Sequel: What More Can I Give?
Status: Completed..=)

Give in to Me

How Did I Get Here?


January 31, 1985...8:15 A.M.

I awoke to whispers that sounded far away, but so close. My eyes were still closed and I didn't have any desire to open them at all. Soon the voices that I heard became clear, though I still had no idea who it was.

"Should we wake her?" A delicate small voice said. I heard a pair of feet shuffle around and then stop. "Wait, what are you doing?" The same voice whispered urgently. I felt a soft mushy substance being placed in my right hand, and I felt myself smile a little. I knew exactly what these little demons were going to do. I heard a giggle close by and felt something being placed under my nose. It tickled badly and I wanted to scratch it, but instead of falling for their trick, I raised my hand that had the substance and mashed it into the unknown person's face. Laughter filled the room and I opened my eyes. I came to face a young boy with black messy hair and covered in 'Cheez Whiz' I smirked and looked to my left where a little girl with the same black hair, but longer, stood off.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked curiously. The little boy looked up, his dark eyes gleaming with happiness. "Didn't Daddy tell you last night? He and Mommy are going on their annivesty," the boy reminded me. I laughed and nodded as last night's events played over in my head. My smiled disappeared as I remembered the incident with Michael's family.

"Koda! It's not annivesty! It's anniversary. Duh!" The young girl corrected. Koda stuck his tongue out and crossed his little arms over his chest, muttering to himself. The little girl looked up at me and smiled. It soon fell off as she studied me carefully.

"Kat? What's wrong?" I shook my head and smiled.
"Nothing, Lori. Nothing." She narrowed her eyes and turned her attention back to her younger twin brother. "Come on. Let's go and see if Nicky wants to play." She took Koda's hand and pulled him along, walking out of my room. I sighed and got out of bed, walking to the bathroom. I quicky stripped down and took a warm shower. I let the water relax my muscles as I stood under the shower-head. My head started swimming with thoughts about the kiss Michael and I shared together. My lips started to tingle as I remembered his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. His lips moving in sync with mine as we enjoyed the moment we had. Then my mind wandered away to the conversation we had in his limo. I remembered him crying and me saying I don't care about his father. But what I don't remember was how I got out of his limo and up to my room. I also don't remember me changing into my pajamas.
I gasped thinking Michael might've...

"No. He's too shy to do that, Katrina." I told myself. 'Then how?' A voice questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, turning the water off and grabbing a towel as I walked out of the bathroom and into my room.

I just had the towel wrapped around me when I looked up to see Michael, sitting on my bed, his eyes big, and his mouth hanging open.

Hehe..I left you hangin!! =P
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Okay, hope you enjoyed!! Plz comment, subscribe, and give me advice!! Love you!!
