Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me



Michael and I headed inside and I stopped when I saw Prince standing there, flirting with April. She was up against the wall and Prince's hands was on either side of her head. Their lips were only centimeters away and I bit my tongue from laughing out. I looked up to watch Michael's face turn from shock to disgust.

"We don't look like that when we do what they're doing, do we?" Michael whispered into my ear.
"Yeah you do." James whispered back, walking into the house, standing behind Michael. I giggled quietly to myself as James started to smirk and Michael blushed a deep dark red. I walked out of Michael's arms and towards Prince and April. I stood to the side, watching as Prince's lips came closer and closer to April's waiting lips. I hated to do what I was going to do next, but I had to do it. I coughed loudly and Prince pulled away from April fast. Prince looked at me and smiled shyly. Behind him, April gave me a glare, still leaning up against the wall. I poked my tongue out at her and she just rolled her eyes. I turned my attention back to Prince and held my hand out.

"What?" He looked confused.
"Present." I simply said. Prince's face lit up and he started to laugh nervously.
"Yeah! I got it right here." Prince handed me a small velvet box. I opened it and gasped when I saw a golden bracelet laying inside.

"Prince! You shouldn't be buying me these expensive things!" I carefully took the bracelet out of the box and held it up to my face.
"Do you mind helping me put it on?" I asked. Prince laughed and took the bracelet away from my hands. He clasped the jewel around my wrist and I grinned as I admired the beautiful gift. I hugged Prince tightly and whispered my thanks to him. I pulled away afterwards and walked away.

"You may kiss now!" I yelled over my shoulder.
Michael stood with my brother and smiled as he saw me. I showed him the bracelet and he chuckled at my excitement. Michael bent down and placed his lips on mine. James started to gag and I pulled away to Michael's complete dis-taste.

"Why don't you leave if you think this is disgusting?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.
"Fine! I will, Miss Priss." James imitated me, putting his hands on his hips and made a funny face. I smirked as he left the room, walking into the kitchen to eat more cake. I turned back to Michael to see him stare down at my stomach.

"It's interesting to see you talk, cause the baby starts to move a lot." Michael smiled as he placed his hand on my belly. The baby kicked as usual as I started to reply.
"I've grown accustom to it. I can't tell anymore, unless the baby kicks really hard."
Michael nodded his head and smiled warmly.

"Will you stay with me tonight?"
Michael looked back up to me and grinned.
"Yeah, sure." I giggled as Michael kissed my cheek and guided me upstairs into my room. I made my way into the closet to find a sleeping gown. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and put the dress on over my body. I made my way of the closet to see Michael only in his boxers, laying on my bed. I smiled as I saw that he was asleep soundly. His clothes were placed on a chair nearby and I shook my head hearing Michael snore lightly. I climbed in bed with him with my back pressed up against his chest. I felt Michael's hand wrap themselves around my body and I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
December 24, 1985...2:22 P.M.

"Michael!" I screamed as I saw Bubbles, Michael's chimp he rescued a few months ago, eating one of my bananas. I heard Michael's frantic footsteps quickly running through-out my house. He finally stopped when he saw that I was okay. I pointed towards the small monkey and crossed my arms over my chest, tapping my foot impatiently. Michael tried to hide a small smile as he picked up the monkey and started to talk to him in 'strict' voice about eating my food. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room and made my way into the living room.

Two months had passed since Michael and I got back together and it is now December, the day before Christmas. Since my parents are both Jehovah's Witnesses, we're not celebrating anything, though Michael still wanted to get me something. I am now officially nine months pregnant and I am scared out of my wits. This baby could pop out at any moment. Things have changed around since I'm expecting a child very soon. I now can't leave the house without anyone to come with me. I have to be watched closely because I had a false labor not too long ago. About three days ago to be exact. I didn't have a baby shower, but I'm still getting presents from family members and close friends everyday.

April was now going out with Prince and they're just the cutest couple you'll ever meet. April is now living in Los Angeles with Prince. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing since one week of them two dating and they were now moving in together. I talked to April about it and she said she felt like she was in love. I agreed with her as I saw that her face got glazed over with a look of pure love for Prince. I was absolutely happy to see them together with big smiles on each of their faces.

"Katrina?" I heard Michael call out.
"In here!" I yelled as I started to eat a chip dipped in pickle juice. Michael walked in to see me dip another chip into the juice and his face crunched up in disgust.
"Don't give me that look. It's your fault I'm like this."
"Are you really going to blame me? I mean, come on. You wanted me. You even told me the ni-" I cut Michael off as I shoved a chip into his mouth.
"Don't remind me." Michael smiled as he kissed my cheek. After a few moments of just sitting there and watching 'Flash Dance', the phone rang through-out the house.

"I'll get it." Michael got up from beside me and headed into the kitchen. I sat back and watched the movie. I was at the part where Alex just found out that Nick has an ex-wife, when I felt a warm substance. I looked down on the couch I was sitting on and saw nothing. I got up, with difficulty, to see if I had spilled some water. I looked down at the couch again and saw a huge wet spot where I had once sat a few moments ago. My eyes got wide when I check myself. I felt a wet substance and my breathing became rigid when I realized what was happening. I quickly made my way to the kitchen, but stopped when a painful feeling shot throughout my abdomen. I leaned my back against the wall and I tried to breathe evenly. I could hear Michael's laughter come from the kitchen as he talked to whoever on the phone.

"Michael." I whispered out, but I knew he couldn't hear me. Tears started to form in my eyes as the pain came back again. I slowly slid to my knees, holding my stomach as the tears streamed down my face. Bubbles walked into the hall-way I was in and his eyes got big.
"Bubbles...g-go get..M-M-Michael." I stuttered out. Bubbles stood there, but soon ran into the kitchen to get Michael's attention. I heard Bubbles' loud shout and Michael trying to get him to quiet down a bit. The tears continued down and the pain just felt so horrible as I heard myself start to sob quietly. I heard Michael say his goodbyes into the phone and he started to ask Bubbles what was wrong. Bubbles, being the very smart chimp, took Michael's hand and led him into the hallway, where I was on the floor crying like hell. Michael gasped and quickly ran over to me.

"Katrina! Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" Michael's frantic questions kept coming as I screamed out, holding my stomach.

"Michael...m-my water just broke."
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