Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

I Don't Need A Guy

I can't believe it! I thought. Michael Jackson. THE Michael Jackson.

I heard a cough come from the door I had stupidly ran through and my head shot in that direction. My brother stood with his hands in his pant-pockets and a small secretive smirk on his lips. I raised an eyebrow and turned towards my Uncle.

"So, what seems to be the problem, Uncle Ronnie?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled at me and walked away to stand next to a man.

He put his left hand on the man's right shoulder and said,"We were wondering if you and your brother would like to help around here? With as many people we have to record this song, we might need extras, you know?"

I puckered my lips and stared at the two men standing together. Lets go over my options...I could decline the offer, go home, and have a long, peaceful alone time by myself. Or I could be a sweet niece to my Uncle, make him and his friends happy, and be in the same room as The King Of Pop. My eyes traveled over to my brother and he caught my gaze. He looked over at Michael and chuckled. I frowned.

"I'll do it," James said.

I sighed and my Uncle stared intently at me.

"Well?" He asked.

I nodded and a broad smile spread through-out everybody's faces.

"Excellent," the man next to my Uncle bellowed.

He walked over to me introducing himself as Quincy Jones, The Producer. He quickly walked away, doing the same to James. He then left him, like he did me. My brother soon walked towards my Uncle, starting a short conversation. I looked around, studying my surroundings. I heard different kinds of conversation around me and soon felt two pairs of eyes digging into my back. I turned around, searching for the little snoops. I glanced over everyone and almost skipped over Michael when I found out that he and his female friend was the source of the feeling that I had.

I watched as his friend leaned in towards his ear and whispered something. Michael laughed and smiled along with his friend while they both stared at me. I felt a stinging feeling through out my body as I watched them closely. I suddenly felt self-conscious as my slow brain realized that they were probably talking about me. Thankfully though, Quincy grabbed everyone's attention and spoke into a microphone explaining some things concerning the song. I walked slowly and quietly towards my brother and Uncle, all the while, feeling Michael's eyes watching my every move.

"Looks like Mr. Pop might have a thing for you, Kat," James whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Katrina, when I entered this room and you were being picked up by Eddy, I noticed that Michael had this...look in his eyes when he saw you. His eyes been glued on you ever since you ran in here." I blushed and looked down at my feet. "And If I'm not mistaken, you like him too."

My head shot up sharply and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What? You're my little sister. Nothing's ever a secret when you've known a person for twenty-two years."

I shook my head and replied back in low-hissing voice.

"James, if you haven't noticed, these past couple of months I've been extremely busy. College is hard enough for me right now, okay? I don't need a guy and I really don't need my brother pressuring me about some stupid love-crush non-sense, got it?"

I heard a cough from my side and looked over at my Uncle. He looked from James to me with a confused look on his face. I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly.

I caught Michael's eye and we stared at each other longer than necessary. He threw me a small smile and I returned the favor. His female friend, which I learned to be Diana Ross, nudged him playfully with her elbow. I could tell from the beginning that they had a strong relationship. I averted my eyes away from them and started listening to Mr. Jones. Soon after, we all got down to business.

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Okay, second chapter!!! Whoo!! ^_^ ...Comment?? Subscribe?? Any Advice?? Please??
Love you My devoted readers!! ^_^
