Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

Never Quit


May 5, 1985....6:22 A.M.

Fours days have passed and since then calls have been ringing through-out the house for me. My family was curious as to why the calls were for me and I had to tell them. I was going to choose to lie about my pregnancy, but chose against it. My parents were shocked and angered that I had broken their valuable promise. My siblings on the other hand were excited as ever and supported me through all my parents yelling. My Father and Mother didn't speak to me for two days until they finally caved in and they welcomed the baby with open arms.

They wouldn't have, if I suggested abortion though. They are completely against abortion and when they heard the idea escape from my lips, they froze and looked at me like I was some alien from a far away planet. Soon after they calmed down I told them about the miscarriage. My mom cried sad tears, as well as my sisters, and I think I saw a tear or two run down from my father's eyes. My brothers kept cool and tried to be 'Men', but I could tell they were having a hard time cope with the fact that one of my babies died.

After we got the whole, 'I'm pregnant, but I miscarried one baby' thing settled, I talked with my family about me getting away for a couple of months, maybe coming back when the baby was born.

"Why would you want to do that?" Kyliee asked.
"I don't want my baby being thrusted into the spot-light, that's why." I answered.
"Michael knows, right?" Nick walked into the room with a magazine in his hand.
"Yeah." I eyed the the item in his hand and he looked up to meet my eyes.
"Don't worry, you're not in here. But you're baby's Daddy is."
"Kat, it's un-healthy for a baby to not know its father." My mother looked at me with her puckered lips.
"It's also un-healthy to have a baby hassled around by the tabloids and press." I fired back.

Everyone in the room stared at me with surprise. I've never talked back to mom before and this is certainly a first.

"Sorry...Mood Swings, I guess." I mumbled. My mother nodded and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead lightly.
"It's okay. I did the same thing to my mother when I was pregnant with James." She looked over at my eldest brother and playfully gave him the evil eye. James laughed and shook his head.
"Okay, but if you're leaving, where are you going to stay?" Will asked.
"In Grammy's old cottage in Tennessee." I looked at Will with a smirk.
"No way! I already booked that place for me and Darlene." Will complained.
"Oh well. You're just going to have to make room for two more." I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled. Will sighed and agreed afterwards. "When are you guys leaving anyway?"
"Tomorrow. So if you're coming with us, you're going to have to start packing now." Will muttered. I got up from my seat and went straight to my room.

It took about probably five, six hours to pack everything that I needed. If I had help, I would've done it a lot faster, but everyone left the house to do their own thing. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen when the phone rang. I quickly picked it up and regretted it the moment I did.

"Finally! Do you know how long we've been trying to get a hold of ya?" I heard Rebbie's voice on the other line.
"Hi to you too." I simply said as I made myself a grilled-cheese sandwich. I heard Rebbie sigh and it got silent.
"So..." I trailed off.
"Why?" She asked.
"Why? Why did you do that to Michael?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play stupid, Katrina. What you did to Michael the other Morning really broke him."
"What did he tell you?" I choked out.
"You won't accept his apology and..."
"And what?" I urged.
"You miscarried, but you're still pregnant with the other baby." She whispered softly. I could hear her voice cracking as she spoke.
"Rebbie, how many people know?"
"My sisters and brothers know. So does my mother. Joesph doesn't though."

An aggravated sigh escaped from lips and I shook my head.
"Rebbie, I don't want this coming out to anybody else. You understand? I don't want my baby being the media's new target."
"Yeah. Okay, I'll tell everybody. But.."
"What Rebbie?"
"Talk to Michael okay? He's a wreck without you." With that, Rebbie hung up before I could reply back. I put the phone back in its place and ran my hand down my face.

'They just never quit, do they?'
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Sorry, I didn't post anything Last Night!!! Hope you forgive me...Anyways Love you guys...Please comment and subscribing means a lot to me!! Hint Hint....Hehe...If you find any mistakes please let me know!!
