Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me



April 26, 1985...1:16 P.M.

After finding out that I had successfully gotten my memory back, I drove back home to the family. My Mother and my Daddy cried tears of joy and they hugged me tight. My father had given me a strict lecture about driving on the road without a seat-belt on since the police had reported it to my parents. My brothers teased me once again like they used to and we laughed and joked around.

But what surprised me was that they didn't know the cause of the whole accident. They asked and bugged me about it non-stop, but my mom caught on to my reluctance and told my brothers, including my father, to back off. My sisters were completely supportive and they didn't annoy me like my brothers. Kayliee and Kyliee were like my best friends and when they found out about me getting in a wreck they were devastated. Since then, they've been keeping a close eye on me, and checking if I was alright every now and then.

My family has been extremely worried about my health since I got back from the hospital. I still have a major headache, I still throw up every now and then, and I have some-what of a heart-burn sometimes. When the doctor examined me, she didn't see any problems. My mother's completely worried about me and I have a feeling she's catching on to a little secret that I've been holding for a while now.

As for Michael...well we haven't had any kind, form, or shape of connection with each other. Sometimes the phone would ring and I'll be sitting there hoping it's him, but no such luck. His family came and visited often, but not once has any of us mentioned anything about Michael and I. His sisters and brothers were still my very close friends and we would hang out like before, but it wasn't the same without Michael. I wanted to see him, touch him, hug him...kiss him. But I was Not going to be the first one to break down and apologize for something that was not my idea. Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep thinking about his angelic face, his sweet smile, his addictive laugh, his soft lips.

"Kat?" Kyliee asked quietly as she stepped into my room. "Your thinking about him again."
I sighed and looked up at her. "Sorry."
"It's okay. Kayliee and I were wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us?" Her eyes glimmered in the sun and she pouted her lips. I gave her a weak smile and nodded. She squealed happily and ran out of the room, shouting for Kayliee. I got up from my bed and started my task at getting ready. When I was finished, I walked out of my room and down the stairs where my two younger half-sisters were waiting. They both linked their arm onto one of my own and we walked out and into the limo. We talked and gossiped like sisters and soon we were at our destination. The driver helped each of us out and we made our way into the mall.

"Where to?" I asked, looking at the two girls. They shrugged and we randomly walked around into stores and looked at new fashions and such. One of which, I wish I hadn't.
We walked inside a shoe store and admired the classy and made fun of the flappy. As I saw these cute pair of flats, I over-heard a female and male voice arguing. Both of them being very familiar. I turned around quickly to leave, but I came face to face with Diana and Michael. The three of us froze in our spots and my breath was knocked out of me as I stared at Michael.
"Kat? What do you thi-" Kyliee stopped as she saw who was before her. Her lips formed into a sneer as she looked over at Michael with hatred and Diana with disgust.
"Kyliee, do you kn-" Kayliee paused and stared wide-eyed at the four of us. "Never mind. You seem to have found her."
"Come on, girls. We have to go home." I whispered, tearing my eyes away from Michael and Diana.
"Can I have this though?" Kayliee and Kyliee asked in unison, holding up their own item. I nodded my head and followed the girls, but before I could walk away, Michael grabbed my wrist and pulled me back gently. I stared down at the ground as he came forward.
"I need to talk to you. Please." He begged quietly as to not cause a scene. I looked at him and nodded my head for him to go on.
"I know you don't reme-"
"I got my memory back." I chocked out. He stared at me in surprise and I stared behind him where Diana stood off, watching us carefully.
"Please let go, Michael. I have to get my sisters back home, or we're going to be late." Michael obeyed and he was waiting for me to leave, but I couldn't find myself to do it. We stayed in our places until we heard two impatient coughs behind me. I backed away slowly from Michael and turned to leave with my sisters.

Before I walked out the door, I looked back to see Michael and at the same time our own tears came down our disappointed faces.
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