Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

We Are The World

"We are the world, We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day, So let's start giving," Michael sang with such grace that the music touched my heart.

"There's a choice we're making, We're saving our own lives," Diana sang back smiling at Michael.

"It's true, we'll make a better day, Just you and me," They sang together.

Everybody clapped. Except me. Okay, yes I admit it. I'm jealous, but can you blame me? I've only worked for this guy, and the others, for only a couple hours and I'm starting to fall for him. And hard too. I sighed and looked down, pretending to admire my shoes, but the truth was, I was hiding my red-angered face from everyone who might notice it.

"Little Bug, what'd you think?" Uncle Ronnie asked, getting everyone's attention to land on me.

I faked a smile and nodded. "That was wonderful! Perfect Harmony!" I exclaimed. I saw Michael and Diana smile proudly at each other.

Ugh, I thought. I had to get out of there.

"Uncle Ronnie? You don't mind if I leave and get a quick bite to eat, do you?" I asked sweetly, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes.

He looked over to Quincy and raised his eyebrows. Quincy looked over at me and I let my bottom lip poke out and tremble. He sighed, looked down at his lap, and chuckled.

"You know, you're just like my daughter, Rashida. Sure, you can go eat. I'm hungry too. Okay, everybody, let's take ten," Quincy announced.

I smiled triumphantly and walked briskly out the door. I slowly walked down a corridor, made a right and opened the second door on the left.

"Thank goodness I have a good memory," I thought out loud.

The room that was shown before me was very dull. Pale white wallpaper. One t.v. on my left, a long brown couch in the middle of the room with an arm chair on each side of it, about maybe one feet away. Also there was small wooden coffee table in front of the couch. In the back of the room there was a very long table covered with lots of food and drinks. I soon realized that I was very hungry when I heard my stomach growl loudly. "Oh shush, you'll eat in a minute," I said to it. I took a few steps to the right to stand in front of a telephone that I noticed. I picked it up and dialed my friend's number.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings

"Hello?" A voice on the other line picked up.

I sighed in relief. "Maggie? Is that you?" I asked into the receiver.

"Yes, who is this?" She asked hesitantly.

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Mags, it's me, Kat. I have to tell you so-," I was cut off by Maggie's words.

"Katrina? Why are you calling me now? I was just having a dream about me and a big large cake."

"Cake? Maggie, I think you need help," I heard a Hmph on the line. "Anyways, I have to tell you something, okay?"

Silence was all I heard, so I took that as a sign to go on. "There's someone here that you love and idolize...Cindy Lauper!!" Silence once again. Then.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Are you serious? Get me an autograph girl!" I laughed and nodded, but soon realized she couldn't see me. "Okay, I just called to tell you that," I replied.

"There's more, I can tell." Maggie said waiting for me to spill it.

Mags, you're a smart one, I thought. "I'll tell you later, I have to go. Someone's coming."

I hung up the phone before she could say anything. I walked quickly to the long table of food and examined them. Soon I heard laughter and footsteps coming closer and closer. I turned around to meet Michael and Diana. I grimaced inwardly.

"Hello, I'm Diana," The tall black beauty grinned, showing off her white pearls.

I nodded. Diana elbowed Michael softly.

"And I'm Michael," His soft voice rung in my ears beautifully. Diana giggled. I wanted so bad to just roll my eyes at her, but that would be rude.

"I'm Katrina," I outstretched my hand towards Diana and we both smiled at each other.

Hers genuine. Mine fake.

I let go and outstretched my hand towards Michael. He raised his hand and placed it in mine. We shook each other's hand for God's know how long. I looked him in the eye and it seemed as though my world disappeared and he was the only one there. His shy smile sent shivers up my spine and the feel of his hand against mine was electrifying. I heard a cough and looked for the source. My brother stood behind Diana, giving looks between me and Michael. I, regretfully, let go of the angel's hand and felt suddenly cold.

"Kat, Uncle Ron wants us," He said, playing cool about the whole situation that just un-folded in front of him and Diana. I nodded and said my goodbyes.

I walked out the door, hearing Diana's giggles and her saying, "You two look sooooo cute together!"

This time, I rolled my eyes.
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Chapter Three!!! Comment?? Subscribe?? Advice?? Love you loyal readers!!! ♥
