Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

Please Don't Leave


May 6, 1985....2:58 A.M.

"Kat? Kat, Wake up. We have to get ready for the flight." Will whispered as he turned on the lights in my room.

I groaned and nodded my head sleepily. I rolled out of bed grudgingly and went to take a shower. I turned on the cold water and as soon as I stepped in, I was wide awake. I quickly washed myself and did whatever else I needed to do. After I was finished, I stepped out and dried off. The clothes I brought in last night were hanging on the wall, waiting for me to put them on. I quickly dressed and put my light make-up on. Soon I was done and gathering my stuff into a small duffel bag. My other bags were already packed and getting placed in the limo. I walked out of my bathroom and into my room, where a small envelope lay on my bed. I slowly walked over to it and saw an elegant writing of my name on the front. I instantly recognized it, as Michael's hand-writing. I picked it up gently and opened it to see a letter. I opened the letter and silently read it to myself.


My sweet angel, I'm really sorry. I know I have caused great pain to your heart and I feel like the biggest jerk to ever walk this Earth. My smile has disappeared since I can not see yours. The gleam in my eyes that you have mentioned about, has dimmed since I can not look into your beautiful eyes and see yours. My heart has officially stopped since I can not hear yours. My world is gone since your not here, in my arms, where you're supposed to be. Baby, all I ask of you is your forgiveness. That's all I want. I know I can never heal this problem, but please. Just let me know. There is a velvet square box on your dresser that I want you to open. Katrina, please do not throw this away, I want you to have it. Keep it safe....It used to belong to my Grandmother.

I Love You.

My breathing stopped for a moment and my eyes traveled down to my dresser. Like he wrote, there was a velvet square box that was set on top of my dresser. I carefully picked it up and opened it slowly. Silent tears ran down my face as I stared at a beautiful diamond ring. I took the ring out of the box and put it on my right ring finger. I admired it and wiped away the escaping tears. I took a deep breath, closed the velvet box and put it in a safe place in my my duffel bag. I picked up the bag and walked out of my room, down the stairs, and outside, where my brother and his girlfriend, Darlene, stood waiting for me by the limo. I smiled weakly at them and they returned the favor, glancing down at my hand to see the ring. I didn't notice, but Will smirked secretively as he watched me step into the limo.

"She's wearing it," Darlene gushed. "Michael would love this."
"If only he could see her wear his Grandmother's ring though." Will sighed as he helped Darlene into the limo.

It took about an hour to make it to the airport and I was just fixing to go inside the large building with Will and Darlene, when my name was called out. I searched for the voice and just about had a heart-attack when Michael came running towards me. I watched in shock as he almost tripped over someone's luggage and then got yelled at by some old woman. She grabbed her purse and started to beat Michael with it, insistently. I shook my head and made my way towards Michael. I could hear her yell louder and Michael screaming for her to stop as I came closer and closer to them.

"Please! I didn't mean to! Please Stop!"
"You wreckless hooligan! I should report you to the police!" The woman's voice echoed off the walls and I bit back the laugh that wanted to come out from my lips. I placed my hand on the woman's shoulder and smiled warmly down at her small form. She gave me a curious look and smiled back.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I'll take it from here." I said kindly. The woman grinned triumphantly up at me. She turned back to Michael and gave him a glare.
"Justice has been served, you rotten rat!" She walked away and I turned to Michael, who was staring at my right hand. A grin formed on his face as he stared up at me.

"You're wearing the ring." I nodded my head at him.
"Michael, what are you doing here?" I asked, impatiently.
"I don't want you to go." Michael stepped forward, grabbed me, and pulled me into a long passion-filled kiss. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. I finally gave in to him and kissed back.

Our lips moved together and the familiar electric feeling shocked my lips as his hands went to settle on my hips. My hands went through his hair and his tongue licked at my bottom lips. I opened them for him and our battle for dominance began. As my hands traveled down to his chest, my mind started to scream for me to stop. My heart, though, screamed to continue. I decided to listen to my mind.

I pulled away from Michael and stared at him dumbfounded.

"I have to go." I whispered. I turned back to walk away, but I stopped as I heard three words escape from his lips. Those three words sent me into a silent cry as I turned to Michael once again.

"Please Don't Leave."
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Twenty-Nine!!! I have about twenty-seven people who subscribed and I'm really happy, but I would be even more happy, if more people subscribed... ;)...Anywayz, comment ur thoughts and I Love you all!!! =D
