Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me



October 31, 1985...9:23 A.M.

"Happy Birthday!" My family bellowed out as they saw me walk down the stairs. I smiled at them warmly and laughed as I saw Kyliee and Kayliee with halloween masks on.
"And Happy Halloween!" The girls yelled together.
"Aw, thank you guys!" I said as tears started to prick my eyes.
"Great. Here we go again." Nick muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I have an explanation for these hormones, Mister. If you were in my position, you'd know how I feel...Now give me a hug, you slug!" I said, as I grabbed Nick and pulled him in my arms. I heard laughter spill out of my other brothers mouths and Nick glared at them.
"And why are you two laughing?" Nick asked.
"James just had a mental picture of you being pregnant." Will replied. The whole family grew silent as they thought about Nick with an enlarged stomach and soon after the room was filled with laughter. I held onto my stomach and as I wiped away my tears of happiness.

After a small conversation with the family, I heard the door-bell ring and I looked at everybody. No one moved and I sighed as I got up from my comfortable seat. It took me awhile to stand and everyone watched with amusement.
"I'll get the door." I mumbled. I walked to the door as the unknown person impatiently rung the bell over and over again.
"I'm coming! I'm coming! Hold your damn horses!" I screamed.

I opened the door and my mouth dropped wide open.
"Kit-Kat! Wow, you grew big." A tall girl said as she stared at my belly. Her brown hair blew in the Los Angeles wind and her brown eyes were filled with happiness and yet curiousness as she looked up towards me.
"Well? Aren't you going to say something? Come on, you're still not mad at me, are you?" The girl pouted. I snapped out of my trans-fixed gaze and squealed loudly.
"April! What are doing here?" I grinned.
"Took you long enough, Kit-Kat! Gosh, I was beginning to wonder if that big...whatever it is, got to you." April smiled as she hugged me.
"Oh shush! I called you a million times and no one picked up! I was going to call you and tell you I was pregnant, but I guess you had better things to do." I rolled my eyes.
"No! Don't think like that. It's just that I've been busy, but I guess you were busier." April eyed my stomach again. "By the way, who knocked you up?" She asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said.

I turned to move out of the way for her to come in and she walked inside looking around.
"Try me." April challenged. I smirked as I stared at her.
"Nah, I'm gonna make you wait." I stuck my tongue out at her and giggled. April sneered playfully and stopped.
"I forgot something." April put her hand on her chin and tapped her foot. Her mouth made an 'Ohh' form and she looked towards me.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"I forgot to say, 'Happy Birthday'. Hehe, that rhymed!" She exclaimed. I nodded at her thankfully and we started to catch up with what happened when April moved to Boston.

"Let's go explore." April yelled out randomly as we sat on the couch watching old cartoons. I laughed and agreed. We made our way outside to April's car and she drove us to a store called, "Baby-Goodies".
"April, why are we here?"
"Boy, you sure are slow aren't you?"
"Hush up."
April giggled as she took my arm and guided me inside the store. I looked around the place and hid a small smile from April.
"Come on. Let's shop for this baby."
"When this baby is born, you're going to spoil him or her, huh?"
April nodded her head quickly as she pulled me along.

"Awwww! Look at this!" April held up a footie pajama that had little sheeps imprinted on them. I smiled my approval for them and she put it in a cart filled with other baby things.

I left April to search for more things, to go use the restroom. When I was done doing my business, I walked out and went to look for April. I stopped when I saw a familiar figure talking to a pregnant woman.

"Prince?" The figure turned to me and smiled. Prince walked over and stopped when he saw my big belly.
"Kitty! You're growing a pumpkin!" Prince pointed at my stomach and I smacked his hand.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned.
"I was going to look for something for your baby." Prince smiled as he placed his hand on my stomach. I smiled warmly at him and looked around when I heard my name being called.
"Kit-Kat? Oh there you are." She smiled at me as she had a pair little baby booties in her hands. She smiled even bigger as she saw Prince beside me.
"Well, hello. I don't think we've ever met before." April grinned as she held her hands out to Prince. Prince stood dumbstruck, staring at April weirdly.
"Ooookkkkaaayyyy." April pulled her hand back and looked at me.
"What do you think of these?" She jiggled the baby booties in my face and I giggled.
"They're cute, April!" I stopped her and she smirked.
"Cool, I'm going to get it then." April ran off and went to the check out counter. I sighed and shook my head, turning my attention back to Prince.

"Who was that?" Prince whispered.
"My best friend, April. She came to visit me for my birthday today."
Prince snapped out of his trance and looked at me, shocked.
"It's your birthday!" He yelled. I laughed at his expression and nodded.
"Yep. I'm twenty-three now." I replied.
"Great, now I have to get you a present." He mumbled.
"No! I don't want any presents, got it?" I pointed my pointer finger at him and Prince sighed.
"No, I don't got it. I'm going to buy you something, and you can't complain. Look, I got to go, okay?" Prince walked off before I could react and I grumbled in frustration.

I walked off, finding April, smiling at the cashier and holding out her hand for her change. She turned around and grinned as she saw me. I watched as she grabbed some of the items she bought and a young girl took the rest with the help of another girl. They all followed April to her car and I amazed at how everything fit in her trunk. I smiled at the girls and they returned it.

April and I were soon on our way home and it was silent with the exception of the radio. The song changed after a few minutes and Michael's song, "Thriller" came on. April squealed happily and turned the radio up. I placed my hand on my stomach as the baby started to kick in rhythm to Michael's music.

I soon found myself singing along with April as we continued on our way.
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Okay, I hope you liked this chapter...Please comment, I would really appreciate it. Comments always inspire the writers to write more...And please don't make me beg you to subscribe, cos I will if I have to. I'll roll in dirt for you, if you do...Hehe...I love you guys soooo much!! I need positive feedback please!!! And please, let your friends know about my story!!!
