Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me



March 27, 1985...5:02 P.M.

"Jermaine? Jermaine?! Stop! No! Tito, stop him!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Jermaine, Michael's older brother, ran around chasing me with a plastic bat.

"I'll get you, my pretty! And your little boy toy too!" Jermaine said manically. I ran faster as he gained up on me. I could hear Marlon, Randy, and Jackie in the background laughing hysterically.

"Guys?! You're not helping! Someone stop this mad man!" I yelled as I was tackled down to the ground by a boulder.
"Jermaine, get off. You're too fat for me to support your weight!" I said, out of breath. Jermaine raised the plastic bat and swung it around, pretending to hit me. He laughed and got up, helping me to stand. I put my hands on my knees and looked around the Jackson's backyard. Marlon, Jackie, and Randy were sitting on lawn chairs, with goofy smiles. I rolled my eyes and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet Tito. I raised my hand and hit him roughly, but that really didn't do any good, because he only chuckled.

"Where were you, when I called for help?" I asked, glaring at the tall man.
"I was talking to Michael on the phone." He answered.
"When? I didn't see you leave! Why didn't I get to talk to him?" I pouted.
"When you were being chased by this 'Mad Man.' And you were to busy running to come get the phone. Oh, by the way, Michael said he's going to have to stay at the photo-shoot longer than he thought." He replied. I frowned and walked over to Marlon, Randy, and Jackie. Tito and Jermaine followed and we all sat down. I looked at Jermaine and he stared back.

"I will get my revenge boy! You Hear? I will get my revenge!" I laughed evilly and the boys looked at me dumbfounded. I smirked and sat there, gazing off into space.

"Kat? You there? Yoo-hoo! Earth to Kat!" Jackie yelled getting my attention.
"You okay?" He asked. I puckered my lips and then said, "I'm Hungry."

The boys nodded and started talking about things that I could really care less about. Something about a straw and a hippo. I got up from my seat and walked into the house to get a cookie from the cookie jar.

I popped the delicious treat into my mouth and thought about Michael and our relationship. Lately my feelings for him have been growing too much for me to handle. I was beginning to think that I Loved Michael. I've never felt this before and to be honest, our relationship is the first serious relationship I have ever been in. Every smile he gave me, sent my heart rate jumping up to the sky, Every touch he gave me sent an electric shock through-out my body, and those damn kisses just made me want to do him right there. My thoughts only contained Michael and Michael only.

Through-out our relationship, I've been trying to balance out my time with him and college. It's really hard to do that, especially when your class-mates know that your dating the King of Pop and they're huge fans. Everyday of school, I get hassled with questions and pleas of different kinds of people. Everyday of school, I get mean glares from Fan-Girls, and rumors always happen to start from them. I'm starting to get sick of it and I need it to end.
But there's only to two ways to do it.

Quit college or Break-up with the man that I Know I am in love with.

I hope there's a loop-hole, because I'm doing neither.

I heard a car pull up in the drive-way and I walked to the front door. I opened it and watched as Katherine and Joesph got out of the car. They looked up and Katherine smiled at me warmly and Joesph ignored me as usual.

I smiled back at Michael's mother and went up to hug her.
"Hello, sweetie. How're you?" Katherine asked.
"I'm fine and you?" I asked politely back.
"I'm doing good, Thank you." She replied.
"Katherine? My Father was wondering if you and Joesph would like to join him for church?" I said remembering what my Daddy said to ask.
"Of course! Is your mother going to be there?" She asked, her smile growing even wider.
"Um, yes ma'am." I said. My Father and Mother may not be married any more, but they were still great friends.
"Wonderful! I'll call your mother right now," She beamed. I smiled and nodded politely. I left the two alone and went back outside to join their sons. I shouldn't of done that at all.

As I walked out I got shot in the face with a water balloon. I wiped off the liquid substance and looked towards the boys.

"Are you guys crazy?" I screamed. The boys laughed and shook they're heads. I sighed and sat down on a chair nearby.

"Hey! What took you so long to get a snack?" Marlon asked, running away quickly as Jackie chased after him.
"Probably thinking about Mikey again!" Jackie teased. I rolled my eyes and nodded, hiding a secret smile.
"You're parents are here too." I said. The boys all stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me. They walked away and hid everything they had played with somewhere in the backyard. They came back and sat down with me. I gave them a confused look as they did.
"Joesph." Randy said. My lips formed an 'O' and I nodded in understanding. We all relaxed and talked amongst each other when the back door opened. We all looked and My face brightened and my smile grew on my face.

I ran towards Michael's open arms and he laughed.
"I've missed you," I whispered in his ear.
"I've missed you more," He whispered back. I heard a chorus of 'Ewww's' going around us and I giggled.

"Why don't you two get a room!" Jermaine complained. {Hehe, that ryhmes!}
"Then they'd be doing something that has to do with a creaking bed," Tito replied. The guys laughed as Michael and I blushed. Michael took my hand and lead us towards the boys. There was only one chair left, so I had to sit on Michael's lap. I didn't mind though. I'd rather it be Michael's lap, then an old chair. Michael talked with the guys, as I soon began to space out again.

My mind drifted off to the thoughts that I had about this morning.
Not only was our relationship growing, but our passion to have each other in a way was as well. Our desire to become one was burning through and eventually it will win.

I just don't know when.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay!! I know, not a lot of Michael, but it's better than nothing right? Well, anyways, I would like to say, or type hehe, that I really appreciate you readers. I'm so glad you like this story and that I love you all!! Once again, please comment your thoughts, and I would just love you forever if you subscribe. It would really mean a lot to me too. And please correct me if you see any errors!!
