Status: Slow Updates

Learning to Fall

Whoever She Is

“I’m not sure what this means.”

“It means you have to add 8.”

“What? Why?”

“That’s just what it means. I do not know why, it’s just… because.”

“Oh… well fine.”

I let out a dramatic sigh and lean back against the couch. I put my feet up on my coffee table and wait for Alex to finish the math problem. He’s been having trouble with graphing.

“Here. Done.”

I check over what he hands to me, and I’m surprised that I can say that it’s actually right. He’s been getting better at this.

“Good. It’s right,” I tell him and start to write down another problem. His hand stops mine from writing.

“Can we take a break? We’ve been doing this for an hour already!” he complains.


I put down the notebook and sit quietly. I don’t know what he expects us to do now.

“What’s your favorite color?” he asks suddenly.


“Mine’s blue… Favorite movie?”

“Uptown Girls.”

“Mine is Finding Nemo.”

I smirk slightly at his choice of movie.

“That’s cute.”

“I know. I’m so cute.”

I roll my eyes. It’s typical for him to be so egotistical. “You’re ridiculous. Let’s go back to math.”

“Fine. Might as well get this over with. I have a hot date tonight.”

My breath gets caught in my throat as I lean forward to pick up the notebook. It shouldn’t hurt, though. Not one bit. He said he would stop leading me on. This would definitely be the opposite of leading me on.

“Oh? With who?” I ask, trying my best to sound passive about it.

“Anna Bell. She’s a junior. Do you know her?”

What I want to say is ‘Oh yeah she’s the biggest slut in my grade’, but instead I go for something a bit nicer. “I know her, but not well. She’s nice.”

“Yeah, sure. I don’t know her well either, but I heard she’s easy.”

“You’re really classy, Alex.”

He shrugs. “Yeah, I know.”


Alex leaves at 3:30. He said he’s taking Anna to a movie at 7. I kind of find it weird that he’s taking a girl on a date on a Sunday night, but Alex is nowhere near normal, so I just let it go.

“You will never believe what I just saw!” Kaitlin shouts into the phone the second after I say ‘hello’ when she calls at 9.


“Alex Gaskarth. I was at the movie theater with my little sister. Anyway, we were waiting on line for the bathroom – the line was out the door – and I saw Alex come in with Anna Bell. First off, she’s a total slut –”

“I know all about his date with Anna, Kaitlin. He told me when he was at my house.”

“But I wasn’t finished! He came in with Anna, but after they went into the theater together, he came back out alone and went into a room behind the snack counter with one of the girls who work there!”


As sad as it is, it doesn’t shock me much. It’s just like Alex to be a bigger slut than Anna Bell.

“Oh? Is that all you have to say?”

“Yeah. He’s not my boyfriend, so why should I care?”

“…You two confuse the hell out of me.”

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know… I just feel like it’s so obvious that you should be together. But then he pulls this shit and I don’t know…”

“He can do whatever he wants.”

Alex seems to be determined to not lead me on. He’s making sure of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
(: Hope you like this one. It's kind of boring, but it's a filler so... Just leave lots of lovely comments <333

and again, if anyone's interested, I'm taking story requests. I can do whatever pairing you want. Just let me know by leaving a comment here or on my profile. Or even message me. I can do slash, too, so if that's what you want, just tell me (: