Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

A New Friend. A New Problem.


May 6, 1985....7:15 A.M.

I stared out the window as I watched the airport building get smaller and smaller. I sighed as a lone tear fell down my cheek. I sat back on the seat of the airplane and tried to calm my heavy breathing. The last words I said to Michael repeating over and over inside my head.

"I'm sorry...No." I sniffed and thought about the heart-shattering look he gave me, as I shook my head and ran away from him.
In my head, I was trying to tell myself that it was for the best, while my heart was screaming out in agonizing pain.

A cough reached my ears and I looked up to see a man giving me a weak smile.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked softly.
"No, please go ahead." I whispered, staring up at him curiously. He sat down beside me and held out his hand.
"I'm Prince." I took his hand and it soon clicked as to why he looked familiar.
"You're that guy from, 'Purple Rain'." Prince laughed as the look of recognization came to my face.
"I'm Kat."
"Well, nice to meet you Kat." I smiled at Prince and looked out the window to see that we were officially in the sky.
"So, why are you going to Tennessee?" Prince asked.
"To get away from the stress," I said, not noticing my hand placing itself on my stomach. Prince looked down and raised his eyebrows at me.
"You preggo?" I giggled and nodded at the man before me.
"Preggo? Is that new?"
"My word. You can't steal." Prince pointed his pointer finger at me playfully. I held up my hand in defense.
"Hey. I don't steal."

Prince and I talked and laughed through-out the whole plane trip, but all great things come to an end, right? We both set foot into the airport and looked at each other with a smile.
"So I guess this is goodbye then, Kitty?" Prince asked, calling me by the nickname he assigned me.
"Nope. It's a 'See You Later'."
"Of course!" Prince hugged me one last time before pulling away.
"And remember. Call me!" He said, making a calling motion. I laughed as he walked away with his friends. I turned back to see my brother Will and Darlene looking at Prince with their mouths opened.
"Was that Prince?" Will looked at me. I nodded and walked away from them. We searched for our bags and when we finally found them, we gathered them up with the help of a man our father hired to stay with us to help us. When everything was soon packed into the limo, we got in the long car and soon we were on our way to our Grammy's cottage.

~Three hours Later

"You get everything?" Darlene asked as she came into my room to see everything was unpacked and looked exactly like my room in Los Angeles, just a little bit different.
"Yeah. Come on, let's go see Daisy."
"Daisy?" Darlene gave me a confused look and I laughed.
"Mm-hmm. Daisy's my Grammy's horse. She has lots more." I took Darlene's hand and pulled her along with me until me got to the stables.
"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said she had lots more. Who takes care of 'em?"
"You know that guy who helped us with our bags at the airport? That used to be Grammy's butler, but then she died and he got a new job. My Daddy called him and told him we were coming and he agreed to help us with anything. He takes care of this place, even though he doesn't have to."
"So who does the horses belong to?"
"My family, but since we live in Los Angeles and Nick being allergic to horses, we can't have them."
"Oh." Darlene nodded her head while hugging a small baby horse.
"I think that's one of Shanelle's new baby."
"She's out there with Will." I pointed in the direction of Will where he was getting her clean.
"Wow, I never new he was good with animals."
"Yep. My parents said when he was little, he used to sleep in these stables with Grammy's old pig, Lexi." Darlene burst out laughing.
"Whatever happened to Lexi?"
"She died of old age. Will was very upset when he heard of the news." Darlene nodded and walked away to join Will. I walked over to Daisy and wrapped my arms around her long neck.
"Hey girl. How you doing?" I asked warmly. Daisy nuzzled into my neck and I laughed to myself.
"I missed you, Daisy." I kissed her nose gently and walked away when Darlene screamed my name. I turned to her and looked at her worriedly.
"What?" I asked.

"Come quick! It's Will! He's hurt!"
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