and curvy, it must be...a girl! It was her! She must have been waiting for me.

“Skye? Is that you?” I said, looking up.

She smiled and giggled. She walked over to me, and slowly took the hood down. It was her, her beautiful hair, reflecting in the golden light. Her pretty heart shaped, pale face. She was dazzling in the sunlight; it was like she glittered in it.

“Yes, it is me Phoenix”, she said, almost a whisper, looking deep into my eyes.

I gasped, and i looked at her, she knew my name.

Who was she?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okayy, so i re-did this. What do you think?
I changed the names because i didn't really like them much.

The next chapter will hopefully written when i get back to school and posted up as soon as i can type it all up :]