Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me


I would like to thank LuvelyBeatlegirl13 for this beautiful banner that I absolutely adore!!! ♥ Much Love to you Alex!!! =DD

"Just breathe, baby. You'll be alright." Michael whispered into my ear as I screamed out in pain again. I was currently in the ambulance, being taken to the hospital, as I squeezed the hell out of Michael's hand.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Michael bellowed, taking his now broken hand away from me. A chuckle came from one of the paramedics and he quickly closed his mouth, becoming silent, as I gave him a death glare.

"I want this baby out!" I yelled. Sweat was glistening off my face and the pain I was enduring was just getting more and more unbearable.
"You will. You will." Michael tried to calm me down, dabbing my forehead with a wet towel.
"Shut up! You're the cause of this whole damn thing!"
Michael stared at me shocked and the other paramedic, who kept quiet the whole journey, placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, man. My wife said the same thing when she was pregnant with our son." He shuddered out. Michael nodded as he continued to try to calm me down.

Only ten minutes later did we arrive at the hospital.

The two paramedics quickly and carefully pulled the stretcher that I was laying on out of the ambulance. Michael followed them, keeping silent as we were soon directed into a room. The paramedics helped me up and onto my bed and soon left as my doctor entered the room. Her smile on her face didn't help what so ever and I just had a huge desire to just slap it right off.

"Alright sweetie, let's see how much you've dilated." She said. "Sir? Can you help me lift her legs up?"
Michael nodded and did what he was asked.
"Thank you. Now, if you can just keep her legs like that, I can see-"
"Oh, just get on with it!" I let out a breath of frustration.
"Feisty one, isn't she?" The doctor laughed to herself. Michael gave a small smile and stared at the walls, while the doctor checked my cervix. My impatience was growing, but luckily for me, the doctor pulled away and smiled warmly.

"Sorry, sweetie. You're only about to six."
"What the hell are you talking about?" I screamed up at her as she motioned for Michael to let my legs lay back down.
"You have to wait until you're dilated to ten." She replied. I let out a growl and opened my mouth again. Before I could say anything, though, the doctor spoke up, stealing my next word away from me.

"Epidural?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. I grunted my thanks and she left the room, leaving Michael and I in the room alone. I stared up at the ceiling and I heard Michael's footsteps stop beside my bed. I looked up at him and tears started to fall from the corners of my eyes. Michael wiped them away as he kissed my forehead.

"Don't leave me." I whispered.
"Never." Michael placed his lips upon mine softly, but pulled away when he heard the door to the room open. The doctor walked in and smiled as she saw the two of us.

Michael stepped away as the doctor stuck the long needle into my back. I bit my bottom lip as I felt it plunge into my flesh. The doctor helped me back down on the bed and she turned her attention to Michael.

"The drug should start to work in about a couple of minutes, maybe longer. Just let me know if something happens, okay?" She asked. Michael nodded and we watched her walked out of the door and it was then me and Michael again.

"Did you call everybody, yet?" I questioned as I tried to relax.
"No, but I will."
"How about now?" I giggled to him. Michael stared at me, shaking his head.
"I'll be fine, don't worry."
"But what if I miss something?"
"Michael, this baby isn't gonna pop out when you're gone. I'll still be fat when you get back."

Michael finally agreed after thinking about it for a while. He left the room, leaving me to think to myself. I placed a hand on my stomach and felt the baby kick gently.

"You're going to kill me, you know that?" I asked. The baby kicked once more and I smiled.
Fifteen minutes later, Michael walked in.
"They're coming." Was all he said as he stood next to me and kissed my lips once again.

*Ten hours later* December 25,1985...12:33 A.M.

For the past ten hours, I've had visits from my family, along with Michael's. Friends of ours would come too, but leave after a few hours. My family and some of Michael's stayed out in the waiting room. Michael didn't leave my side after that phone call. And he refused to leave, even when he had to use the bathroom. I had to take two epidurals since the one wore out after a couple of hours.

My head turned in the direction of the door when I heard it open. I gave a small smile as the doctor came in.

"Alright, sweetie. Michael, lift her legs up for me again, please." The doctor requested. Michael obeyed and the doctor started the procedure of checking my cervix for the third time. The doctor pulled away with a triumpt smile and her eyes gleamed with happiness.

"You're ready. You're dilated to ten."
Michael and I sighed in relief and before I knew it, the doctor was helping off the bed, so she could transport me to the delivery room. I sat in the wheelchair and waited patiently until we came across a door that read 'Delivery'. Michael was pulled away by another doctor and my eyes grew wide.

"He'll be back. He just needs to change." A nurse told me, calming my nerves down a bit. That same nurse helped me onto another bed and I found myself waiting for the command to push the baby out. Michael entered the room and I grinned as I saw that he was wearing a hospital outfit. Michael's bottom half of his face was covered with a surgical mask, but I could tell he was grinning back. I felt two nurses lift my leg up and I inhaled.

"Katrina, when I say push, go ahead and do it, sweetie. Stop when I tell you to, okay?"
I nodded my head and waited until the doctor told me to start. Michael stood beside me and kissed my forehead.

"Push." I took a deep breath and started to push as the two nurses counted. I heard the doctor giving me compliments on my work and she soon told me to stop. I relaxed into Michael, who had his arms around me for support.

"Push." The doctor said again. I tried with all I had in me and I felt a pressure push through my pelvic. I felt Michael step away and stand behind the doctor as he watched the baby being pushed by me. The doctor soon told me to stop and I quickly obliged.

After a few short moments I found myself pushing again, but now Michael had the honors of pulling the baby. I thought it would take such a long time for the baby to come out, but soon I heard a cry fill the room and happy tears fell from Michael's face.

"It's a boy! Congratulations!"

'That wasn't so hard!' I thought. But suddenly a stabbing pain broke through my abdomen and the doctor and her nurses gave me a worried look. The doctor took a quick check and she looked up with a surprised expression.

"What? Will she be okay?" Michael asked worried, as one of the nurses took the baby away to get cleaned. The doctor nodded and kept quiet until....

"You're having twins, sir." I gasped and watched as Michael fell to the floor.

"Om my gosh! He fainted!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay!! Nxt chapter will be up!!! Tell me what you think of it!!!
One person un-subscribed me and I am really sad about it, but if you help me get better, I'll really appreciate it!!! The banner at the very top of this chapter was made by a very kind-hearted person by the name of Alex...I love the banner and I love her for making it!!!! Please comment and inform your friends about reading my story. I know you're not going to do it after you have read this, but Please!!! Try to find a soft spot in your heart and do me this one favor...Please..♥
