Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me


Hehe..once again, thank you LuvelyBeatlygirl13 for this awesome banner...I'm gonna cry now...T_T..Hehe I L-O-V-E it!!!!!!!!!

"Uh, yes. Can I have three plane tickets for Honolulu, Hawaii, please?" I asked into the phone that was held up to my ears. I listened to the other voice on the other line patiently.
"Nearest flight. I want them to get there as soon as possible." I answered the voice's question. "Tonight? No, that would be fine. Thank you." I hung up the phone and continued packing the twins' clothing.

Two hours ago, my eyes landed on a magazine that infuriated me. I decided to make a confrontation to Michael while he was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he was having that meeting. My mom was leaving for Hawaii and I asked for her to take the twins. I didn't want them here for whenever I got back, because I knew something, good or bad, was going to happen. The time set for the plane trip was going to be at eight o'clock sharp, so I had three hours left to get everything set.

If what my mind was telling me was true, then I would have to catch a plane and leave also. I didn't want to have to live so close to someone who could possibly have broken his promise to me.

"Sweetie, I think you should just think about this. I mean, do you really think Michael would do such a thing?" My mother walked in with a twin stroller. I sighed and shook my head, looking down at the ring on my right hand.

"I'm hoping he really didn't." I whispered as tears started to prick my eyes. My mother walked over to me silently and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure it's not true, honey." My mom hugged me.

She let go after a while and walked into the nursery and then came back with Kaleb in her arms. He was awake and sucking on his new pacifier with his teddy in his arms. My mother walked away again, into the nursery and then back out with a crying Malina. She tried to console the small child by waving Malina's teddy in front of her face slowly.

"Come on. Smile, sweetie. Smile for Teddy." My mother cooed. Malina didn't stop as my mother sighed in defeat.
"It's like she knows you're leaving Michael." My mother looked at me with her hands on her hips. I shrugged my shoulders.

"She's a Daddy's girl." I told her. My mother just shook her head as she left the room with the twins in the stroller.

"Flight 9. Last call for Flight Nine," A voice over the intercom echoed. I stared at my mother and she gave me a small smile.

"Please be careful. You know what to do, if something happens to the twins, right?" I asked shakily.
"Oh, stop worrying, Kat. They'll be fine. It's you, that we need to worry about." My mother replied.
I rolled my eyes and bent down to kiss the twins good-bye. Kaleb grinned up at me, showing his gums. I giggled to myself and went to kiss Malina, who was now sleeping. I stared at her and almost started to cry again, as I saw the familiar smile on her face that she inherited from Michael.

"Alright. So I'll call you, when I get things straightened out, okay?" I said to mother. She nodded her head, giving me one final hug, before walking away. I watched as she gave a woman her ticket and then she disappeared behind her.

Now, it was my time to leave LAX.

My father had assigned me a private plane to head to Philadelphia. The plane was to leave as soon as I was ready. My father offered my mother a chance to ride in her own jet with the twins, but she quickly declined.

I made my way out to see a couple of private planes, but all was black, while my father's stood out. His was pure white and ready to go. I ran over to the plane as fast as I could and soon I was walking up the stairs to go inside. Jay, the Captain, was already seated and once I sat down and the seat belt was around my hips, he flew off.

"Jay? How long until we get there?"
"A few hours, Kat. Your father told me to tell you to just relax and watch something on the t.v. over there."
"Okay, thanks."

I grabbed the remote and surfed through the channels, until I stopped when I saw Michael's face appear. He looked troubled as he tried to push through the paparazzi with the help of his body guards. They struggled as they grabbed onto Michael, making sure he was safe.

When Michael disappeared from view, I gasped as I saw Brooke behind him. Screams of photographers went around as they continued snapping their cameras. I could see fans in the background begging for Michael's love and attention. They soon disappeared as the news reporter came back on the screen.

"There you have it. Jacko with Brooke Shields. They seemed to have had a lovely night as a source has claimed that they saw the two cuddling during a romantic evening dinner. They make a beautiful couple, b-"

I changed the channels after hearing enough and soon settled on an old cartoon show. I didn't pay any mind to the show though, as I thought about negatives things.
Like, what if he is cheating? What if he forgot about me? And the twins? How long has this been going on? Does he love me anymore? And so on and so on.

I shook my head in disbelief and just sat there. A moment later my head drooped to the side and I fell asleep.


"Kat? Kat, wake up. We're here." Jay's voice reached my sensitive ears and I opened my eyes slowly.
"Come on, get up. You have some ass to kick." He smiled down at me. I returned it and made my way outside of the plane and down the stairs.

"You know where he is, right?" Jay asked as he helped me into a limo. I nodded my head towards him, and Jay closed the door and after a few seconds the limo started and we were on our way to our destination.

It took about half an hour to get to where Michael was, but we got there. I stepped out of the limo and stared up at a large five star hotel. I made my way inside and walked over to a man at the counter typing something on a keyboard.

"Excuse me? Do you have a Jackson who is staying here?" I asked politely to the man. He stared at me for a moment and started to type again on his keyboard.

"No ma'am, I'm afraid not. He checked out just a moment ago."
I sighed and walked away, but stopped when an elevator door opened revealing Michael's and Brooke's smiling faces.

I quickly took out the magazine that was in my coat that I had worn and waited until I could catch their attention.

They soon stopped in their tracks when they saw me standing there with my arms crossed over my chest and a glare was placed upon my face.

"Katrina? What are you doing here?" Michael asked confused. I didn't say anything, but held up the magazine for them to see.

"Care to explain this, Michael?"
♠ ♠ ♠
School tomorrow!!!! I am not looking forward to it, since I have a huge test and all. I guess you know what to do, right? Comment please, and if you haven't already, subscribe!!!!! I know you guys are probably tired of me saying it, but it helps me to know that you readers like my story...=)...Also let your friends know about this story. You guys are doing a great job of that, since I have new readers..=DD...Anywayz Love you chapter might be up shortly today, if not....then tomorrow after school...♥


P.S.-Thank you LuvelyBeatlegirl13 once're a sweet and amazing person and I appreciate the banners soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!! Much love!!!!!!!♥