Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

Kaleb and Malina


"I thought you said I miscarried?" I gave a look at the doctor as she gave me a sheepish smile.
"I'm really sor-"

I screamed out in pain, interrupting the doctor's words. The doctor quickly went back to her position and looked back up at me in worry.
"What?" I demanded.
"I'm afraid you can't deliver this baby." She whispered. Tears glazed my eyes and I began to choke up. "The baby's in the wrong position for you to give birth. We're going to have to go through a Cesarean section."
I breathed out a sigh of relief. "So my baby is okay?" I asked. The doctor nodded and began to call for help.

Soon I was being carried away into an emergency room and I felt my nerves kicking in.

"What about Michael?" I looked up at a doctor who shrugged sympathetically at me. I sighed and shook my head. The doctors started to do their procedure at getting to open up my stomach. I waited for God knows how long, but eventually I heard the doctor demand for a scalpel. Luckily for me, and every other women who had to go through a C-Section, I didn't feel an ounce of pain during the whole surgery. I had to try to breathe evenly as a thought about losing the baby crossed my mind.

A nurse sat beside me, smoothing out my hair away from face and she smiled kindly down at me.
"Don't you worry, Sweet Pea. This baby'll just be fine and dandy."
"Is that a southern accent?" I laughed, but quickly stopped when I found that I was losing my voice.
"It's not a very good idea to speak after a long hour of screaming and giving birth to your son, honey. And yes, this is a southern accent." She giggled. I grinned up at her and then it struck me.

My son. My son.

My grin became bigger as I thought of Michael's face when he saw the baby in his arms and the happiness that shown through out his facial features. A tear drop rolled out of the corner of my eyes and I wanted to wipe it away, but I was too frightened to move. The nurse continued to smooth my hair, whilst looking on as the doctor started to search through my stomach.

I sniffled and the nurse looked down at me.
"Oh, Sweet Pea. Now, there ain't no sense in crying, darlin'. So you best stop, ya hear." She whispered lovingly as she wiped away the escaping tears. I tried to nod my head, but found it too hard.

I was starting to find myself getting drowsy when I heard the doctor gasp. I was immediately fully awake as I listened carefully to what the doctor had to say. I didn't hear anything for awhile until a sudden cry broke through the room. My breath was caught in my throat as I listened to the innocent baby's cry. The nurse who stood by me through the whole surgery walked away and came back after a few moments.

In her arms was a bundled up pink blanket. I felt my breath being taken away as she laid the small form on top of my breast. I looked down at the beautiful creature before me and I began to sob. Happy tears streamed down my face as I watched the baby quiet down. She started to nestle into my breast and the nurse giggled to herself.

"I guess she knows who her mommy is, huh Sweet Pea?"
I sniffled as a response and stared down at the angel that was now my daughter.

"Hey there." My voice sounded weak and hoarse. "You gave me quite a scare, you know that?"

The doctor who helped me give birth to my son walked over to me.
"She seemed to be playing hide-and-seek behind her brother. I guess that's why I thought you miscarried, Katrina. I'm really sorry."
"I forgive you. You're the one who helped me through this anyway." I whispered softly. The doctor nodded her appreciation.

"Well, after we get you stitched up, you'll be placed back into your delivery room. And your daughter is going to have to be taken away for a while so the nurse can check her weight and see if she's healthy."
I sighed and kissed the top my baby's head and watched as the nurse who brought her to me, took her away.

I had to wait for a few minutes, but I was quickly carried off to my room once again after the doctors finished stitching me back up.

As I entered the room on a stretcher, I saw Michael sitting at nearby table with his head in his hands. His head shot up when he saw me and he ran over, but quickly stopped when the doctor held out her hand. The nurses carefully helped me onto the bed and left with the doctor.

Michael ran towards me and started to kiss my face everywhere. I giggled as he slowed down when he reached my lips.
"I'm so glad, your okay! You'll never believe what happened. I woke up and I distinctly remember the doctor saying we were having twins." Michael said in one breath. I smiled up at him cutely.

"That because she did say that, Michael." I placed my hand on his cheek.
"That's impossible, you mi-"
"The doctor made a mistake. Seems as though she loves to play hide-and-seek."
".....Wait. She? As in a girl? We have a baby girl?" Michael's voice cracked as he smiled. It didn't take long for his tears to come as they immediately descended down his face. I tried my best at wiping them away, but no such luck. "Twins? A boy and girl?.....I-I don't know what to say, much less think."

"Well, I guess you can hope for them to be healthy, right?" I giggled at Michael's dumbfounded face. He smiled warmly at me and his lips bent down towards mine slowly.

The door to the room opened quietly and a cough broke through. Michael's and my head slowly turned towards it and we both felt our hearts speed up as our babies were over to us.
Our baby girl was placed into Michael's arms and our baby boy was placed in mine.

I stared into the angelic face my son and started to sob again.

"Hey there, baby boy," I whispered to the baby in my arms. I looked over at Michael and my tears continued down faster. I watched as he started to coo at the small baby in his arms and I heard a small gurgle come from the small mouth of our baby girl.

"What should we name them?" I asked softly.
Michael stood there thinking. "I like Kaleb."
I looked at the baby in my arms and cocked my head to the side.
"What do you think? Do you like Kaleb?" I asked. The baby made a cute noise and I grinned. "Kaleb it is then."

"Now a name for this sneaky little girl." Michael blew a rasberry at the small baby and I giggled.
"How about..wait no. Hold on." After a few minutes of thinking I suddenly gasped and smiled at Michael. "Malina. I like Malina."
Michael stared down at the baby and she cooed up at him with a small smile. Michael sniffled and nodded his head.

"Malina...." Michael's tears poured down. "I'm your daddy, baby girl."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay....I didn't really get my prayers answered for more readers and more subscribers and I feel really bad. I might have to put this story on wait, but I know you loyal readers will be devastated if I did, so I won't...I don't know how much I'll update now, since school is driving me crazy and giving me these hard homeworks, but I will try my best....Please comment and subscribe if you haven't yet...I love you guys...=)
