Status: Slow Updates

Learning to Fall


As he drives, Alex messes with the radio. After flipping through the stations numerous times, he finally settles on one of the more popular ones that play all the popular music.

We haven’t really spoken. I asked him where we’re going when I first got into the car, but he just smiled and ignored me. So I’m just awkwardly sitting beside him, staring out the window and listening to some song that I’ve never actually heard before. I recognize the voice of the girl singing, but I can’t remember who she is.

And I don’t know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless.

The lyrics make me pay more attention to the song. It fits my situation. I feel like this is a sign.


“Laser tag?”

“Is there something wrong with laser tag?”

“No… it’s just… random.”

“No, it’s not random at all. It’s fun. You’ll see.”

Alex pays for one game of laser tag and we sit through a demonstration. Why the hell we needed to sit through that, I have no idea. I’ve played laser tag before. I know what to do.

After the demonstration is done, we head into the game room. There’s a bunch of other people playing with us and Alex and I are on the same team.

“Okay, you go for that girl over there. I’ll get that guy.”

“Well what about all the other people?”

“Doesn’t matter. Focus on those two.”


He takes my hand and pulls me forward, never looking back. It’s sort of like the beginning of our relationship.


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed/smiled as much as I did in the past 2 hours. I never thought I could have so much fun with one person. It’s like every single thing he does is somehow funnier or more entertaining than if someone else did it.

“Are you having fun?”

I nod in response to his question. He smiles back at me and hands me the soda I asked for.

It’s 9:45 and we’re going to see a movie. I don’t think he plans on bringing me home anytime soon, because after this we’re going to the boardwalk.

“If you don’t want to go to the boardwalk after this, we don’t have to. I can take you home,” he says, as if reading my mind.

“No, I want to. I like being with you.”

I feel my cheeks burn and I want to just hide behind my hands. Instead of laughing at me, he smiles gently and takes my hand. He laces our fingers together and leads me to the theater doors.

“I like being with you too.”

I only just manage to control my enthusiasm about his response, even though he’s already told me he likes me. It’s nice to hear him say it.

“Okay, so if you get scared at all during this movie, feel free to cling to me. I’ll protect you,” he assures me when we sit down. He immediately has his arm around me.

“It’s not a scary movie…”

“I’m just letting you know that it’s okay if you’re afraid. I’m here for you.”

“You’re such an ass,” I respond, but I smile to let him know I’m only joking.

You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I felt so awful about the last update so I'm posting half of their date now and the other half later. Probably tomorrow night.

(: Don't hate me too much guys. <333